“Rude, entitled, repulsive little worm” ignorant nasty bully boy Pierre Poilievre vs Mark Carney on pipelines. PS Pierre lost, badly.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”

– Soren Kierkegaard

@jtb8155 Jan 19, 2025:

The current conservatives in Canada are no longer the Progressive Conservative Party that I loved and supported. Their policy has done a complete 180 shift, and IMHO, they are dangerous to Canada and our sovereignty.

I’m an Albertan. Since the conservative shift, I vote strategically, trying to prevent them from winning.

Alberta made a HUGE mistake, electing Smith.

@bashirfancy8804 Jan 16, 2025:

I guess some people think always attacking people, being rude, not allowing a witness to speak, talking about things out of context, is good leader. Canada is facing serious challenges and this guy believe undermining Canadian Unity position is a smart move. Our standards has dropped. Pierre is no match for Carney if you are unbiased

@richkraemer9585 Jan 17, 2025:

I am SO glad that Mark Carney is running. PP is a smarmy know it all and I will not vote for him. He is a huge risk, especially with Trump coming into office. I want Carney.

For reference, I belong to no party, I have no loyalty without reason and I have voted for all 3 major parties based on the person and the circumstances…IE I think about my vote.

Pierre Poilievre vs Mark Carney: A heated exchange on pipelines 4:24 Min by Financial Post, May 28, 2021

PEIPolitical‬ ‪@peipolitical.bsky.social‬ Jan 19, 2025:

Pierre Poilievre gets “educated” by Liberal Leadership Candiate Mark Carney on pipelines. Pierre’s understanding of world economic factors is very, very limited.

The Twain Shall Meet @twainshallmeet.bsky.social‬:

Pierre Poilievre has many limitations. Self confidence isn’t one of them.
He thinks he’s very very smart, although he misunderstands how the Dunning Kruger Effect actually works to betray him.

Let’s see how Bruce Arthur of the Toronto Star put it:

Meme with photo of Canada's Harper Reforma-con politician Pierre Poilievre and quote on him by Bruce Arthur of the Toronto Star, May 11, 2022: "economists look at Poilievre the way a plumber would look at your plan to build a cardboard toilet: befuddlement, rising to annoyance."

May 11, 2022: Canada’s Steve Harper Reforma-con politician Pierre Poilievre and quote on him by Bruce Arthur in the Toronto Star: “economists look at Poilievre the way a plumber would look at your plan to build a cardboard toilet: befuddlement, rising to annoyance.”

I think he nailed it!
Try not to laugh out loud!

Lori S.‬ ‪@lasantink.bsky.social‬:

He’s the most annoying human. I can’t stand to hear his voice, nevermind see his smug little face.Me neither. A rude stupid inhumane being.


As conservative as I am, I’m quite taken back at how little Pierre, knows about this conversation, he continually cuts him off with nonsense instead of having a conversation.

PamelaKingsley‬ ‪@pamelakingsley.bsky.social‬:

Career Politician, a young upstart with a full pension at 31, and not one single credit to his name. They can look this up for validation though they do not check a fact ever. Blindly lead. They were chosen.

He thinks he is the cat's meow.He thinks he is misunderstood.He thinks we don't see what a snake he is!

🍁The Twain Shall Meet🍁 (@twainshallmeet.bsky.social) 2025-01-19T18:47:26.854Z

‪The Twain Shall Meet ‪@twainshallmeet.bsky.social‬:

He thinks he is the cat’s meow.
He thinks he is misunderstood.
He thinks we don’t see what a snake he is!

Button that says "I think, therefore I am not a Poilievre supporter"

@jsy361 Jan 16, 2025:

As a Canadian I want to be educated and want to hear from Carney, scientists, actual experience people. I don’t want short termist people cutting people off and yelling louder to chase headlines. We are better than this and deserve better.

‪Foolishly optimistic #CanadaSky#Never Poilievre‬ ‪@ladyjaynes.bsky.social‬:

I don’t understand why in situations like this where there is obvious bullying they are not told early on to cease or they will have their mics cut. One warning & your out. This display was for use in social media. You’re likely to see it used during the campaign against Carney as a gotcha moment.

DedicatedToDemocracy‬ ‪@factsrfacts.bsky.social‬:

I would argue that peepee is insecure and lacking in confidence so his offense is to drown out anything that he might have to answer to. He is a rude, entitled, repulsive little worm.


….the one time I met him in 2004, he was a rude, entitled, repulsive little worm. He didn’t seem insecure at all. He seemed that he felt genuinely superior to me and as the 20 minute encounter dragged on, I got a distinct impression that he KNEW he was the cat’s meow.In my view, he’s over privileged, over confident, incredibly stupid, overly cruel, a nasty bully boy.

meme with photo of Pierre Poilievre Canadian Harper-reformacon politician with statement by former con staffer, "whereas Scheer was bland and completely lacking in charisma, trying to make up for it with a sort of dull, inoffensive affability, Poilievre's demeanour is so petulant and repellent as to cross the line into anti-charisma. His unlikability is so reliable as to actually constitute a talent of its own, if one could monetize irritation"


Maybe he should try changing his policies or the people he surrounds himself with. Straight pride supporters, convoy idiots and anti-vaxxers. Not hard to see why Canadians don’t like PP once they learn more about him.


Carney for PM!

DedicatedToDemocracy ‪@factsrfacts.bsky.social‬:

It is beyond difficult to listen to the nasal, rude, ignorant utterances that emanate from peepee.

Susanna ‪@skay55.bsky.social‬:

Poilievre sounds like a MAGA bully. Full of rancour and ignorance.

‪Happy in Toronto ‪@torontopeep.bsky.social‬:

I can barely listen to the man without getting furious. The constant interruption and rephrasing and gaslighting. He’s such a little weasel.Not a trustworthy bone or cell in his body.

‪PamelaKingsley‬ ‪@pamelakingsley.bsky.social‬:

They are all playing from the same book. Carny and Freeland have them full of fear. They see the shift.


He’s so annoying, just the same old constant interruption, talking over your opponent so they cannot explain things, typical con behaviour just like maga in the U.S. I swear they teach these assholes at the ‘Art of Being an Asshole School’ to behave this way.

‪jhenry922.bsky.social‬ ‪@jhenry922.bsky.social‬;

… Pp once again showing that his depth of knowledge on the subject is approximately that of a puddle


A good politician doesn’t need to drown out their opponent. They respond to their opponent’s policies, and they have policies of their own. The problem with PP, is that he thinks a strong leader is a rude bully. PP won’t let Canadians hear Carney’s answers. He won’t share his policies with us. Smith and PP’s only policy is to criticize the liberals. We need diplomatic leaders that are respected around the world. PP isn’t respected by anyone. Trump would use PP, to get everything he wants out of Canada. PP would sell out Canada. We need a smart, strong leader. PP isn’t smart or strong. He only knows how to throw temper tantrums when he doesn’t get his way.


Poilievre won’t let someone answer questions and talks all over them. He asks a question and can’t wait to blurt out his own answer without letting the other speak. Rude. Arrogant. Not P.M qualified.


If this isn’t a clear example of CON toxicity
It’s everywhere and it’s clear PP is never getting off the sneer and smear train.
After two plus years of listening to this crap I loathe him.
I can’t imagine anyone thinking this is acceptable demeanour for a ‘leader’ of CanadaAdolf Orange is the same personality. Loathsome. Look how many millions of Americans in the MAGA cult love, worship and adore him, see him as Jesus. Poilievre (and his handler Harper) thinks he’s worshipped the same way, with Putin and Musk mass feeding propaganda, adoration and votes from Russian bots to sway Canadians to vote con, so that Harper can finish Canada off, give us away to American corporations to feed his ego and his hatred of Canadians and for Putin to eat up as he destroys the USA.


I couldn’t finish watching that video. PP is so smarmy. A guy who is constantly looking for the “gotcha”.


Is this better or worse than all the times he claimed electricity comes from lightning in the sky?

Jojo‬ ‪@acadiangirl.bsky.social‬:

I am not a violent person, but whenever Pierre Poilievre speaks, I just want to punch him in the face. His arrogance and rudeness and that smirk are childish.He is a child, he has no real work experiences outside of lying and conning his way up via politics. In my view, the older Pierre gets, the more childish, rude, ignorant and disgusting he becomes.

‪Patricia Campbell‬ ‪@patriciacampbell.bsky.social‬:

THE most punchable face in Canada.

‪Sue‬ ‪@suezw.bsky.social‬:

Especially now he’s got his eyes fixed and doesn’t need glasses! Or, Herr Harper’s con team put him in contacts to try to make his face less detestable. It’s not working, nothing will change the destable brat.


Still creepy.

Neel Kumar‬ ‪@neelkumar3050.bsky.social‬:

He’s learned it all from Trump. He will behave just like Trump did in this past election. He will use Trump’s playbook to the letter. And he knows that there’s a really good chance he will win with a majority. Because a lot of people love rude offensive behavior. They equate that with strength.And voters love to vote for stupid, I believe because it makes voters feel smarter than they are. Trump and Poilievre are incredibly stupid vacant humans. I can’t for the life of me figure out which one is more stupid.

Heather F‪@heatherhousehunter.bsky.social‬:

WOW, that Poilievre guy is an arrogant asshole. He sounds like he should be in Rumps cabinet

‪Mt Pleasant‬ ‪@jekllnnhide.bsky.social‬:

snort… ‘a heated exchange’. If one side giving credible info while the other side interrupts… not with info or rebuttal, just interrupts…. repeatedly, like a 13 YO, is a ‘heated exchange’, ok.National Post is Canada’s Fox Shit News, owned mostly by American Repuglican Hedge Fund, Harper sold Canada’s media out. This is the result: main media trying to give Poilievre credibility which is impossible and quite pathetic.

‪Patricia Campbell‬ ‪@patriciacampbell.bsky.social‬:

What a smug badgering fkn bastard. All he does is talk over people. Problem is, he doesn’t have a single clue what he is talking about.

‪Calgary Canuck‬ ‪@calgarycanuck.bsky.social‬:

Do you support it.
Do you support it.
Do you support it.
What a goof.

‪Supernanamel ‪@supernanamel.bsky.social‬:

Poilievre is incapable of debating Carney using facts and reason, so he resorts to bullying and talking over him, twisting his words, trying for that “gotcha” moment. Seen this before. Where is his apple??


This is how he’s talked to trudeau for the past few years too. He has no facts to back up his arguments so he just talks louder and pretends he’s winning, then his supporters eat it up.The benefits of billionaires and oil and gas getting the public’s money while provincial con gov’ts destroy public health and education with a purpose – super dumb down the masses so they vote for idiots like Poilievre and destroy their health so they don’t fight back after they realize they’ve been had by the abusive con gov’ts they keep voting for decade after decade – Alberta con voters the most stupid.

‪Marie‬ ‪@queenofthe892.bsky.social‬:

He’s so annoying. Absolutely no listening, just interrupting to get his gotcha moment. Poilievre is so rude and vile.And he’s cruel and abusive. MAGAs in Canada and USA love it, which is why Putin finances disinformation on social media and heavily financed the Fucker Truckers that invaded to destroy Canada and over throw our democratically elected federal gov’t. Putin hates democracy (so does his pal Herr Harper). Putin invaded Ukraine with military force and destruction; he invaded North America with lies and disinformation spewed by Trump, Twitter (now X – think of the racist confederate flag), FuckBook (now Meta) and Elon Musk to divide and destroy our democracies. It’s WW3 and Putin is winning via social media and Agent Orange, mainly because most of the countries he’s destroying don’t know it yet.

‪Marm‬ ‪@marmstr.bsky.social‬:

Pollievre is apparently allergic to real information


This brings out the Biden in me…. “Can you just shut up, man!”

‪Evie C‬ ‪@eviiec.bsky.social‬:

pp is so toxic, ugh vomit watching him escalate his own negative perspective to the point of openly harrassing Carney was difficult to watch.What’s most difficult for me to see is how PeePee has no clue how stupid he is and how he lost that argument and loses so many others while thinking he’s a genius.


I didn’t get past 20 seconds with the arrogance and talking on top of Carney. That is fear in PP on full display. Take up air space so that the other can’t show you’re wrong. This in itself makes a terrible choice for a leader. (I’d say the same if it were Lib or NDP)

‪PJH1955‬ ‪@canukenemywithin55.bsky.social‬:

PP is such an asshole. Can’t bully himself away from reality and truth. Interrupts and can only challenge with his rhetoric. Sick puppy!


Why is PP permitted to interrupt and talk over others? It is both rude and arrogant and makes him sound uneducated and unwilling to listen.He is uneducated, inexperienced, way of his empty head, and uwilling to listen to anyone but himself or idiot hate monger Jordan Peterson, and vile racist hate-filled fucker Steve HarperTraits not appreciated or required by anyone who wants a leadership role. It is both annoying and off putting. Have his PR tell him he is not Trump.

‪Foolishly optimistic #CanadaSky#Never Poilievre‬ ‪@ladyjaynes.bsky.social‬:

Oh, I would take issue with your last point. It appears to me that PP studies Trump and emulates him both in speech, rudeness and his contempt of the press. In both cases they show their ignorance and believe they are the smartest person in the room.

‪Gigi‬ ‪@shoulder-in.bsky.social‬:

PeePee is such a hateful little troll. His view of the world is small and he shows it every time he opens his mouth.

‪David Bednar‬ ‪@lazydave.bsky.social‬:

An interesting preview of what may happen in the coming election if Carney wins the leadership. An attack dog with decades of talk-over-your-opponent experience versus someone who actually knows what he’s talking about.


Are you implying that he’s a little “slow”?

‪Dave Thomas, not from Wendy’s or Great White North‬ ‪@sfdave49.bsky.social‬:

PP is bought and paid for by the chihuahua Society. All bark , no substance

‪dawnk curious‬ ‪@cdndawnkotzer.bsky.social‬:

This interaction took place 3 years ago, which means MC (and others) has gained a keen understanding of how to respond to politicians who like to control the narrative by bully-speak, overspeaking and powergrab interruption.

‪dawnk curious‬ ‪@cdndawnkotzer.bsky.social‬:

‘NO Cross Talk’ guidelines exist for good reason. Regardless of political persuasion or other personal details, bullies grab power by knowingly sucking the oxygen out of the room any way they can.



I cannot abide his little PP face and voice. He knows nothing about anything and is just a pretend leader. Anyone that votes for him is as silly as the stupidest Trump supporter and will bring the “lowest egg prices ever” theory to Canada. Please do not be fooled.


My gawd! PP’s smug face is so punchable.


yeah but you know the upside?
its always a good day to punch a Nazi…..LOL


PP is a career politician, his knowledge of everything is limited.

‪Dominique Dumais‬ ‪@ddum316.bsky.social‬:

He never had a real job


Now that PMJT is stepping down, who will Mr. Robocalls have to blame for everything (real or imagined).


He can grandstand and smirk and talk brainlessly over anyone. If it’s Carney it’ll be Carney. He’d probably prefer Freeland because she’s a woman.


Poilievre is not Prime Minister material. Smug, repugnant little weasel.

‪tommy2tone‬ ‪@therealtommy2tone.bsky.social‬:

PeePee needs to control the narrative, when he doesn’t, he’s fucked.

he’s a teenage boy who can’t be told anything that is opposite of what he thinks, a true meat stick.

‪Sheila‬ ‪@shelearn.bsky.social‬:

PP is such an asshole

email hidden; JavaScript is required‬:

Succinctly put.


I cannot hack that man. That’s how he tries to win arguments. He doesn’t want to listen to answers, just talk over people. Mark Carney was extremely patient and measured.


Poillievre is a man child. I estimate his emotional age to be about 10 years old.


To his fans PP won that exchange. The sooner we realize that & talk in ways they can understand the better. Being good at campaigning is a different skill set to Governing. Carney will have to learn that fast.


True but his fans don’t represent how most Canadians will actually view who came out on top of the exchange.

‪DebH‬ ‪@debd1960.bsky.social‬:

Poillievre is such a moron, he comes across as uneducated and arrogant. Shut up and let the expert speak!


Why does he always behave like a petulant child?
I have nothing but contempt for him

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Sigh.

‪David L Hutchinson‬ ‪@dlh-cda.bsky.social‬:

If Canada grew offended by PMJT’s politenessIn my view, many Canadians have been conned by Putin/Trump/Musk/Fuckbook’s disinformation war and the Fucker Trucker hatred to get rid of Trudeau much more so than Canadians growing tired of him, or his politeness. The rapists and billionaire clubs of the world need Trudeau gone, so does Putin, in his war against democracy for which he needs Greenland and Canada to control the north and arctic drilling, enter Agent Orange, Putin Pawn how long will PP’s nasty demeanour be loved?And his security risk to Canada and all Canadians, and his foreign handlers threats to our rights and democracy.

email hidden; JavaScript is required‬:


Sorry, no being educated here. Just smug ignorance.


Pierre is such a creepy man.

‪Vanessa ‪@maximummeh.bsky.social‬:

If nothing else at least Carney doesn’t sound like a descendant of donald duck. I’m referring to Pierre’s voice , but I guess it could apply to more.


The best thing he could do would be to withdraw from the race. With Freeland and Carney in the race doesn’t have a chance.

‪Spi‬ ‪@imspi.bsky.social‬:

Really hoping things go better for our northern friends. Because no matter the incompetence put on display by politicians here in the US it never seems to actually mater as long as they say they hate the right people.

‪Vixxie‬ ‪@zajec.bsky.social‬:

I can understand why no one could be in the same room as PeePee.. they’d knock his block off!! Interrupting constantly, not letting the person finish their sentence, talking over the person. PeePee needs to pretend he’s a big man while he’s really a little puke of a man!


I’d like to see him try to pull that shit with Chretien.


oh that would be awesome to watch


The louder you talk – the less you know.

‪1812. The new Map of Canada.‬ ‪@hippysage37.bsky.social‬:

This piece of shit PP should be punched in the teeth…over and over and over again. He cannot shut the fuck up for one minute. He is always talking never listening.


I don’t understand how Canadians can support such a bully. I’m truly baffled. Musk, Putin, Jordan Peterson, Trump, provincial con politicos, Fuckerberg et al have executed a phenomally successful hate campaign against Trudeau while farming support and love for the stupid crude hideous Picklehead (also, seems there has been/is foreign interference, the report on which is slated to be released next week. And then there is the matter of Pierre refusing to get security clearance. He never says anything of subsistance, speaks over people and just seems childish.


Canada should have no dealings with the illegitimate Trump junta. They stole this election.


Poilievre’s understanding of everything is very, very limited. It’s almost as if he were an idiot or something.


Fighting back-as simple as while on your daily commute you place a poster in your vehicle window with a slogan, e.g., has refused a security clearance; wants to privatise HC, etc. The poster message is removable/changeable. Educate/resist while stuck in traffic.

‪Dominique Dumais‬ ‪@ddum316.bsky.social‬:

Peepee is an arsse


Pierre’s understanding is very, very limited. Fixed it!


“Pierre…. is very, very limited.”





He is tacit MAGA and if given a chance will destroy Canada.Harper will, via puppeting Poilievre

Fuck the Potlicker…

‪Dominique Dumais‬ ‪@ddum316.bsky.social‬:



Why do I always feel on edge when I hear PP? His voice and his condescending attitude.


With a name like Pierre Poilievre I didn’t expect him to have a Mr. Smithers voice

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