CBC glorifying law-violating, bullets-urging, aimed to overthrow democratically elected gov’t (but KKK thugs were oh so peaceful), abusive, misogynistic, white supremacist, lying, hate-filled, hate & rage farming, CPC Picklehead promoting, bigoted, Nazi Fucker Trucker bosses. How much did Big Oil, Trump, Musk, Harper-led IDU, Pierre Poilievre pay CBC for this vomit? Prof MacFarlane: “Big feature story by CBC doing sympathy work for those Convoy fucks, normalizing the far-right. Fuuuuuuck that.”

Guilty! Will Fucker Trucker leader Pat King get prison sentence? Unlikely. Caveman Canadian judges love white man racists; the more abusive the better. King threatening our Prime Minister with bullets is his “consistent theme…to remain peaceful and non-violent,” says judge. WTF?


I call on Pierre Poilievre to apologize and resign, given that convoy leader Pat King has been found guilty on criminal charges, and that Poilievre openly supported the convoy. Aiding and abetting criminal behavior should disqualify anyone for leading a major political party.

Steeve Charland, another Fucker Trucker (aka convoy organizer), guilty

Emmett Macfarlane‪@emmettmacfarlane.com‬ Dec 9, 2024:

Big feature story by CBC doing sympathy work for those Convoy fucks, normalizing the far-right. Fuuuuuuck that.

‪Robert Cooper‬ ‪@robacooper.bsky.social‬:

These are the same idiots that keep platforming the Food Professor and his bullshit…

It’s just sad to see the CBC’s desperate calculus of trying to appeal to the people ideologically committed to destroying you.

‪Bethankit Hums‬ ‪@tangibullah.bsky.social‬:

Do you mean the Tamara Lich & Chris Barber article? I thought that one was trying to be balanced, if not fair. I’m certainly willing to view those folks as humans with issues, in spite of thinking they’re also a-holes who made a big mess in Ottawa & expected the rest of the country to clean it up.

‪Theresa‬ ‪@tschiller17.bsky.social‬:

WTF? Yuck!

‪Bazza Flinn‬ ‪@drbazzaf.bsky.social‬:

I live in Ottawa and remember the severe disruption they caused to this city and residents. Asshats!

‪toni‬ ‪@toni78.bsky.social‬:

They’re so scared of PP getting rid of them, that they now normalize the convoy. FFS.Na, I expect CBC knows that Harper’s puppet, the Picklehead Dick on a Stick in tiny red scarf, loves them for their free promotion of the CPC aiding to get him elected with big fat majority.

‪Kari G Elliott‬ ‪@kbyrd.bsky.social‬:

They hinted at the astonishing amount of money that supports these people, but didn’t really dig in. Wish media would do their jobs and investigate who is funding this nastiness.

How much did extremely terrifying evangelical Alliance Defending Freedom (but freedom only for them and theirs not any of the rest of us, especially not for those who promote human rights for all, not just those that live by fascism, misogyny, white supremacy and the bible; formerly Alliance Defense Fund), ADF International and Harper-led IDU donate?

‪Nick P‬ ‪@npilon.bsky.social‬:

Of course not, one purpose of pieces like this is to signal that the reporter would be a viable recipient of some of that cash firehose.

‪David Harrison‬ ‪@dharrison.bsky.social‬:

Or to try to signal to the likely next government that the CBC isn’t “woke” and shouldn’t be shut down.

Sigh -we are so screwed. We either lose the CBC, or we lose an independent CBC.We haven’t had independent main media in Canada, since Herr Harper.

‪ruthAnneofKingston‬ ‪@annedf.bsky.social‬:

Did it cover the amount of money and support Elon Musk gave them? I bet not.

‪Communications Officer of #SquirrelTeamSix‬ ‪@squizzradical.bsky.social‬:

They need to STOP these far right Convoy sympathy pieces. The media DOES have a responsible role in normalizing their talking points. Surely, journalists there can see this is bad for the org and bad for society?

‪Jan Ska‬ ‪@janmoleski.bsky.social‬:

I got a third of the way through. Gag worthyI couldn’t even get that far before I ran for the vomit bucket. Dark money and the world’s cruel but extremely powerful rich christofascists are working with democracy-hating Putin to destroy democracy everywhere, under the name of …. you guessed it …. freedom! Many innocent Canadians were directly harmed by these cruel fucks, thousands more likely died because of the fucker truckers attacking human decency, compassion and health protections from a deadly highly contagious pathogen, and physically assaulting health care workers, kids, seniors, just for wearing masks to protect themselves and the vulnerable in our communities. Hateful hideous racist people, glorified by CBC. Why now? To get the judge to rule them innocent? Fucking galling and irresponsible hogwash propagandizing by CBC.

‪LilTinyDragon74 ‪@liltinydragon74.bsky.social‬:

De-fund the CBC, or To not de-fund the CBC, that is the question?
It gets nearly 60% of its current funding from federal grants. It also draws revenue from sponsorship, ads and the sale of programs to other countries. Sometimes, it feels like they’re just Con propaganda.Like the Fucker Truckers were massive advertising across Canada for Pierre Evil Poilievre who had flags made up in his name, before other countries interfered to make him leader of the CPC!

‪Daniel MacPhee‬ ‪@d-macphee.bsky.social‬:

What in the world is this puff piece doing?
Pushing sympathy for the freedom convoy organizers? Not a chance. Do people forget what they did in Ottawa? Absolutely ridiculous.

‪Robert Cooper‬ ‪@robacooper.bsky.social‬:

‪LoyalDclord‬ ‪@loyalcdndclord.bsky.social‬:

Wtf is cbc doing?


The MSM is behaving like all the [shit] is normal. It ain’t.
See Trump & PP

‪Wendy Ad‬ ‪@muchogatos.bsky.social‬:

Just read it and made me nauseous. Giving them sympathy is sickening.

‪Governor Burgandy‬ ‪@govburgandy.bsky.social‬:

What more do we need to know about them at this point? They love attention, most Canadians don’t know who they are and yet national media keeps following them around.

‪Greg Bester‬ ‪@gregbester.bsky.social‬:

Thought the same.

‪Jacqueline‬ ‪@jacqueline99.bsky.social‬

Whyyyyy???????I expect the usual trap that corrupts humans: money and likely pressure from the vile ADF, foes of humanity.

This perp glorifying enabling verbose mound of shit by CBC is not worth reading:A convoy tale, The 2022 Freedom Convoy, led by Tamara Lich and Chris Barber, left a permanent mark on Ottawa. But their long-tow through the courts is far from over.

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