Swarms of Earthquakes Shake Up Shale Gas Fields, Do tremors plaguing industry in Texas, Holland, and beyond offer a glimpse of BC’s future? by Andrew Nikiforuk, January 31, 2014, TheTyee.ca
House damage in central Oklahoma from the magnitude 5.6 earthquake in 2011. Research conducted by U.S. Geological Survey geophysicists suggests it was induced by injection into deep disposal wells in the Wilzetta North field. Photo Credit: Brian Sherrod, USGS.
[Refer also to:
Slide above from Ernst presentations
Rabobank’s Position Paper on Oil and Gas Activities July 1, 2013
“….Rabobank Group does not provide finance that will be used to extract unconventional fossil fuels….”
Netherlands largest agricultural lender: Rabobank will not finance shale gas extraction by Dutchnews.nl, July 1, 2013
The Rabobank will not lend money to companies involved in shale gas extraction, the cooperative bank told Trouw on Monday. Nor will it make loans to farmers who rent their land to shale gas extraction companies. The bank’s global policy is not to be involved with extracting fossil fuels where it is not clear what the risks and consequences may be, a spokesman told the paper. [Emphasis added]
Netherlandsl largest agricultural lender: Rabobank is against shale gas extraction by Kees de Peace, July 1, 2013,Trouw
Rabobank refuse to lend to businesses that deal with the extraction of shale gas money. Even farmers who lease their land to energy companies with the intention of shale gas out of the ground, do not get loans from the bank. … Here and there by negligence and badly beaten wells question of pollution of soil and water. Thereby colliding gas interests and agricultural interests increasingly with each other. Rabobank is the largest agricultural lender. The bank considers the production of what it calls “unconventional fuels” such as oil from tar sands and shale gas from deep bedrock, as polluting and do not contribute to it. A spokeswoman for the office of Rabobank in Utrecht confirms this arrangement. Which is based on the ‘Position paper on oil and gas activities’ that the bank has recently issued. … The position of Rabobank applies worldwide, says the spokesperson, but is mainly used in practice in the U.S..
NETHERLANDS: ‘Rabobank turns against shale gas’ by Presseurop, July 1, 2013, Trouw
The country’s largest bank is refusing to lend to companies that wish to invest in shale gas. The Amsterdam daily reports that Rabobank “does not want to contribute to energy which it believes to be polluting,” and has said as much in a recent position paper on its business and sustainable development. For the moment, this decision will mainly have an impact on the bank’s operations in the US, where Rabobank is the leading lender to farmers, and where the drive to develop shale gas is such that it has been called “a second gold rush”. [Emphasis added]