The Irish News, Libération, The National Front Pages: Wanted Benjamin Netanyahu


It’s morally corrupt to say that the #ICC Prosecutor “rushed to seek warrants” for Israeli leaders.

Rushed? It has taken decades & thousands of people killed to get here.

The evidence for war crimes + crimes against humanity is legion. The warrants are an act of justice.

Joshua Sealy-Harrington@JoshuaSealy:

Remember this genocide.

Remember what individuals, organizations & governments prioritized. Remember how they misrepresented the past & present. Remember the chasm between their beliefs & actions. Remember who they vilified. Remember their cowardice.

Remember their complicity.


OMG, this is so brilliant, I just had to share it with Senator Tom Cotton @SenTomCotton

Above 2:22 Min is brilliant! An excellent summation.

“We will make a note of that.”

We must remember genocidaires: Liar ex supreme court of Canada judge Rosalie Abella and lawyer Irwin Cotler; Herrs Harper and HouseFührer (aka Housefather); Pierre Picklehead, the police violently abusing law abiding students and Canadian citizens protesting genocide with their charter rights to freedom of expression; the charter and rights violating university admins; many many many more.

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East@CJPME:

Anthony Housefather@AHousefather:

I do not believe the ICC should have issued arrest warrants to Israeli government ministers & do not believe Canada should abide by those warrants.

LOVE GAZA@DandeLench:

Horsefarter is a disgusting piece of shit!


All these zio parasites need to be removed from power.

Yves Engler@EnglerYves:

I believe Anthony should be tried as an accessory to genocide

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