Bravo! Canada-Newfoundland & Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board declines Shoal Point Energy application to frac (under the guise of not fracking) Shoal Point, Port au Port Peninsula

C-NLOPB turns down Shoal Point Energy well application by Frank Gale, August 1, 2017, The Western Star

Former drilling at Shoal Point on the Port au Port Peninsula.

No worries says the regulator, it’s a natural “spring!”

The Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board has declined an application by Shoal Point Energy to carry out drilling at Shoal Point on the Port au Port Peninsula.

The decision came down at a C-NLOPB board meeting held on July 25; however, the board is not yet giving its reasons for declining the application.

Sean Kelly, a board spokesperson, said the board will issue written reasons for its decision in due course and forward that document to the company.

In a prepared release posted on Shoal Point Energy’s website on July 26, the company said it is currently in diligent pursuit of well 3K-39, which was suspended at Shoal Point on July 12, 2012 with the intention of re-entering the well to perform hydraulic fracturing operations.

However, hydraulic fracturing has since been put under a moratorium by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, which remains in effect today.

The company said in its release the application under Section 70 (3) of the Accord Act was to change the diligent pursuit of 3K-39 to re-entry and testing of well 2K-39, which is a twin well of 3K-39.

The intention was to re-enter 2K-39, sidetrack and drill a fresh, undamaged hole and attempt a completion without using hydraulic fracturing. [Truth or Lie?]

“We are disappointed by this outcome (application declined),” Mark Jarvis, chief executive officer of Shoal Point Energy said in the release. “We await the written reasons for the board’s decision.” [Emphasis added]

[Refer also to:

2017 05 04: After communities say “NO!” to fracking, Shoal Point Energy claims it can produce oil from Newfoundland shales without fracking. Another corporate con to get licence with which to later frack?

2013 11 06: Port au Port/Bay St. George Fracking Awareness Group: vigilant eye will be kept, Moratorium on fracking announced by Newfoundland government

2013 09 22: The People’s Forum on Fracking in Stephenville Newfoundland Presents: Environmental Scientist Jessica Ernst

Slides from Ernst presentations

Previous drilling at the site left this disrespectful invasive mess:

Photos of Ernst’s tour of the “natural drilling platform” Shoal Point, NL, September 2013. Refer also to other photos of her tour, top of this post. ]

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