Shell CEO: Fracking done right doesn’t pollute groundwater by Michael Bastasch, December 3, 2012, Daily Caller News Foundation
In an interview with the BBC, Royal Dutch Shell CEO Peter Voser argued that hydraulic fracturing — also known as fracking — done in the right way does not cause groundwater pollution. “Groundwater is very high up in the aquifer,” Voser said. “We go down to four thousand meters, so the issue is really how you drill through the ground water. So if you do your casing, you’re cementing, etc., the right way, there is no groundwater pollution.” “You cannot show to me a groundwater pollution over the last six years, it didn’t happen,” Voser added. … In the U.S., the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is now considering looking into the practice for a link between fracking and drinking water contamination.
[Refer also to: What is Shale Gas? ERCB/AGS Open File Report 2008-08 Approximately 9600 wells have been drilled, with about 9400 wells still producing from depths ranging from about 107 m to 915 m. Wells are fractured using water and sand, although some have been fractured using nitrogen or foam. ]