Friday, Oct 18, 2019: Greta Thunberg to march downtown Edmonton climate strike
Greta Thunberg, whose climate strikes have inspired similar protests around the world, will be taking part in another strike in downtown Edmonton Friday. Environmental advocacy group Climate Justice Edmonton announced Thunberg will join “hundreds of Edmonton youth, climate activists, and community members” at the Alberta Legislature Friday at noon.
The strike will be preceded by a march from Beaver Hills House Park at 11 a.m.
The Alberta government won’t seek out a meeting with teen Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, but Environment Minister Jason Nixon says he hopes she takes the time to learn about the province’s oil and gas industry.
It follows a similar strike that took place at the legislature last month, just one in a series of climate strikes in cities around the globe that called on leaders to take action on climate change.
A few of the comments to CAPP’s new whine in article below:
Gordon Petersen
What’s really driving these folks crazy is that a 16-year-old Swedish schoolgirl has more credibility than Tim McMillan and CAPP, Kenney, or the Government of Alberta. You reap what you sow.
Dallas Dole
Now they want an honest conversation? The “The tar sands is the greatest nature reclamation project on the planet” people?
These sociopaths set the tone. There hasn’t been a genuine conversation about Alberta’s activities for decades.
You made your bed…lay in it.
Mark Houston
It’s seems that the Orks are getting nervous. They know that Frodo has the ring and is on an unstoppable march towards Fort Mac…er Mount Doom.
Oilpatch fights to be heard above ‘frustrating and shallow’ election din, Greta Thunberg visit by Chris Varcoe, Oct 16, 2019, Calgary Herald [CAPP Whine paid for by Albertans via the War Room?]
Less than a week to go before the federal vote, the head of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers is sounding off about the “frustrating and shallow” discussion about energy in the election campaign.
Tim McMillan says the industry is taking “nothing for granted” about the fate of the Trans Mountain expansion in a potential minority government, given the long-standing problems facing pipelines in this country.
And CAPP’s president is speaking up about the expected Alberta visit by 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg, another reflection of how the country’s oil and gas industry is under the microscope as the Oct. 21 election draws near. “I hope she is here to understand how we produce (energy) and the … solutions that we are bringing forward,” McMillan said Tuesday. [ya, with a lot of greed, harm, and pollution!]
“If I have a concern, it’s that — like Jane Fonda or like Neil Young — she is coming here with an agenda that is predetermined [Woe is CAPP! Afraid of being on the receiving end of what they regularly dish out!] … I hope that unlike them, while she is here, she pauses and does learn about how we produce and leaves with a fuller picture.”
Even before Thunberg said on Twitter over the weekend that she was headed soon to Alberta — setting off a furious discussion on social media — the future of Canada’s oil and gas development has been hotly debated during the election campaign.
The industry has become an easy target in a complicated discussion about energy and climate issues. The sector was responsible for about 27 per cent of total Canadian emissions in 2017, just ahead of the transportation industry, according to federal data.
But what will the next federal government do to address these economic and environmental issues?
… The industry had expected the future of oil and gas production would be a topic of debate in the campaign, although McMillan said the “irresponsible” tone of the rhetoric has stood out. “I would describe it as, at times, frustrating and shallow,” he said. [CAPP makes the citizenry endure the harms of an irresponsible, health and environment harming industry, leaving hundreds of $ Billions of liabilities and abandoned messes in it’s profit raping wake.]
“We are looking for a government that is focused on positive outcomes, economically and environmentally. [I have yet to see one positive environmental outcome created by the oil and gas industry in Canada, or elsewhere] And using cheap language like (oil) barons isn’t advancing either of those dual priorities.”
Industry critics aren’t about to soften their stance.
“His (McMillan’s) criticism and critique is just really out of touch with the science of climate change,” said Mike Hudema of Greenpeace Canada.
In June, CAPP issued its own election wish list, touting the goal of doubling industry investment within the next four years. It also wants to see Canada become the third-largest natural gas and fourth-largest oil producer in the world.
If this political environment is any indication, it seems unlikely.
Heading into the campaign, CAPP registered as a third party, which McMillan said was done so the industry could speak up against any misinformation. It likely put a bigger target on the sector.
“Oil and gas was going to be a focus of these groups, these environmental activist groups, regardless of whether we registered or not. And sitting in the shadows, hoping it didn’t happen, wasn’t an option for us,” he said.
Some of the political debate about energy development is well intentioned, focused on the goal of reducing emissions, but some is ill informed, said Gary Mar, head of the Petroleum Services Association of Canada.
For example, many people across Canada don’t understand how many jobs and businesses rely on the sector, [Ya, right, jobs being wiped out by industry’s greed, automating to increase profits; more and more bankruptcies also because of industry’s greed and not wanting to clean up] he said. Others don’t know about the progress companies have made reducing emissions per barrel, or how much more can be done with emerging technologies.
“We can develop energy in a way that is responsible and move our way to a transition,” said Mar. [Yes, that’s true, “can” being key. Trouble is, most companies do not want to develop energy in responsible ways because that costs money, eating profits, and so they don’t.]
“We can do both, but the way it’s framed by some parties is you have to end one to do the other. I think that’s the false set of choices.”
… “We should take nothing for granted,” McMillan said of Trans Mountain.
… “I do have serious concerns, particularly when you have a minority government, a coalition government, and trade-offs are going to have to be made,” said Mark Scholz, president of the Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors.
“One can assume that would be a natural bargaining chip.”
The election on Monday will provide answers to some of these questions. Others will take years to resolve.
Just don’t expect a sudden change in the discourse over energy and the environment before the votes are counted next Monday.
Refer also to:
Above are corporate energy CEOs and Directors, all members of CAPP.
Poster by BC Tap Water Alliance, Stop Fracking BC