Leitrim bans fracking by Dervilla Keegan, January 17, 2014, Sligo Today
Anti-fracking campaigners accross the north west are claiming a major victory on foot of Leitrim County Council’s decision to ban fracking in the county, updating its 2015-2021 development plan with a commitment to refuse permission to any plans using the controversial drilling technology. The controversy centers on the detrimental environmental and human health impacts, and the sudden and extensive industrialisation of areas – largely rural – in which many fracking operations take place. In 2011 Australian company Tamboran Resources received options on exploration licences from the Irish Government and applied for exploration licences in 2013.
A folk choir sung outside and would have echoed around the chamber indoors where Councillors met to finalise the plan prior making it available for public comment. The amendments approved mean that the council will not permit fracking or any other form of unconventional gas exploration and extraction. The council also went further, giving a commitment to seek a full life cycle health impact assessment and an analysis of all possible cumulative and permanent negative effects of fracking from any body that tries to introduce fracking in neighboring areas or that tries to override the council’s ban.
“The government can no longer be in any doubt where the people of Leitrim stand on this issue,” said Seán Conlan, retired teacher and forester, who joined the gathering outside the council’s offices. “And it will be interesting to see what Tamboran’s reaction will be, since they said they would not do business in Sligo when Sligo County Council decided to ban fracking in 2012,” Mr Conlan went on to say. [Emphasis added]
Leitrim County Coucillors vote to ban fracking by The Journal, January 14, 2014
Leitrim County Councillors yesterday voted to ban fracking in the county, despite a warning from the county manager that they could be held financially responsible for future costs incurred as a result. This means a section will now be inserted into the county’s development plan with a commitment to refuse permission to plans which involve the use of the controversial drilling method. The motion passed with 17 votes in favour while Fine Gael councillor Gerry Reynolds voted against it and four of his party colleagues abstained. [Emphasis added]
[Refer also to:
Jessica Ernst Glenfarne Ireland Ballroom of Romance Fracking talk with questions and answers, February 24, 2012.
It’s almost 2 years ago since you packed the Ballroom of Romance in Glenfarne – but this along with all the hard work of campaigners has paid off.
S. McDermott, the man that introduced you that night, is now Chair of Leitrim County Council. He contributed to the strong mandate received on the night: 17 votes for a ban. 1 against with 4 abstentions. It’s a huge step forward for us Jessica. Thanks for all your help. We’re not finished yet.