The future of fracking calls for a provincial referendum by Jim Guy, PhD, professor emeritus of political science and international law at Cape Breton University, January 21, 2014, Cape Breton Post
‘The practice has already generated huge controversy elsewhere’
Hydraulic fracturing — commonly called fracking — may well become the political issue that polarizes Nova Scotians this year. The practice has already generated huge controversy elsewhere in Canada, and in the U.S. and Europe. And now it is raising political concerns both on mainland Nova Scotia and on Cape Breton Island, where industrial contamination and costly remediation are fresh in everyone’s memory. Fracking typically ignites environmental concerns in all communities, especially First Nations, which are almost invariably opposed to the practice. Last year, anti-fracking demonstrations took place in a number of Nova Scotia First Nations, and there will likely be more if the government gives fracking the OK.
As the fracking issue has unfolded in other regions, politics and industry have collided over questions of safety, environmental degradation and quality of life. Many observers point to “industry science” that declares fracking to be “safe.” But academic science identifies numerous potential public safety and health hazards from fracking. Unfortunately, much of the so-called fracking “expertise” is ideological.
Fracking has already been defined in many communities. And the narrative is strikingly similar wherever it occurs. But it will receive yet another definition in Nova Scotia as part of the mandate of the provincially contracted independent fracking review chaired by Cape Breton University president David Wheeler.
Fracking technology has been widely used in North America to access “unconventional” natural gas deposits trapped underground. But fracking opponents say the practice contaminates groundwater, the air and soil.
Fracking involves clearing land in preparation for the installation of wells. The wells are drilled to hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of metres deep. This is usually followed by blasting millions of litres of water, chemicals and sand into the well to release natural gas or oil. The industry claims that fracking is safe, and accuses environmentalists of spreading misinformation and creating a climate of fear at the expense of jobs and economic growth. Many energy companies in the Maritimes are watching how Nova Scotia’s fracking review will proceed. The demand for natural gas in the Maritimes has been steadily increasing since the 2008-09 recession. As a clean-burning fuel, natural gas has much potential, both residentially and commercially, especially as Nova Scotia phases out coal-fired electrical generation and moves toward gas-fired electrical generation. Many companies are lined up to benefit from widespread fracking in Nova Scotia.
Groups opposed to the procedure say fracking contaminates aquifers and places people’s health at risk. Chemicals believed to be carcinogenic are used. However, most energy companies have been reluctant to identify the chemicals they use, claiming that they constitute a “trade secret.”
There is already a large constituency opposed to fracking, not just in the rest of Canada, but also in Nova Scotia. Nova Scotians are currently dealing with fracking wastewater from exploratory drilling conducted in Hants County from 2005-07. The Nova Scotia Fracking Resource and Action Coalition is the provincewide association of organizations and individuals opposing hydraulic fracturing. In December, the coalition sent an open letter to the government, expressing a lack of confidence in the provincial review, which it doubts will provide an independent and holistic assessment of the effects of fracking. In fairness to the review chairman, the membership has not been finalized.
The federal Liberal, NDP and Green parties all oppose fracking.
Environment Canada wants oil and gas companies to disclose what fluids are used in fracking. And provincial environmental acts stand to be violated if fracking results in water and soil contamination. Last month, the Nova Scotia government banned the importation of fracking waste water. The province already has a moratorium on fracking. The question that begs to be asked is: How close are we to giving an absolute “no” to fracking?
Opposition to fracking will not disappear, no matter how balanced and independent the provincial review is perceived to be. If anything, opinions will harden. Such potential controversy points to the need for a provincial referendum. Nova Scotia has had three referendums — on importing liquor in 1920 and on liquor control in 1929, and a plebiscite on Sunday shopping in 2004. The future of fracking in Nova Scotia warrants a plebiscite. [Emphasis added]
[Refer also to:
Political parties in Nova Scotia appear to have shifted views on hydraulic fracturing