State is ignoring health risks, federal review and its own executive order in rushing to approve hydrofracking permits Press Release October 5, 2011
More than 250 pediatricians, family practitioners, otolaryngologists, endocrinologists, oncologists and other doctors, along with the Medical Societies of at least seven upstate counties and the regional office of the American Academy of Pediatricians, wrote to Governor Cuomo today, warning that the state has failed to analyze public health impacts of hydraulic fracturing in its rush to approve permits for drilling. “Hydrofracking has the potential to significantly destroy the water, air and soil of communities in and around the drilling areas and to effect large state aquifers providing water for millions of families across New York,” said Henry Schaeffer, MD, FAAP, Chair, American Academy of Pediatrics, District II, NYS. “As pediatricians, we are very concerned about how the negative environmental outcomes may impact children’s health, development and general well being in the hydrofracking areas and beyond. Children are far more susceptible to environmental toxins, since they absorb and metabolise toxins at a higher rate for their body mass.”…Dr. Larysa Dyrszka, pediatrician and advocate for children’s right to health, said “The duty of government is to protect the health and safety of its citizens.
State is ignoring health risks, federal review and its own executive order in rushing to approve hydrofracking permits
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