Think hatred against women and girls won’t come to Canada? It’s already long here. MP Peter Julian: “Every single Conservative just voted in House against abortion rights.”


If he doesn’t, he’ll lose most of his caucus & be a dead leader walking…..

The CPCs and their Canada-hating Harper puppet leader, Pierre Picklehead, is a pathological liar and pathetic coward, he’s also stupid and not leadership material. When he says he will not touch abortion rights, he’s lying. He will do what Harper, Trump, the raping MAGAs, Fucker Truckers (had little to do with being anti vax and much to do with dividing Canadians to destroy our democracy serving Putin and Canada-hating repuglicans, and hate and rage farming to rake in $millions in donations for the bigots) and rape religions order him to do, and that is to decimate the rights of women and girls. It has nothing to do with God or life, or conception or needing baby factories to make billionaires more money. It’s about hate. Hatred of women and girls, hatred that we have any rights, hatred that some of us choose to live not serving any man.

The fascista-cons want women pregnant in the kitchen without any rights, not even the right to vote, never mind to our own bodies, because they want unpaid servants, slaves, and women too tired by endless pregnancies to fight back. I also expect the MAGAs and cons in Canada will heed their raping religious masters (including Israel), and legalize rape because religious authorities want to rape without consequence, and MAGA/con men don’t like it when women and girls say no to violence, rape, sex, marriage or inappropriate touching.

I know far too many men who believe women and girls are subhuman property belonging to men, and not worthy of any rights, because … you know … Eve.

Harper, as head of the IDU, is fulfilling his vengeance against Canadians for voting him out on his filthy corrupt bigoted fascist misogynistic hate-filled ass in 2015. He’s working to not only get extremely insane right wing men into power everywhere possible globally, he’s also working to get every province lead by a con party, the more derelict and corrupt the better. If he has majority of provinces turned MAGA when the Picklehead wins his majority federally, Harper and his authoritarian Orban/Trumpski/Putin pals can force open our constitution, and get rid of the charter. They hate Canada and our charter, and are working to destroy both (which is why USA dark money funded so many millions of dollars into the Fucker Trucker invasions).

The day after the USA 2024 election, these protesters were photographed with their signs on a campus in Texas; the war on women and girls is ramping up, it will be much more deadly and violent than as already createad by the USA’s supremely catholic court:

Peter Julian @MPJulian:

Every single #Conservative just voted in House against abortion rights.

Tell your Conservative MP you’re disgusted that they want to take away a woman’s right to choose.

We can’t repeat catastrophic increase in deaths of women in US due to denial of reproductive health rights.

Peter Julian @MPJulian:

Conservatives aim 2 block not just abortion services but also discussions on women’s reproductive rights in the House of Commons. This effort to silence debate reflects their intolerance, making it clear why Canadians should be concerned about a potential Conservative gov’t. #NDP


I can vouch for that. I was watching CPAC. Wow..


They will if they are elected, it’s been on their back burner for a while

@ManicZebra Dec 5, 2024:

Every single currently sitting CPC MP is anti-choice, per the ARCC:

Members of Parliament with an Anti-choice Stance by Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada, Oct 9, 2024


We will not let PP/Arnie & Christofacist buddies take away our reproductive & health rights/freedoms, remember what just happened in US to women’s rights. This is what RWNJ MP said:“It feels so good’: Alberta MP Viersen celebrates overturning of Roe v. Wade” NOT ON OUR WATCH CONS!

If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.

Florynce Kennedy

I expect rape religions want the anti-rights for girls & women Picklehead in power too, notably the richest, most vile misogynistic rapist in the world, the catholic church.

2023: Common Sense is Never Conservative in Canada. Con party common sense = keep us poor, sick, stupid and control women and girls.

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