WATCH: If Mr. Protti doesn’t have a conflict of interest, then who does? 3:06 Min. by AlbertaNDP, May 9, 2013
Over 30 Alberta groups demand oil industry fox Gerard Protti get out of Alberta’s henhouse by Mike Hudema, May 3, 2013, Greenpeace
Alberta must stop letting an oily fox guard the energy henhouse, and bring in an energy regulator that protects people, and the environment not just oil companies. That call comes from over 30 landowner, labour, environmental and First Nation groups, who wrote to Premier Redford and asked her to remove Gerry Protti, founding President of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, as the chair of the Province’s new energy regulator. The groups cite Protti’s history as founding President of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, his 14 year stint as an Encana executive, and his role as an active lobbyist on behalf of oil companies as evidence of bias that should disqualify him as Chair of the new Energy Regulatory Board.
Graphic courtesy of Chelsea Flook
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