Killer Water: Toxic spills, cover-ups, Indigenous betrayal in Alberta’s tar sands. New documentary by Brandi Morin and Georgie Day. Coming soon.

Brandi Morin@Songstress28 Oct 11, 2023:

Our documentary ‘Killer Water’ coming soon…Toxic spills, cover ups, & Indigenous betrayal in the oil sands.

By myself & @geordieday with support from @therealnewsnetwork @indiginews @ricochet_en

Refer also to:

2023 10 02: Imperial and Alberta regulator knew for years about oilsands tailings seepage, documents show, Test wells were finding tailings in groundwater as far back as 2020, reports show

Documents filed by Imperial Oil Ltd. show the company and Alberta’s energy regulator knew the Kearl oilsands mine was seeping tailings into groundwater years before a pool of contaminated fluid was reported on the surface, alarming area First Nations and triggering three investigations.

‘They knew there was seepage to groundwater,’ said Mandy Olsgard, an environmental toxicologist who has consulted for area First Nations.

‘The [Alberta Energy Regulator] and Imperial decided not to notify the public and just manage it internally.’

… Tuccaro said the regulator has denied Mikisew’s request for a stop-work order at Kearl. He called that a double standard.

‘The Alberta Utilities Commission and the Alberta government had no problem instituting a moratorium on renewable energy projects, but they won’t take simple regulatory measures in the face of a known human and environmental health problem.’

The Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation has called for the federal government to step in.

‘We do not believe that the Kearl leak was an isolated incident, and we do not believe the regulator would inform the public if another incident occurred,’ the band said in a statement.”

AER didn’t tell harmed communities where frac’ers like Encana/Ovintiv intentionally illegally frac’d and contaminated drinking water supplies used by white privileged people either. Makes no difference if you are white, Indigenous, a cow, a sandhill crane, a goose, or a goat – companies, with AER’s eager help, pollute and break the law to their raping profits delight.

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