Water quality fracking worries unfounded: council by Helen Harvey, October 31, 2012, Fairfax NZ News
The risks of conductors and casing used in fracking at Kapuni passing directly underneath Hawera’s water supply have been downplayed by the South Taranaki District Council. The council has raised concerns about the process, but meetings with Shell Todd Oil Services and the Taranaki Regional Council had reassured them it was safe. STDC group manager engineering services Brent Manning said there was very little risk to the aquifer from which the water is taken. “There is no reason to be concerned about the water source,” he said. The aquifer was at a maximum of 400 metres deep, whereas the fracking took place at 1.4 kilometres.
“We’ve been assured that because of the checks and balances that are in place there is a very, very, very slight risk of the fracking casing ever being perforated or penetrated such that fracking chemicals might make their way to the aquifer.” [Emphasis added]
[Refer also to:
Source: Alberta Groundwater Centre In 1979, The Groundwater Centre started the process of merging the AENV (Alberta Environment) GIC database with its own database. This process allowed The Groundwater Centre to dramatically upgrade the existing AENV groundwater dataset.
EnCana’s Multiple Shallow Fracs into Fresh Water Aquifers at Rosebud, Alberta, March 2004
Source: EnCana Corporation Site Investigation Report by Hydrogeological Consultants Ltd.
File No.: 04-510, January 2005