Meet courage and integrity: Francesca Albanese Breaks the Silence on Israel’s Genocide of Palestinians and Canada’s Violations of International Law Aiding Israel’s Massacres. “No one is free until everyone is free.”


Thank you Francesca Albanese for speaking the truth. You deserve the Nobel Peace Prize no doubt about it.Yes, she does, but in my view, the Nobel Klan are cowards; they’re too white, too male, afraid of Zionists. They’ll give their prize to Trump and or Bibi Netanyahu before they give it to Albanese.


She’s telling the truth, that was what it took to create Israel, Palestinians losing some of their land. At first they gave land, then later they were cheated out of it, then violently evicted suffering great injustices just as they do now, and as the Jewish people suffered in Germany, Poland etc in the late 1930’s and early 1940’s. It’s heart breaking just to learn about these crimes against life itself.

Breaking the Silence on Genocide with Francesca Albanese by Islamic Relief Canada, Nov 22, 2024

At our event Silence on Genocide, hosted in partnership with the Canadian Palestinian Professional Foundation (CPPF), we were privileged to welcome Francesca Albanese, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

A renowned human rights lawyer and expert in international law, Francesca Albanese delivered a compelling analysis of the socio-political complexities in the region.

To learn about our work on-the-ground in Palestine


The Indigenous People here, elsewhere and in Palestine.

The land to Indigenous People live is not the place where they live, it’s who they are. And the Palestinians are paying the price just for belonging to the land that other people for whatever reason, claim its own by divine decree.

But, what has God to do with this?

Is there any God that can justify the slaughter of children?

Because let’s be clear. A genocide is not selective. A genocide is the determination to destroy a people, in whole or in part.

….genocide is destructive of anything and anyone who belongs to the land.

….and then this colleague of mine who’s Lebanese, told me what a deception. You Western people wouldn’t recognize a genocide if it was a truck about to hit you in the face.

You don’t need to be a lawyer to know that this is not self-defense. This is something else and it it has designated all the people in Gaza as either terrorists or associate to terrorists….

1945 Oilfield map with close-up

And this is how Israel has turned Gaza into a place without civilians into a place where everyone is killable everyone is everything is destroyable.

And this is the end of humanity for sure but this is also the end of international law of the system we have had that the frankly has protected as Western people first and foremost….and we will miss it when it is no longer there.

Today Lebanon is experiencing the same script that the Palestinians in Gaza are experiencing and I mentioned before it’s not just the Palestinians in Gaza because since October last year Israel has imposed the same devastating devastating techniques against the Palestinians elsewhere everywhere under its military control. It it has killed 700 people including 170 children in the West Bank. It has advanced the largest land grab in 30 years. It has forced 20 communities to pack their things and go to leave their homes to leave their land. Communities who have lived trust me in the rubble the South Hebron Hills an area that for 20 years has been tormented by continuous attacks of soldiers and settlers. The Palestinians have been living in caves in order not to leave the land that remained.

I want to spend a few words on this country.

I came here with a clear sense of what Canada is doing wrong the legal obligations that Canada has. And it’s not abiding by the clear provisions of international law that Canada is violating because Canada has an obligation not to aid and assist in any possible way Israel’s unlawful occupation and apartheid regime.

Do you think that it really matters that a few officials didn’t have the courage to meet with me?

No question that Canada is responsible for the ties diplomatic political economic military and financial ties that it has not broken so all the lawyers in these countries should be activated against this first and foremost but there is more there is more. …

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