A Room Full of Liars & Fascism in Action in Canada: Ever get frac’d? Listen to Steve Harper? Rebel Media? Read Supreme Court of Canada rulings? Minister Public Safety & Emergency Preparedness Ralph Goodale affirms “The Royal Canadian Mounted Police’s (RCMP) use of the major crime technique.”

Fascism is not defined by the number of its victims, but by the way it kills them.


The courts protect freedom of expression for all, even Nazis, but not for Ernst presenting AER with documented evidence of Encana breaking the law.

Original definition of fascism in The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, copyright 1967, released in 1969. Snap of photo taken August 20, 2017 of the definition on Page 477):

2017 Edited farcical definition of fascism with the corporate connection removed:


Nazi CANADA: Divide & Conquer the People

Courts, Governments & Police Protecting Corporate Power While Decimating Civil Rights

Just What Israel Ordered?

Published 06 March 2014 in Pictou’s Advocate (newspaper in Nova Scotia)

Many were shocked [while many globally without blinders on were not] to see a swastika flag flying over the Canadian Parliament buildings with the words ‘Harper’s Economic Action Plan’ in yesterday’s Pictou Advocate.


Nazi USA: Divide & Conquer the People

Just what Israel Ordered?

Jim MorinToon August 15, 2017
The house that Trump and Bannon built

Ben Jennings, August 13, 2017 in The Guardian

Many sides, Many sides in Oklahoma Observer, August 17, 2017

Bob Krieger cartoons


Subject: RCMP (please send this column on to others. RM)
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2017 14:11:40 -0700
From: Robin Mathews email hidden; JavaScript is required
To: email hidden; JavaScript is required, email hidden; JavaScript is required, email hidden; JavaScript is required, email hidden; JavaScript is required, email hidden; JavaScript is required, email hidden; JavaScript is required, email hidden; JavaScript is required, Jessica Ernst email hidden; JavaScript is required, email hidden; JavaScript is required, email hidden; JavaScript is required, email hidden; JavaScript is required, email hidden; JavaScript is required, email hidden; JavaScript is required, email hidden; JavaScript is required, email hidden; JavaScript is required, email hidden; JavaScript is required

A Room- (Cabinet-) Full Of Liars?

By Robin Mathews, Aug. 2017

The word ‘Cabinet’ which Canadians use to indicate the visible rulers of the country is a word which, for a long time, quite simply meant the private room which the key makers-of-law occupied when deliberating about and drafting law and policy… before placing them before the elected representatives to whom the ‘cabinet’ occupiers were ‘responsible’ – which is why we speak of ‘responsible government’. That means a cabinet had to get the approval of (a majority of) freely elected representatives of the people for new laws and policies. In Canada, that has, in fact, changed, since Canada is not an independent country … but more and more deeply a colony of the USA.

That has changed the whole meaning of the Canadian Parliament.

Now, in Canada, the ‘responsibility’ part has been erased. The Party Leader can stop anyone from running for office for his or her Party in any Canadian constituency, and so we no longer have freely elected representatives. Instead, we have now – a Parliament of sheep, afraid to go against the Party Leader, and willing to rubber-stamp any injustice Party leaders wish to impose. It may be hard to believe that more than 300 elected MPs submit to being mindless, useless, paid-off, immoral rubber-stampers of whatever is placed before them by their Party leader … but that is what they are. There is no Freedom of Expression in Canada’s Parliament. There is no ‘responsibility’.

That situation shapes and colours the activities of all the people in our Parliament. But, as one might expect, it especially colours the activities of Cabinet Members – the Prime Minister and the other ministers in Cabinet (the Colonial Administrative Body). They seem to become what might be called ‘natural liars’ … knowing that no one in their own caucus will dare call them into question. [Have Canadian judges become natural liars too? With no one in any legal society and no lawyer publicly calling lying judges out for fear of destroying their career? No wonder Canada’s legal system is spiraling deeper and deeper in Hell, making itself more and more inaccessible to civil citizens. ] And since Colonial Administrators can change without Imperial Policy changing … more and more it doesn’t matter which Party is in power, they continue the Colonial version of Imperial Policy.

An important example. Though Canada is on the record as being non-racist and open to the world, the U.S. Imperial posture is to hate, attack, and – where possible – erase the people of Islam (Muslims). (Check the history of the Middle East since the 1980s.) And so – with the approval at least (we surmise) of the Harper Cabinet – the RCMP spent millions of tax-payers’ dollars and used hundreds of RCMP personnel to entrap two innocent and socially challenged people to fake an Islamic Terrorist Event at the Victoria, B.C., legislature grounds on July 1, 2013. Then they had the Crown charge the two entrapped people with attempting to create an Islamic terrorist event. The outcome, so far, in 2016, was that a B.C. Supreme Court judge threw out the conviction in the matter, exposed the RCMP as engaged in deeply criminal activity, and recorded the huge, improper activity of the RCMP in considerable detail. The “Crown” has appealed that judgement.

The improper actions happened during the Conservative government of Stephen Harper. The Liberal Cabinet has been asked to investigate and take whatever legal actions are appropriate against the huge RCMP fraud. Normally, in an independent democracy, the incoming government would find it (a) necessary to right such a wrong, and (b) politically useful to show up the former government as apparently approving of criminal activity.

As we will see, the Liberal Cabinet led by Justin Trudeau is upholding the RCMP crimes committed during the Harper Conservative years. The government has changed, but Imperial Policy has not changed … and it appears the Trudeau Liberals are willing to defend criminal actions to feed hatred of Islam, done in support of U.S. Imperial policy, because the Trudeau Liberals are the present Colonial Administrative Body: the cabinet.

The lies told by Cabinet ministers in the present Trudeau Liberal government are piling high. To begin, Trudeau promised a new electoral system before the next election … only to prove soon that his promise was a lie. Then he promised to reconstruct the National Energy Board … but instead left the Conservative (Harper) Government-Rubber-Stampers in place. That may well be because the huge U.S. Corporation, Kinder Morgan, has more power with the Canadian Cabinet than the Canadian people have.

Then comes Chrystia Freeland, (now Foreign Affairs Minister), during the 2015 Election Campaign. Asked about her grandfather who was a Nazi collaborator in Krakow, Poland, she told a fantasy tale that had no relation to the truth. Found out, she then apparently appeared at a press conference (as Foreign Minister) in the Lobby of the Parliament Buildings to which (by merest accident) came a Globe and Mail journalist (Ottawa Bureau Chief) who, by merest chance, had a question to ask on the matter. Also, by merest chance, a photograph was taken of Freeland’s lectern showing a fully prepared, written reply ready for response to the question she had no idea would be asked by someone she had no idea would be present.

It may be helpful to remember that the Globe and Mail newspaper supported the Stephen Harper-led Conservative Party right up to the end of the 2015 Election Campaign … even while he distastefully (some say in a racist fashion) attacked Muslim dress and belief. The Globe and Mail fascination (which continues) with Chrystia Freeland opens questions which only time can answer.

And then there is Minister of Defence, Harjit Singh Sajjan, who made a claim in 2017 about his (major?) role in the Afghanistan “Operation Medusa”. Retired officers took loud exception to what Sajjan said. His claim was referred to by one retired officer as “a bald faced lie”. [Wikipedia]. Unlike Chrystia Freeland … Sajjan made an apology for his exaggerated claim named “a bald faced lie”. But why did he make it in the first place … as a member of Cabinet??

Minister of Finance, William E. Morneau, was Chair of the C.D. Howe Institute between 2010 and 2014. Wikipedia, with its washed-and-rinsed policy of truth-telling, reports the C.D. Howe as “a non-partisan analysis group”. If a dozen reactionaries in a room, all serving big wealth and Capitalism are non-partisan … then the C.D. Howe Institute is non-partisan. That is the kind of fiction (along with charitable acts recalling the wealthy capitalist in a Charles Dickens’ novel pressing a half-crown into the hand of a starving chimney-sweep) that attempts to dress Morneau as a progressive.

He is not. His tucking of the legislation for the privatized Canadian Infrastructure Bank into a hated Omnibus Bill is an insult to all Canadians. As is the inclusion of gigantic U.S. asset managers in the group to devise the plans for the Infrastructure Bank. To say his actions are treasonous may not be an exaggeration. But we get none of such information from sources that should be providing it – for instance, the CBC. The Colonial Broadcasting Corporation keeps militantly away from any serious analysis (and/or debate) Canadians need to have and hear. Presently, its IDEAS program is doing a three part series on George Orwell – the author most famous for depicting what might be called the fascism of language … and how the brutalizing of language accompanies brutalization of society on behalf of wealth and power. [Refer above to the changed definition of “fascism” for a nice example.] The CBC, you may be sure, is not showing how Orwell’s concepts are alive and well in Canada … and in Canada’s Finance Ministry, for instance. As with all of CBC, IDEAS actively refuses to deal with any ideas dynamically in contest in Canada.

That may seem to be going “off-topic”. Except in the May/June 2017 COMER, Paul Hellyer (former cabinet minister) accuses William Morneau, federal Minister of Finance, of lying to the House of Commons (pp.16-17), adding one more Minister in the Canadian Cabinet lying to the Canadian people. Morneau’s lies are, as we say, “Orwellian”. That means they are intended to create a reality sold as beneficial while moving Canadians towards impoverishment, subjection, and slavery. That seems almost impossible – except that the (within Canada, Canadian) solution to the Canadian infrastructure spending problem is simple, successful, has been tested, and the results are there before our eyes. But Justin Trudeau and William Morneau pretend they cannot see them.. And that is because they are serving International Capital and Imperial Power rather than the Canadians they pretend to serve. And so, in Paul Hellyer’s sense of things, William Morneau lies about the tested use of public money for infrastructure spending because he reports it falsely (and, knowingly, falsely).

If Canadians think our national police force (if not those others already mentioned) will defend us, they will have to think again. Canada’s Minister of Public Safety, Ralph Goodale, has made that abundantly clear. To me… he shows he approves of highly organized criminal activity by the RCMP. He doesn’t lie openly. His lie – as I see it – is more torturous. He twists himself into a knot (so to speak) in order to support criminals as if all good Canadian men and women, of course, support criminal policing and support the RCMP engaging in highly organized criminal activity. I believe his reply to me demonstrates the height of contempt for ordinary Canadians by an elected Member of Parliament.

The correspondence I sent to him and to the Prime Minister (which was forwarded to Minister Goodale) makes very clear that a Public Inquiry into the fraudulent, RCMP created Islamic terror event in Victoria is required and that there is the strongest indication (from the presiding judge) that extended, intentional, elaborate criminal behaviour was engaged in by an RCMP network. The Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness took months to reply … and his reply is an Orwellian masterpiece.

“Thank you for your correspondence regarding the Royal Canadian Mounted Police’s (RCMP) use of the major crime technique.” [the major crime technique??]. Minister Goodale doesn’t refer to anything I said in the correspondence to him and the Prime Minister and others. [See a complete copy of his letter at the end of this column.] He will not approach the fact that innocent and exploitable Canadians were entrapped and misused, charged, jailed, harassed by legal and police systems and forced to suffer physical and psychological hardship as part of the alleged RCMP criminal activity. Instead, he describes what he sees as the RCMP role, his words mostly empty nonsense, for he writes about investigation not about the activity of falsely creating terrorist situations, and he refuses to address the particular situation placed before him . He writes that the defence of Canadians “includes the use of undercover operations”. Of course, undercover operations may be conducted within the law. There is no reason they need to involve criminal activity … and so Minister Goodale writes what appears to be intentionally foggy, misleading, uncertain, ambiguous language.

But there is something worse which seems to be present in his letter. Reasonable Canadians would, I think, conclude from his letter that he is, in effect, attempting to legitimize criminal activity undertaken by the RCMP if it meets with Cabinet approval.

That is precisely what happened in Nazi Germany.

Making very clear that a police state was created – an SS State – in Germany, historian Karl Dietrich Bracher in The German Dictatorship describes the maintenance of a legal system while increasing criminal police powers. “Behind the pseudo-legal disguise … police power … no longer had to act in accordance with laws and decrees …” he writes (p. 354). Minister Ralph Goodale takes up most of his short letter dealing, in fact, with the role of the RCMP in investigation and mitigation of threats to Canada and Canadians – after mentioning the “major crime technique” of RCMP operation. Bracher covers Goodale’s fiction nicely: “Once the indefinite, elastic, and pervertible principle of “prevention” was substituted for the protective role of the police [in Nazi Germany], all possible limits to the total claim of the right of surveillance, persecution, and extermination of potential enemies were removed….” (p. 355)

Not all of the members of Canada’s federal Cabinet have been caught in lies, of course. But the Prime Minister, the Foreign Minister, the Defence Minister, the Minister of Finance, and the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness are perhaps enough to make Canadians deeply concerned. And since their lying tends, mostly, to be a cover for the stripping away of democratic responsibility to the Canadian people … and the erection of a fascist police state … Canadians should be showing loud, active, public concern.

[Copy of the letter from the Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, to Robin Mathews, July 19, 2017:

Dear Mr. Mathews:

Thank you for your correspondence regarding the Royal Canadian Mounted Police’s (RCMP) use of the major crime technique. The Office of the Prime Minister has also forwarded me your correspondence on this issue.

As Canada’s national police force, it is the RCMP’s mandate and responsibility to investigate terrorism related criminal activity.

Terrorism is a serious crime, and the RCMP must use all of the tools at its disposal to investigate such activity, in order to mitigate the threat to Canada and Canadians. This includes the use of undercover operations.

Thank you again for taking the time to write.

Yours sincerely ….]

[Emphasis added]


Subject: Re: A letter from Ralph Goodale, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness… and (since the dissolving of the position of Solicitor General) Minister in charge of the RCMP, concerning the fake Victoria, B.C. Islamic Terrorist Plot (2013).
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2017 22:07:01 -0600

As of August 20, 2017, Ernst has not yet received a reply from MP Ralph Goodale.

From: Jessica Ernst email hidden; JavaScript is required
To: Robin Mathews email hidden; JavaScript is required, email hidden; JavaScript is required, Anthony James email hidden; JavaScript is required, email hidden; JavaScript is required [Copied to many citizens, emails removed to protect their privacy]

Dear Mr. Ralph Goodale,


I also got chills reading your first sentence to Mr. Robin Mathews. Canada isn’t even hiding anymore that our RCMP engage in crime.

When the RCMP invaded my private property without a warrant in 2009, were they using “the major crime technique” to try to scare me into dropping my lawsuit and thereby help Encana hide its crimes? Who sent them? I still don’t know.



2009 02 12 Harper's anti-terrorist squad, warrantless, drop in on Ernst at home after W5 news show on her

[February 12, 2009: Harper’s Protect the Oil & Gas Industry “Undercover” Anti-Terrorist RCMP at Ernst’s back door (Did they invade, harass and intimidate Encana, the AER and Alberta Environment too?)]

In 2005, did the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) use “the major crime technique” when it violated my Charter rights and judged me a criminal – in writing, without a trial, without any evidence – to try to scare me into silence and make me stop sending them documented evidence of Encana breaking the law (eg, the company illegally, repeatedly fractured directly into my community’s drinking water supply, contaminating it)?

Was AER’s outside counsel, Glenn Solomon, using “the major crime technique” when he argued in his 2012 legal brief filed in Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench that I am a terrorist – without filing any evidence – and thus my Charter rights can be violated? Chief Justice Neil C Wittmann ruled I have a valid Charter claim, that there is “absolutely” no evidence I am a terrorist, but he punished me and rewarded the criminal AER.

Was the Supreme Court of Canada using “the major crime technique” when it changed history in their January 2017 ruling and turned the AER ruling me a criminal then terrorist, into the AER ruling me a “vexatious litigant?” What a convenient way to get rid of a major Canadian embarrassment. The court repeated the lie in their ruling summary and media published it. Does “the major crime technique” make it OK for Canadian courts to make stuff up with which to defame Canadians?


Will the RCMP return to harass and intimidate me? Will they use “the major crime technique” to break into my home, plant guns and arrest me the night before trial? Kill my dog to terrorize me into gagging and settling? All ordered by Canadian politicians and/or corporations – in the holy name of terror?


Jessica Ernst


On 02/08/2017 6:02 PM, Robin Mathews wrote:

Subject: A letter from Ralph Goodale, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness… and (since the dissolving of the position of Solicitor General) Minister in charge of the RCMP, concerning the fake Victoria, B.C. Islamic Terrorist Plot (2013).
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2017 17:02:31 -0700
From: Robin Mathews email hidden; JavaScript is required
To: email hidden; JavaScript is required, Anthony James email hidden; JavaScript is required, Jessica Ernst email hidden; JavaScript is required, email hidden; JavaScript is required [Copied to many citizens, emails removed to protect their privacy]

Very briefly.  After the jury trial and the guilty finding against two recovering heroin addicts in British Columbia of planning and preparing and setting what they thought were explosive devices on the property of the British Columbia legislature on July 1, 2013, as an act of Islamic terrorism, the lawyers for John Nuttall and Amanda Korody sought to have the conviction dismissed on the basis that the two were entrapped by a very large (more than 200), multi-level RCMP operation involving RCMP Headquarters in Ottawa and, apparently CSIS, in addition to the many involved in British Columbia. Guilty findings in terrorist cases can eventuate in life sentences.

In her 217 page judgement in Vancouver, B.C. on July 29, 2016, Madam Justice Bruce of the B.C. Supreme Court clearly, articulately, and without the slightest doubt erased the conviction on the basis that the whole long and torturous set of events was completely the creation of the RCMP which she describes in detail. That careful description of the events leading to the July 1, 2013 event is fascinating and very disturbing reading. Reaching her conclusions, solidly based in the preceding text, Justice Bruce writes (paragraph 769) “Based on the evidence before me, I am satisfied that the RCMP knowingly exploited the demonstrated vulnerabilities of the defendants in order to induce them to commit the offences.” And she write (paragraph 775) “This is truly a case where the RCMP manufactured the crime; this is not a situation where the police simply ‘instigated,originated or brought about’ the offence”. And to give a sense of the involvement of the RCMP, at paragraph 776 Justice Bruce writes:” The RCMP had to provide the explosive substance; they had to take the defendants shopping for the bomb parts and give them continuous instructions and direction…; they had to construct the devices and left only the gluing of nails to the pots and the construction of timers, which were never part of the RCMP’s plan, to the defendants”.

The judgement of Justice Catherine Bruce is being appealed by “the Crown” (for the RCMP) and the appeal is intended to be heard in the Fall of 2017.

Because of the very large number of RCMP officers involved and the deeply serious nature of the entrapment and its possible consequences for manipulated people not really able to make choices available to most others in the population, I have – over months – written to ministers of justice (federal and provincial), the top RCMP officer in B.C., the Prime Minister of Canada, the Civilian Review Agency and Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP, and others requesting a full and open Public Inquiry into the whole matter, with an open review of RCMP actions and recommendations for change in the RCMP – and, where reasonable criminal charges against members of the RCMP and any others engaged in the knowing entrapment undertaken to mislead ALL Canadians and to victimize the two entrapped .  Some of those addressed have refused to make any answer at all –  the Prime Minister and the top B.C. RCMP officer – Assistant Commissioner Brenda Butterworth-Carr, for instance. Others have assigned someone else to write letters without signatures, or have written letters plainly intended to confuse and obfuscate. I have received no answer that I could believe other Canadians would accept as satisfactory.

To his credit – though delaying months to make a reply – Ralph Goodale, federal Minister of Public Safety (and Minister in charge of the RCMP), makes his position clear.  I take the words he writes to have the meaning most Canadians would, I believe, attach to them. Before writing the usual pap about terrorism (I will quote the whole letter), Minister Goodale writes a blood-curdling sentence.  Here is his letter, accompanied by a comment:

“Dear Mr. Mathews:

Thank you for your correspondence regarding the Royal Canadian Mounted Police’s (RCMP) use of the major crime technique.”

STOP. “the major crime technique”? Is Ralph Goodale saying to me (and to all Canadians) that engaging in “major crime” is an acceptable “technique” in RCMP work????  If so, we are living in a Police State, confirmed with this letter. 

Let me begin again … and quote the letter uninterrupted:

Dear Mr. Mathews:

Thank you for your correspondence regarding the Royal Canadian Mounted Police’s (RCMP) use of the major crime technique. The Office of the Prime Minister has also forwarded to me your correspondence on this issue.

As Canada’s national police force, it is the RCMP’s mandate and responsibility to investigate terrorism related criminal activity.

Terrorism is a serious crime, and the RCMP must use all of the tools at its disposal to investigate such activity, in order to mitigate the threat to Canada and Canadians. This includes the use of undercover operations.

Thank you again for taking the time to write.

Yours sincerely,

Ralph Goodale. The Honourable Ralph Goodale, P.C., M.P.”

Minister Goodale erases the idea of a Public Inquiry into the monstrous actions of the RCMP (by refusing to mention the subject) and does not mention the placing of two people (whom Justice Bruce describes as not normally competent) at risk of life imprisonment – to say nothing of the punishing treatment they have received already at the hands of the Canadian State. Minister Goodale says nothing about the RCMP creating terrorism related criminal activity – except he refers to something he calls “the major crime technique”.

I believe the letter is one that has cabinet approval – meaning that “the government of Canada” intends the RCMP to be a criminal organization used to pursue government policies by “use of the major crime technique”.

If any reader of this e-mail believes the meaning of Minister Goodale’s letter is other than I say, I will be glad (and others will be, too) to read the correct meaning.

Robin Mathews

[Refer also to:

2017 07 11: Call of duty: Israel’s new tourist attraction allows guests to ‘shoot Palestinian terrorists’

Caliber 3 simulation in which tourists shoot at ‘terrorist’ Palestinians [Caliber 3]

Israel built a new tourist attraction in an illegal settlement which allows guests to shoot ‘Palestinian terrorists’, in the latest attempt to dehumanise Arabs and whitewash the occupation. Tags: Israeli settlements, Palestine, West Bank, Israel, Caliber 3, tourism, violence, oppression

The latest tourist attraction created by Israelis has taken guests by storm. Those visiting Israel are now able to enter an illegal settlement in the West Bank, where they’re offered the ultimate Israeli experience pretending to be a soldier shooting “terrorist” Palestinians in a new simulator.

In the illegal Israeli settlement of Gush Etzion, located between southern Jerusalem and Bethlehem, lies Caliber 3, a “counter-terrorism” academy that created a new concept in an attempt to allow the average tourist to experience how it feels to be an Israeli soldier.

Visitors partake in various activities, such as shooting “targets” with real bullets, and a simulation of a suicide bombing, as well as a stabbing. The programme is available for adults and children, and even carries a three-month-long summer camp for teenage boys to give them the ultimate IDF experience.

They are also taught krav maga, a form of fighting created by Israeli security forces.

According to Israeli newspaper Haaretz, few tourists were concerned that this could potentially incite further tensions, or dehumanise Palestinians. But unfortunately for the tourists, they are completely wrong.

Attractions like Caliber 3 are designed to dehumanise Palestinians and attempt to eradicate the legitimacy of their cause, and the fact that the system is built on an Israeli settlement normalises an occupation that has been consistently declared illegal by the international community.

While it also whitewashes the occupation and attempts to invalidate the context in which Palestinians are provoked to act violently, the its location within a settlement means Palestinians evicted would have had their lives shattered by the very building of this illegal tourist attraction – turning war, displacement, systematic oppression and apartheid into nothing but a mere game. [Emphasis added]

2017 07 13: “Do you believe that you, as a Canadian, have the right to be presumed innocent, until proven guilty, as well as the right to a fair and quick trial?” On Khadr, Trudeau says Charter protects all Canadians, “There is no picking and choosing,” Did Supreme Court of Canada pick & choose when it ruled Ernst can’t sue for her valid Charter claim against AER after the regulator judged her guilty & punished her without a trial and without any evidence?

And why did Supreme Court of Canada Justice Rosalie Abella, in her 2017 ruling in Ernst vs AER, turn reality into fiction by changing the AER judging Ernst a criminal to AER judging Ernst a “vexatious litigant?”

Is Abella more interested in fiction than justice and is that why she refers to Ernst’s valid Charter claim against AER as “invoking Alice in Wonderland?”

Did J Abella get this “Alice in Wonderland” smear idea from Rocco Galati’s January 2, 2014 Factum of the Intervener filed in the Supreme Court of Canada (Court File No.: 35586, while J Abella was on the court), against Harper’s illegal appointment of Marc Nadon to that Court?

Rocco Galati:

42. It is submitted that the absurdity, contortion, and torture of the plain reading, in form and substructural substance, to the meaning of “is, or has been”, and trying to pretend that “has previously been” is the same as “is, or has been”, takes us close to the realm of Alice in Wonderland.

Why did the Globe and Mail, after publishing Galati’s Alice in Wonderland quote in 2014, remove it?

2017 02 28: “Amanda Korody/John Nuttall/RCMP.” Open Letter from Robin Mathews to BC Attorney General Suzanne Anton, PM Justin Trudeau, Attorney General Jody Wilson-Raybould, Complaints Commission for the RCMP, The Public Prosecution Service of Canada and The Civilian Review

2016 05 18: “Corruption … At A Gallop.” Ex-Justice Minister Peter MacKay urges: “Respect the Rule of Law” while the RCMP, Encana, AER, Alberta and Harper governments busily break it?

2016 03 09:

That’s OK, the Canada Judicial Council says it’s not “conduct” when judges lie in rulings and everything is fine when they do because it’s their “judgement.”

2015 12 27: RCMP pushes for new law to get Canadians’ private information without a warrant. Who’s pushing the RCMP?

2015 03 25: Did Harper and the oil and gas industry order RCMP/CSIS/Snipers to attack innocent mothers and grandmothers, and set aflame stripped police cars in New Brunswick to discredit all Canadians concerned about frac harms and lay a red carpet for Harper’s Bill C-51?

2015 10 24: MUST READ! Will Canadian cops become next victims of industry’s water contamination and fraud? A dangerous new police “best practice?” RCMP members “drink the water” while “trying to understand the shale gas industry” and “educate” themselves. No word on if RCMP plan to try to understand, or investigate, the dangerous and rampant fraud associated with oil and gas industry’s widespread frac contamination, or the number to call if families need RCMP “water taster” to come taste their water after it’s been frac’d, as companies, regulators, and research councils try to cover it up, while lying to the public (including the police) that now toxic and explosive water is “common, normal, and safe”

2014 10 16: Hundreds of complaints filed against RCMP after Elsipogtog fracking blockade

Image result for elsipogtog

2014 09 14: RCMP ignore “volley of gunfire” to concerned citizen’s home but warn government and industry: “Environmental extremists pose ‘clear and present criminal threat’ to Canada’s energy sector – more likely to strike at critical infrastructure than religiously inspired terrorists.” Canadian and Australian oil and gas lobby groups warn: Industry operations “impact aquifers” and “contaminate water resources” as pre-determined “bullshit” investigations, cover-ups and court rulings fix everything. No word if “religiously inspired terrorists” plan to retire because of the intense competition

2014 07 31: Elsipogtog man says RCMP officers visited home with questions about Facebook comment

2014 02 20: Suzanne Patless, Mi’kmaq Warrior, in Calgary, presents her experience of the “good cop-bad cop” RCMP heavily armed sniper attack

2014 02 06: Complaint filed over alleged illegal searches of private information on Northern Gateway pipeline opponents by RCMP, CSIS and handing the information over to oil companies and Canada’s national energy regulator

2014 01 31: Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC) illegally spied on Canadians; Harper government insisted CSEC never spied on Canadians; Spy agency’s work with CSIS, RCMP fuels fears of privacy breaches

2013 10 20: Mi’kmaq Warrior risks losing leg after being shot by RCMP rubber slug in Thursday’s cop attack. Internal bleeding went untended for two days due to shock

2013 10 18: 200 RCMP? Snipers descend on Mi’kmaq-led camp, children and Elders on site, Rexton, New Brunswick, Canada

2013 06 07: Dead girl has charter rights, lawsuit against RCMP can go ahead: ruling

Compare to Ernst, alive and fracked, who is denied by the courts, including the Supreme Court of Canada, her right under the Charter to seek remedy for her valid Charter claim against the AER. The courts are only allowing Ernst to sue the taxpayer-funded water regulator, not the industry-funded AER. Both are legally immune.

Canadian Frac Fascism in Action?

2013 03 28: Supreme Court won’t hear Canadian Press appeal in Tommy Douglas being spied on by the RCMP case

Supreme Court of Canada wants RCMP to be able to continue criminal acts against Canadian citizens and politicians who dare represent the public interest instead of industry and themselves?

2013 01 14: Shale gas: the RCMP and CSIS on high alert; Les fractivistes rendent la GRC nerveuse, RCMP and CSIS watching citizens concerned about hydraulic fracturing very closely

2012 09 14: A Dead Man’s Prints, RCMP request to fingerprint Wiebo Ludwig’s corpse refused

2012 05 09: RCMP spied on B.C. natives protesting pipeline plan, documents show

2000 11 18: RCMP [Royal Canadian Mounted Police] bombed oil site in ‘dirty tricks’ campaign

1999 02 08: Alberta Energy Corporation, became Encana, CEO Gwyn Morgan defends company conspiring with RCMP for staged bombing of a gas well ]

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