Why do most Saskatchewan people oppose fracking? by Jim Harding for publication in R-Town News, July 21, 2012, Stopthehogs
Industry has steadfastly resisted public health pressure to release information on the toxic chemicals used in their fracking. Calling this a “trade secret”, they appear indifferent to the implications for environmental health. This is a classic example of the planet-wide battle between corporate “property rights” and the quest for sustainability and protection of the commons. We now know that the chemicals used can include Chorine, Benzene, Glycol, Ethers, Methanol, Naphthalene and Tetramethylammonium . Some have been linked to cancer or can harm our blood, cardiovascular and nervous systems. The amount of toxic chemicals used in one fracking operation can be over 200,000 litres, which is cause for great environmental concern. These chemicals also endanger the habitats of other creatures. Some researchers believe fracking is an assault on future generations, on sustainability itself. … Meanwhile the U.S. is facing leaks from its nearly 700,000 waste and injection sites. … The Harper government is quickly proving to be hostile to scientific evidence. Under Harper, Canada is quickly following the same path, treating the underground as a new dump site for the fossil fuel industry, as well as the nuclear industry. … There have been 114,000 wells drilled in Saskatchewan, over 36,000 of which have employed hydraulic fracking. According to petroleum and gas data from the Saskatchewan Ministry of the Economy, 584 wells have been drilled in the Wascana and Upper Qu’Appelle Watersheds. … According to Council of Canadian information from the Petroleum Services Association, by 2010 there had been nearly 3,000 wells fracked in the Bakken gas fields in southern Saskatchewan, near communities like Rocanville, Viewfield, Ceylon, Hummingbird and Roncott. This is occurring without firm knowledge about the impacts on the large aquifers, chain of lakes and groundwater that we, as inland-prairie people, so depend on.
Why do most Saskatchewan people oppose fracking?
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