No hydrofracking waste on roads or in treatment plants in Onondaga County, legislators unanimously decide by Glenn Coin, December 17, 2013, Syracuse,com
The salty fluids from hydrofracking will be banned from roads and treatment plants in Onondaga County starting Jan. 1. With no discussion, the county Legislature today unanimously approved a law that forbids the treatment of hydrofracking fluids in any wastewater treatment plant and the spreading of it on roads to reduce ice.
“The toxins and radioactive materials found in hydraulic fracturing (“hydrofracking”) waste are detrimental to the public health and should be kept out of the county water supply and off county roadways,” the law reads. … The law carries a $25,000 fine for each violation. Four counties in New York have received permission to spread the fluids on roads, according to the environmental group Riverkeeper. [Emphasis added]