Try to read this Trump, or get your Nazi dog, Elon Musk, to read it to you:
A proportion (25% to 100%) of the water used in hydraulic fracturing is not recovered, and consequently this water is lost permanently to re-use, which differs from some other water uses in which water can be recovered and processed for re-use.
2015: Fracking Is Significantly Dangerous, Elon Musk Says

Brings this:
Tariffs On Canadian Gas Could Be Costly And Disruptive by Michael Lynch, Senior Contributor, Jan 24, 2025, Forbes
During the first big oil crisis in 1973, there was outrage over news that, despite the shortages, the U.S. was exporting oil to Canada.
This concern quickly disappeared when people realized that we also imported (even more) oil from Canada, reflecting disparities in regional infrastructure.
Even now, most people probably don’t realize that we import nearly 5 million barrels per day (mb/d) of Canadian oil, primarily in the Midwest via pipelines. Further, we import about 3 Trillion cubic feet (Tcf) per year of natural gas, again, mostly in the Midwest and Pacific Northwest, while exporting about 1 Tcf/yr to the Canadian Northeast.

President Trump is suggesting that he might impose 25% tariffs on Canadian exports to the U.S., possibly including oil and gas, which could have some serious negative consequences particularly for gas consumers. Obviously, it is not clear if he will actually do so or if the threats are posturing to influence other negotiations, and conceivably he might implement tariffs but exclude oil and gas. But even then, Canada might retaliate with export fees on energy exports.
Trump is a stupid spoiled rotten bully and coward who is dead in the head. He thinks Canadians are chicken shit like he is. Repuglican (con) Canadians are, but the rest of us are not. I myself, will fight to the death, to stay Canadian. Trump thinks by terrorizing ordinary families with his threats, we’ll bend over, kiss his ugly ass like his tech billionaire boys do (yuk!), and let him turn Canada into his waste pit state. I think given Trump and his Nazis terrorizing and threatening us, Canada ought to say “Fuck You Trump, we now stop exporting all oil gas and bitumen to the USA. NAFTA is dead. Brian Mulroney, vile betrayer of Canadians and Canada can fuck himself in his racist grave, along with you.”
First, it is obvious that the tariffs on natural gas would mean an increase in prices of about $0.75/Mcf assuming the border price of $3/Mcf. The figure below shows the historical import price for pipeline gas and what an additional 25% would look like. Admittedly, for residential customers, where the import price is only a fraction of the delivered price, these tariffs could add only 5 to 10%, depending on location, season, and distribution costs. Not major, but not trivial.

But the impact is not straightforward. Washington and Idaho are almost completely dependent on Canadian gas since pipeline connections from other areas are negligible, meaning rebalancing supplies would require major new pipeline construction. Further east, the situation is more complicated by interstate transfers as well as a more robust pipeline system, albeit one oriented to shipping gas south. The result is that Canadian natural gas faces minimal competition from other sources in its primary markets, given lack of infrastructure. LNG tankers will not flow to Iowa and Wisconsin, no matter the natural gas price.
For example, if Canadian gas becomes more expensive in North Dakota, will that state import less and ship less of its own production to other U.S. states (the figure below shows the balance)? In which case, more gas theoretically flows northward from the Gulf to replace curtailed supplies to, for example, Minnesota which gets 460 billion cubic feet (Bcf) per year from Canada, but also 494 Bcf per year from North Dakota, while transferring 1,629 Bcf per year to other states in the region.

Thus, loss of Canada gas to North Dakota and Minnesota would mean that over 1 Tcf/year of new supply has to be found for the states of Iowa and Wisconsin, the primary recipients of natural gas from Minnesota. In theory, gas from the Southwest (now in surplus) could be shipped northward, since about 1 Tcf/yr already goes to Arkansas and Kansas from Texas and Oklahoma, but adding 1 Tcf/yr to that amount and extending the pipelines northward would require take at least several years to accomplish. Instead, consumers are likely to see higher natural gas prices on the order of $0.5-$1.0/Mcf, again only a small portion of the residential price but for industries and utilities, it represents something on the order of a 15-20% increase.Excellent. Let it happen. Businesses will quickly turn to alternate cleaner energies, and save a shit load of money in the process of Trump being an asshole.

And the contribution to inflation would be pernicious, as electricity prices in the region rise and industries raise prices for their goods. In some ways, this is reminiscent of the supply chain problems brought on by the pandemic, where second- and third-order effects proved damaging and inflationary. While gas to electricity to consumer represents a much simpler supply chain than the production of automobiles and consumer electronics, the impact is no less real.But that’s an old boring way of thinking. Innovate! Use your imaginations. Use alternate energies created locally that don’t permanently intentionally destroy vital water and pollute and harm communities and health. And most importantly, learn to use and waste less energy (and water). I see Trump’s blow as a good thing. Might terrify the Americans that can read, into using his bullshit to change their greedy polluting genocidal ways.
Unlike the oil industry, where tanker shipping is relatively easy and cheap, natural gas trade relies on fixed, immobile infrastructure which does not allow for rapid reconfiguration to meet a sudden change in relative prices. So, quit relying on it. Everything in the world would be better off if humans stopped frac’ing and mass murdering innocent kids and women for natural gas and oil.
On the margin, the industry will be able to adjust in response to a sudden increase in the border price of natural gas, but shifting 2-3 Tcf/yr of supply from either Appalachia or the Southwest to the upper Midwest, Great Plains, and Pacific Northwest cannot be readily accomplished, especially if pipeline companies think the next Administration will remove the tariffs.
There likely will not be a next admin because Americans were greedy, selfish and stupid enough to vote for Trump. He’s already preparing to stay in power until he dies, copying the monster he serves – Putin. I expect Trump will introduce amendments to let him rule forever, and the idiotic corrupt catholic raping supreme court of the USA granted him legal immunity to do that. Finally, if Trump doesn’t destroy America first, climate change and H5N1-SARSCoV2 pandemic will.
The oil trade is a somewhat different matter to be discussed in a future column, but hopefully the Trump Administration will not impose tariffs on our energy imports from Canada or trigger retaliation from Canada in the form of export taxes. The natural gas industry is a finely tuned machine, designed to optimize delivery to consumersrip Canada off, stealing our natural gas for near nothing. Prices need to come way way WAY up, to get consumers to use and pollute less, and destroy less vital water via frac’ing
, and a surge in the price of imports would create significant disruptions and inflationary effects.
There Is Only One Way to Fight a Bully, Canada must quickly inflict maximum pain to stop Trump’s tariffs by Emmett Macfarlane, 22 Jan 2025The Tyee
Emmett Macfarlane is a professor of political science at the University of Waterloo. This piece is drawn from his blog Declarations of Invalidity.
Donald Trump has said he will impose 25 per cent tariffs on Canada starting next week. There is a general expectation Canada will retaliate with tariffs of its own, on selected goods, in response.
If this is the sum total of Canada’s response, it will not be enough. The economic impact of the United States’ tariffs on Canada will be devastating. The economic impact of similar tariffs by Canada on the United States will be relatively minor.
We need to punch the bully in the nose, and to do that, we need to be far more aggressive in our thinking. To achieve a proportionate response, we need disproportionality.
Already there are pacifists and appeasers. Pacifists are arguing we shouldn’t fight. That tariffs will only hurt us. Economist Kevin Milligan correctly noted on Bluesky that, yes, the actions we take will impose costs and pain on all of us, but the point of retaliation is to show the United States we will not stand by and cave to economic pressure, and that we need to push back to compel Trump to reconsider his actions against Canada sooner, rather than wait it out and suffer prolonged consequences.
The appeasers are even worse than the pacifists. Alberta Premier Danielle Smith has suggested we simply roll over, give Trump what he wants and hope the bully will be nice to us.Pierre Picklehead and his and Smith’s puppet handler Herr Harper will be even more betraying and pathetic.
If taken seriously, Smith’s ideas serve only to undermine Canada at a time of economic war. Caving to the bully who threatens our sovereignty and security is beneath the role of any public office-holder, and Smith’s cowardice and willingness to capitulate demonstrate just how unworthy she is to hold office.
Canada needs to punch back with something more fierce than mere retaliatory tariffs, and the federal government has full authority to enact the needed measures unilaterally.
In addition to import tariffs, we should impose export tariffs — or even export bans — on oil and gas, crucial minerals and anything else vital to U.S. interests.Water, nuclear, and radioactive frac waste storage.
Beyond that, we should treat Trump and members of his administration like Elon Musk as akin to Russian oligarchs. That means targeted bans on Starlink, X and even Tesla should be seriously considered. Starlink is a particularly easy target given the security threat it represents, and there are other ways to ensure people in rural areas have internet access.I live rural, have done for decades, with super shitty slow landline internet. I function fine. I dont need or want Nazi Musk’s intrusive tech violating my life, privacy and night sky.
We should also ban the purchase of cryptocurrencies that Trump, his wife and others have created to enrich themselves while in office. (Beyond the naked corruption, the entire category of cryptocurrency itself is mostly a venue for criminality and pyramid schemes, not to mention environmentally destructiveand water wasting
We need to impose meaningful costs on the United States for its economic aggression, and we need clear messaging — indeed, an advertising blitz — to make sure Americans know why they face rising costs and that Trump can easily end the war he is about to start.
Canada is the 10th-largest economy in the world, and we need to act like it. There are few legal or constitutional limitations on the actions the federal government can take in an emergency like this. The only question is whether our elected leaders can come together and show us, and Trump, that they have the will to fight.
Some of the comments to Prof Macfarlane’s Substack:
I really hope the government has the balls to do it. Musk and Starlink are a huge security risk. The performance of the Nazi salute should be an ominous indicator of what’s is coming.
Dallas Curow:
I really really needed to read your thoughts on this, Emmett. It’s been keeping me up at night and as someone living in Alberta I am mortified by our premier’s behaviour. Thanks for sharing your wisdom, as always.
Strikes me that a good way to drive home the point is to withdraw from co-operative agreements. If we left NORAD, cancelled the F-35 (in favour of the Saab Gripen), and stopped other cooperative agreements – difficult for sure due to NATO and other obligations – I think the US would take notice.
Also, if the whole thing is about border protection (which seems ridiculous), then perhaps the appropriate response is to stop patrolling the border for southern traffic and enforce north- going traffic only. Nobody is looking for extreme measures against the US to stop northward gun smuggling but the effect is arguably much worse than the southward flow of people.
Jim Goodchild:
Ask Albertans if they hate Ottawa, and a solid majority will say yes. But change the question and ask if Albertans consider themselves Albertan or Canadian first, and >80% will give a resounding “Yes.” Danielle Smith is completely offside in her position, because it’s the 20% calling the shots within the UCP, including her own deputy Rob Anderson, a vertable Grima Wormtongue.
With the sickening, naked display of Naziism yesterday, it’s not a long stretch to see her as our Neville Chamberlain.
The one thing to keep in mind: an action threatened is more persuasive than an action taken. I don’t believe Trump will actually impose 25% tariffs on Feb 1, because the threat of them is having the desired reaction, and leaves him the possibility of the action. We need to make clear exactly WHAT we will do in response, so he, and Americans, know what they are dealing with.
Although dark economic clouds appear on the horizon, there is a silver lining. Our nation has drifted along aimlessly for quite some time. This red flag alert from the American government needs to be the clarion call for Canadian leaders and citizens to prepare for the worst but also to create a better economic vision for Canada. Sadly without the strong leadership we need, citizens need to keep right on top of provincial and federal levels of government and advocate the strong position suggested here by Emmett. It’s brave and bold and expensive, but we need not acquiesce to the bully.
This is a perfect time for Canada to seriously remove barriers for Interprovincial trade – in Canada – and also seek more trade with other countries. It’s been too long that Canada looks only ‘south’. There’s too much moaning about Canada’s ‘lack-of blah, blah, blah’ when it’s actually more to do with too many internal barriers. However, Canada seems to have little regard for foreign ownership of Canadian land and industries. It’s tragic for example that PostMedia – a US company owns so many of Canada’s former news outlets while the leader of the opposition makes statements like cuts to CBC – a fully Canadian, reliable news and social fabric. However, this type of giving Canada away to foreign interests is a pattern with the “CPC”. Check into how many US companies own land and the Ag industry? Check into how many PE investors own Canadian businesses. Which companies own Canadian lumber processing? Perhaps we need a bright light on what’s actually been taking place over the past years in this country.
Canadians seem to own the liabilities while foreign interests run off with the value.
Mark Shore:
A coordinated response with Mexico on auto parts could bring North American auto production lines to a screeching halt with zero US supply alternatives (at a significant cost to all three countries, of course). A 100% export tax on aluminum (ingots and rolled sheet) would hit Boeing and other aircraft manufacturers hard. And impose a 10000% duty on bourbon just to be spiteful.
Cory McPhee:
Part of me is starting to think that they’d love nothing more than an over-the-top response from Canada; it would enable them to paint us as the enemy to the MAGA mouth-breathers, and ramp up support for invasion. I suspect that may be inevitable no matter what we do, but yeah… I cannot believe this is where we are. I’ll never forgive Americans for this.I’ve already decided same, including never forgiving the vile repuglican anti-justice, anti-Canadian, anti-public health, anti-freedom for any of the rest of us white supremacist “Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms” Fucker Trucker leaders and their lawyers, and hideous anti-Canadian, abusive anti-public health care Fucker Truckers that were puppet-strung by Putin and Trump, and I expect also Herr Harper and his democracy-hating, Canada-hating, extremely stupid and far right IDU
… If some Canadians won’t help because it might impact them, and prefer it impact some other Canadian somewhere else in the country then Trump wins!
That’s exactly what Trump and the extremist right wingers in Canada want. No unity
The question facing many countries the next few years will be, does our mainstream centre-right party love its country more than it loves its ideological soulmate in America, will they put the needs of their country over that of an American nationalist? Do they hate their neighbours who vote differently than them so much that they’ll sell out their own people’s jobs and living standards? Or will they work with their political opponents in the national interest to protect the country?
I’m genuinely concerned we are not going to like how many conservative parties (and voters) choose to answer this question
Vichy was a conservative regime remember
Callura Michael:
Dan Stankovic:
Why not place tariffs on ships to and from US port cities in the Great Lakes shipping waterway that travel through the St Lawrence River into the Gulf/Atlantic? Tariffs could also be charged to US ships using the Welland Canal.
Stefan Klietsch:
I disagree that we should be attempting to “fight back” against Trump’s tariffs, even as it is equally or even more clear that appeasement is not a viable option. While the direct damage of the tariffs on Canadian goods would be abstract and subtle to most affected Americans, Canada is not the only country that Trump is slapping high tariffs upon. So Trump’s general tariff policies could end up being biting to American welfare even without Canada doing anything.
Also, if you can imagine the tariffs being painful to Canadian businesses, imagine how much worse the economic pain will be if our own government is simultaneously ordering Canadian businesses who do survive the tariffs arbitrarily to shut down for the sake of making a political point.
Trump may be a psychopath and a fascist, but any plan to convince him to abandon tariffs is going to at some level involve trying to reason with him, and we will not convince him of the merit of free trade by threatening to agree to help cut off trade. Certainly if we are to engage in retaliatory measures, they should at some level be targeted at Republican voters specifically rather than states that lean Democrat.
Comments below to the Tyee reprint of it:
G. Barry Stewart:
We think of all energy flowing from Canada to the USA — but at Roberts Bank, we have miles of American trains delivering coal for export to Asia.
A 25% tariff there would spank Trump’s derrière without affecting Canadian prices.
Everyone has a plan ’till they get punched in the mouth.
Mike Tyson
Let’s throw drumph off his plan.
Jan Steinman:
“Now” is always an appropriate time to support local business.Boycott Boycott Boycott! Ordinary people, via our consuming and holidays, have one hell of a lot of power. Stop buying American, and stop going to America! It’s high time humans stop raping earth to such extremes, devouring far beyond earth’s means.
BC should ban or heavily tax the thermal coal exports at Westshore. Most of that coal comes from the US. Let’s charge carbon tax on it and watch West Virginia coal barons scream.
Blurr Blurr:
I forgot one item, ban Musk from entering Canada.
… We should use all of the rules against drumph. Use the mechanisms in the CUSMA agreement and that of the WTO and tie this up in litigation and tribunals. Drumph seems to understand that tactic and what it does so lets throw it back at him.
Megan Ardyche:
I think one area that seems to not have been considered is for Canada to go on the offensive about guns coming into Canada. If Trump is saying Fentanyl is getting into the US from Canada and that it’s Canada’s job to stop it, then it stands to reason that it should be the US’s job to stop guns from coming through their border into Canada. Canada could also put sanctions on US gun manufacturers, and/or much higher tariffs on even legally bought guns from the US. Going on the offensive about illegal guns coming through the US border into Canada and demanding Trump tighten their own Northern border might get some attention in the US.
Martin H.:
A bully will always be a bully, but in this case what scares me is his access to the military and the related hardware.
Hakuin to Martin H.:
Let’s see what the actual generals of the murcan military are made of.Adolf Orange’s Sec Defence is reportedly inexperienced, an idiot, a drunk, and violent abuser, and soon to have the nuke codes. Conservative men, keen to control the bodies of women and girls, want to rape and impregnate to escalate birth rate, while delightomg in mass murder. They make no sense, and never have. They yammer on about common sense, like our own super stupid mini Adolf Orange, Pierre Poilievre, but have none.
Those currently oath bound to defend their Constitution against all enemies , foreign AND DOMESTIC, have a clear choice before them. While Cadet Bonespurs was railing whores while they and their brethren bled in foreign battlefields, the murcan people trundled on, oblivious in the alternate reality wrought by the wealthy at the expense of the majority. Now we are at an accounting, their “great society” is in shambles. I expect most of the uniformed murcans to eventually decide that suffering and dying for billionaires was not what they signed up for.

Martin to H. Hakuin:
I do hope you are correct, about the military and its leaders.I don’t think he is. Trump is quickly shredding and getting rid of all intelligent humans with authority, including judges (he’s appointed idiots to the bench, just like our vile Herr Harper did, which we must endure for years to come. Good thing libertarian Justice “Creepy” Russell Brown stepped off our supreme court in shame for his slimy hanky panky doings in the USA.
Gary Fletcher:
Tempting, yes. I distrust my own emotions here. At the moment, I’d issue arrest warrants for every identifiable member of Trump’s government, MAGA, and all of the January 6 thugs that he just pardoned. Designate them as terrorists. Make public everything CSIS knows about all of these people; must be some interesting files there. Absolutely agree with confiscating all assets of these people that we have access to.
Too much? Well…I’m pissed off.
Oh, one more thing. Export Poilievre, no charge.Send him to those in charge of him: Putin and or Modi.
Glen Cairns:
Starlink for rural areas like the one I live in is expensive and we’d love to get rid of it, but Telus delivered huge rolls of fibre optic cable to their yard here and it’s been sitting there, uninstalled, for over a year now. Easy to cut the Starlink service once the fiber optic cables get installed.
Sean Burton:
The cons are squirming because their free trade based monopolies are threatened. It looked like Ford was willing to put the country ahead of his wallet but it was just a scam. Calling an election after publicly wrapping himself in the flag is slick. ups his pols and supports Smith, Moe and the federal cons need to keep us divided to keep power.
The moment Trump does anything to break the trade deals we should withdraw from the deals that have put us in this position in the first place
Focus on producing for ourselves and and using tariffs to protect the jobs this creates and make our supply lines national to avoid the same mistakes.And most important, ramp up proper education to prevent citizens from voting in idiot betrayers like Smith, Moe, Ford, Harper, Poilievre, Mulroney, Ralph Klein, etc.
Stop trading our resources for dividends and dollar store junk. Trade for the resources we don’t have.
Remove control of the government by the corps by the simple means of only allowing registered voters to donate.
Running and paying for the election ourselves is the only way to prevent the guy with the most money buying the Crown.
Don’t forget, the Chinese may not be our biggest trading partner, but on the world stage, are as economically relevant as Trump.
There you go, the world fixed, your welcome lol
Susan Davenport:
Totally agree. He respects nobody but especially anyone who shows weakness. A United Canada can negotiate with him.
MI Citizen:
I agree. A bully is a bully is a bully. Hit back and hit hard. I wish kids today were allowed to do that still. I’ve seen kids get bullied and the bully gets rallied around by grown ups while the kid suffers years long trauma.
F that. Kneecap tRump! Let him beg for mercy the human tu rd.
look at his cute little hand curled up into a tiny little fist…awww
you know what they say about little hands
P K 3
Florida felon flaps gums, makes taunts and other noises.
We should get Rick Mercer (‘Talking to Americans’) to taunt back.
Tariff noises means Florida felon admits that he was the _loser in the new NAFTA that _he had re-opened.Trump and his klan are stupid beyond imagining, their greed stupifies their stupid.
Tony Peart:
… Trump is playing a short sighted and ignorant game due to the kind of person he is …. He has been suffering from dementia for quite some time and that is why he talks like a twat.
When he is under stress it becomes more obvious and he looses it .
dont punch him in the nose just tell him no and leagaly stop him from his agenda and let the games begin .It is much better to laugh at him
He is so abusive and lackind Intellegence to it should be easy to. make him punch himself

Adolf Orange, 1998 in People Magazine:
“If I were to run, I’d run as a Repuglican. They’re the dumbest group of voters in the country. They believe anything on Fox News. I could lie and they’d still eat it up.” Same as Harper’s Repuglican Reformacon CPC voters.

Pete in Ontario:
Great article! Would it be incorrect to suggest that Smith is putting Alberta ahead of Canada and not just because she is premier of that province? How is she unaware that she is playing right into Trump’s hands?In my view, she knows bloody well what she’s doing, heeding orders from Steve Harper who hates Canada, and Canadians, and wants to give us to USA industries, notably health care, to rape and plunder.
Trump is not interested in paying us for our oil or for anything else. As another reader pointed out, he is interested in absorbing Canada for our resources. He is a convicted criminal who is threatening Canada with extortion. How weak and naive does someone have to be to pander to his twisted sensibilities? I don’t think anyone who tries to make a deal with Trump wins. In his own words he is going to drill baby drill. Does he mean in National Parks? Has global warming been deemed irreversible? Why are all the billionaires building rockets and hoping to colonize Mars? We have Canadian solutions, Trump has none. It’s in our interests to have as little as possible to do with the guy and to negotiate from a position of strength. It’s the only thing he will respect.

Trump may not need your oil, gas lumber and auto’s.
But he sure needs Canada’a water. As 20% is here and not down there.
My question is, at what point does the actions of Smith and anyone else in a position of trust and authority who undermines the very basis of Canadian sovereignty become treason.
Donald Trump elicited gasps of disbelief at Davos by openly stating that in effect his threatened tariffs against Canada are aimed at ending permanently the nation of Canada.
So in effect, any Canadian supporting him in this agenda is attempting to end the state of Canada.
Please explain how that isn’t the definition of treason.
Keith OkaToboggan:
Short of a direct invasion, which hasn’t happened in Canada it can be argued that the tariffs proposed by Trump if pursued are the biggest attack on Canadian sovereignty in our nation’s history. The idea that toadying to this kind of bullying will result in a better life is laughable. Premier Smith should be in a power position, the U.S. needs our raw materials including our oil and gas and if they impose tariffs on raw material inputs they are just shooting themselves in the foot.
The fact of the matter is that America needs Canada. Of course in the short run the relationship is unequal. But we have 20% of the world’s fresh water, we provided sanctuary for Americans in the 911 crisis, we have a whole lot of potash which is useful if you like to grow food – the idea that America can be self sufficient is laughable. We likely have a lot of rare earth metals as well.We also share our world famous water bombers with USA during extreme fire events, such as now in LA
Hopefully Trump is just performing his schtick, and playing to his base. He didn’t impose the tariffs on the first day, the Russian invasion of the Ukraine is still in progress, but sadly his followers would rather take a bullet for him than admit that he lied. It’s going to be a long four years.
OkaToboggan Keith:
This is all about Canadian resources.
Mainly our fresh water and oil.
Anyone who claims that by giving in to Trump’s demands all Canadians will benefits is being extremely disingenuous.
What will happen if we are so foolish as to let Donald Trump bully the Canadian government into accepting his demands is we will be nothing but a resource colony to the US. Almost all the benefit will be to Americans not Canadians.And Canadian kids and their teachers stand to be shot and killed in school with assault rifles. Some benefit.
Trump has also made it clear he also wants as much manufacturing and valued added enterprise done in the US. Hence the massive tariffs threatened against the US’ biggest trade partners.
The same applies to Greenland as the Arctic continues to melt and previously inaccessible areas become suitable for oil and gas exploration and exploitation.
History also tells us that when extreme nationalist leaders begin acting this way towards their neighbours the solution is to not appease them but to oppose them with all means at hand.
Smith and others are simply not being honest with their “peace in our times” claims in regards to the international aggression of Donald Trump.I’ve met Smith, talked with her, been interviewed by her on her radio show with VP Encana, and watched her backstabbing political career carefully. She’s incapable of being honest politically. Her hideous cruel fake laughing face in photo ops shows her true dishonest nature. She’s as vile as her handler Harper, and fellow puppet Poilievre.
Super Yeti:
He’s always doing schtick, but I do not trust him. There’s something really wrong here. For him to repeat this almost daily is clearly a threat. Besides the fact it doesn’t make sense – a ‘state’ bigger than his own country? The point is to demean and diminish, and even though most people think he’s an idiot, his statements about Canada during the convoy riled up millions of his people to feel Canada needed to be “dealt with”. He talks like a gangster sending coded messages to henchmen. I don’t recommend doing this, but I’ve been reading American online comments about dealing with Canada for three years since the Ottawa honkfest. They are all completely uninformed and cultish, but it’s similar to the way “ordinary Russians” talked about Ukraine before Vladimir decided to send a whole bunch of his people there on an extended visit. I’m not saying it’s exactly the same, but Trump speaks with the unsettling calm of a person above the law, and who is probably not mentally balanced.Excellent comment. I too, have been on extreme alert since the illegal Fucker Trucker invasions (largely foreign funded, including American dark money) that were created to divide and conquer Canadians. I’ve also been on extreme alert since Harper took power in 2006 via his fraudulent election wins, and Pierre Poilievre’s robot caller co. Since, 2014, we’ve been suffering WW3, but most don’t want to admit it mainly because the weapons of mass destruction have changed, they are now social media and billionaire tech boys. Most humans are addicted and unwilling to get into rehab.
Smith isn’t the only one beholden to the US far-right. The entire Conservative party has been happy to take money, support, endorsements, and interviews (looking at you PP) with the kind of people propping up Trump. Canadians need to vote in the next election like our sovereignty depends on it, don’t let the cons sell us out.
As one comment earlier notes, this is about controlling our resources. They want what we have and for free. Let’s hope it doesn’t become a literal invasion