SPOG announces fracking open house Apr. 8 by Dan Singleton, March 26, 2013, Mountain View Gazette
Work is nearing completion on the Sundre Petroleum Operator’s Group (SPOG)’s long-awaited best practices performance measures document for hydraulic fracking, say officials. Tracey McCrimmon, executive director of SPOG, said a public open house is scheduled for April 8 at the Eagle Hill Community Centre to unveil the latest draft for the document. “I’m very happy that we are nearing completion on this,” said McCrimmon. SPOG chairman Dave Brown echoed McCrimmon’s comments, saying he is pleased with the latest draft and believes residents and other stakeholders will be pleased with it.
SPOG is a collection of oil and gas companies with operations in the Sundre area. … SPOG develops best practice performance measures to bridge the gap between government regulations and public expectations, she said, noting that although the measures are voluntary for SPOG members, they do set standards that companies are asked to follow. The best practices performance measures document for fracking was originally scheduled to be completed in the fall of 2012, but was delayed after a couple of SPOG companies raised concerns about parts of the document relating to proposed public notification distances from fracking wellsites, she said. … As part of the PEP process for the fracking best practices measures, SPOG has consulted with the Energy Resources Conservation Board, she said. [Emphasis added]
[Refer also to:
The Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties (AAMDC) frac motion commotion
Source: FrackingCanada Fracking Calgary