TRUMP PLANS TO FRACK-UP YOUR AMERICA by bobscaping, Sept 3, 2020
Tonight, President Trump is holding a pep rally in Latrobe, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.
Since his inauguration, he and his administration have worked to destroy nearly 100 sensible environmental laws and regulations.
Those regulations were put into place by Republicans and Democrats, over past decades, to protect us and future generations of Americans. What does Trump care? He is old, decrepit, and appears in dreadful health. Trump doesn’t need safe air to breath, or safe water to drink and bathe in and safe food to eat; he is rich enough to buy unfrac’d necessities of life – but where will he find them? Ireland? France?
His extreme energy plan goes so far as to permit oil and gas drilling everywhere, even off the coast of your favorite beach. Imagine what an oil spill would do there; destroy its natural beauty, wildlife, the money and jobs from a multi-million-dollar tourism industry… and your favorite beach!
He also wants to frac all our wilderness areas, even those specially set aside to be protected from exactly that sort of damage; forest fragmentation, drilling, hydraulic fracturing, water contamination, toxic spills, and air pollution that worsens climate change.

SOURCE: Harvard Law School Environmental & Energy Law Program’s regulatory rollback tracker, Brookings Institution “Tracking deregulation in the Trump era”, The New York Times environmental rollback tracker, federal agency websites. Timmy Broderick, Correspondent; Mark Trumbull and Jacob Turcotte/Staff | The Christian Science Monitor – August 6, 2020 Trump copying Canada’s ex PM Steve Harper and Alberta’s Energy Regulator’s (aka Encana/Ovintiv’s) after they copied GW Bush and Dick Cheney’s vile deregulations, or heeding big oil and frac’ers’ demands?
Tonight, Trump steps off his plane or helicopter into a Pennsylvania county that has witnessed the dangers of fracked shale oil and gas firsthand. Repeated fracking spills and a blowout, have threatened the public water of 150,000 people drawn from the Beaver Run Reservoir.
Multiple fracking accidents close to a public water supply for 150,000 people.

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