Residents urged to test wells by Payton Willey Williston, August 2, 2012
The North Dakota Board of Water Well Contractors says taking samples from a new or existing well will confirm the water quality and commonly test for bacteria, nitrate and mineral content. Jeff Reiser, laboratory manager for Minnesota Valley Testing Laboratories, INC., said that although there is no enforcement, private owned wells should be checked regularly, about every five years. … Due to the increase in oil activity and Induced Hydraulic Fracturing (fracking) throughout the state, Reiser said that there has been an increase in private-well owners concerned about the quality of their water. Reiser said that a lot of farmers and ranchers call in to have the laboratory test their samples. … “It is a very good piece of advice to get a ‘before drilling sample’ so that you have a baseline,” Reiser said. “That way, people will be able to know how their water was before drilling to see what changes, if any, occurred.”
Residents urged to test wells
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