Subject: Hydraulic Fracturing Review – Expert Panel Announcement
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2014 16:01:39 -0400
From: HFReview <email hidden; JavaScript is required>
On Behalf of Dr. David Wheeler, Chair of the Hydraulic Fracturing Independent Review and Public Consultation in Nova Scotia, I am pleased to announce the appointment of nine independent expert panellists to the Hydraulic Fracturing Review.
Panellists were selected from a highly qualified group of over 70 nominees and collectively represent the skill-sets that were identified in the original brief and expanded with feedback from stakeholders.
The nine panellists are listed below:[1] <>
Dr. Shawn Dalton – Principal & Senior Consultant, Thrive Consulting, Fredericton NB
Dr. Graham Gagnon – Director, Centre for Water Resource Studies, Dalhousie University, Halifax NS
Mr. Kevin Christmas – Special Contract Services, Membertou Band Council, Dartmouth NS
Dr. Ian Mauro – Associate Professor, Department of Geography, University of Winnipeg, MB
Dr. Frank Atherton[2] <> – Deputy Chief Medical Officer of Health, Department of Health & Wellness, Halifax NS
Mr. Ray Ritcey – President, Lighthouse Energy Inc., Halifax NS
Dr. Michael Bradfield – Professor, Retired, Dalhousie University, Halifax NS
Dr. Brad Hayes – President, Petrel Robertson Consulting, Calgary AB
Dr. Maurice Dusseault – Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Services, University of Waterloo, ON
It is possible that further advisors may also be brought in for special sessions where extra expertise would be helpful to the work of the Panel. These short term appointments will be announced as necessary.
Cape Breton University is also pleased to announce that following discussions with Mr. Christmas and others, the Department of Energy has agreed to support an additional process of outreach and dialogue with Aboriginal Chiefs and communities in tandem with the Review. This will allow Mr. Christmas to ably fulfil his duties on the Expert Panel and reflect the full diversity of Aboriginal wisdom and knowledge available on the topics to be considered. Mr. Christmas will also have access to an independent technical advisor. This aspect of the Review will be overseen by the Unama’ki College of Cape Breton University which is well known for integrating Aboriginal and western scientific knowledge through the concept of ‘two eyed seeing’.
[1] <> A short bio of each panellist will be made available at: <> .
[2] <> Dr Atherton will be participating with the agreement of the Minister, Department of Health and Wellness, but as with all Expert Panellists in a completely independent manner, consistent with medical and professional ethics. A letter from the Deputy Minister, Department of Health and Wellness, covering this matter will be posted at <>
*You are receiving this email communication as a registered stakeholder in the Hydraulic Fracturing Independent Review and Public Consultation. If you have received this email communication in error, or you do not wish to receive email updates of this nature in the future, please let me know and I will remove you from our email list.
**Please forward this announcement to your networks and encourage other interested professionals and citizens to register as stakeholders by emailing email hidden; JavaScript is required.
Margo MacGregor
Project Administrator
Verschuren Centre for Sustainability in
Energy & the Environment
Cape Breton University
Email: email hidden; JavaScript is required
Twitter: @HFReview_CBU
On 27/01/2014 6:58 AM, HFReview wrote:
Hello Jessica,
Dr Wheeler has asked me to thank you very sincerely for your interest in the Expert Panel on Hydraulic Fracturing in Nova Scotia.
We had 70 nominations and applications for the Panel and it was an exceptionally difficult task for us to identify the optimum mix of talents from such a high quality field. On this occasion we have to inform you that despite your undoubted qualifications and interest in the work of the Panel, we have selected another candidate to represent your field of expertise. However, this project is sufficiently wide in scope and opportunity for further research and commentary that we would like you to stay connected to the Review, if that is your wish. We certainly do value your expertise and experience and therefore encourage you to contribute to the Review by participating in consultation sessions or submitting research and written evidence for review. We will also add you to our mail list for receipt of occasional Review documents for comment and feedback. Please let us know if that is not of interest, otherwise we will assume you would indeed like to stay in touch with the process.
Thank you again for being part of this very important process for our Province.
Kind regards,
Margo MacGregor
Project Administrator
Verschuren Centre for Sustainability in
Energy & the Environment
Cape Breton University
Email: email hidden; JavaScript is required
Twitter: @HFReview_CBU
Hydraulic Fracturing Review Expert Panel Nomination
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 13:02:25 -0400
From: HFReview <email hidden; JavaScript is required>
Hello Jessica, You have been nominated to be a member of the Expert Panel on Hydraulic Fracturing in Nova Scotia. If you would like to accept this nomination please send me a copy of your CV. Details on the call for nominations can be found here: and the panel code of conduct, which we ask you to review, can be found here:
Kind regards,
Margo MacGregor
Project Administrator
Verschuren Centre for Sustainability in
Energy & the Environment
Cape Breton University
Email: email hidden; JavaScript is required
Twitter: @HFReview_CBU
[Refer also to:
Ernst CV submitted in response to HFReview asking for it
Nova Scotia: The future of fracking calls for a provincial referendum
Political parties in Nova Scotia appear to have shifted views on hydraulic fracturing