Coffee and Testicles
A guy goes to the Sask. Environment to apply for a job.
The interviewer asks him, “Are you allergic to anything?”
He replies, “Yes, caffeine. I can’t drink coffee.”
“Ok, Have you ever been in the military service?”
“Yes,” he says, “I was in Iraq for one tour.”
The interviewer says, “That will give you 5 extra points toward employment.” Then he asks, “Are you disabled in any way?”
The guy says, “Yes. A bomb exploded near me and I lost both my testicles.”
The interviewer grimaces and then says, “Okay. You’ve got enough points for me to hire you right now. Our normal hours are from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. You can start tomorrow at 10:00 am, and plan on starting at 10:00 am every day.”
The guy is puzzled and asks, “If the work hours are from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, why don’t you want me here until 10:00 am?”
“This is a government job,” the interviewer says. “For the first two hours, we just stand around drinking coffee and scratching our balls. No point in you coming in for that.”
“now 28 animals dead after oil spill. 11 in recovery”
A comment to the article linked below:
Treetop Fri, 07/29/2016
Other than sharing ways to hide, alter, or destroy evidence to protect the guilty, how would the NEB help?
Pipeline whistleblower calls for public inquiry after Husky alters oil spill report by Christopher Adams, July 28th 2016, National Observer
We could have used the Canadian Army!! email by Stewart Shields sent to provincial and federal officials and politicians, Saturday 30, 2016
Bitumen slurry pipeline may not be more corrosive, however bitumen pipelines are indeed sour, and fail far more often than oil pipelines!!
The aforementioned will need an explanation to cover the statement supplied by the NEB—who few in Canada respect!!
In fact why is it that the bitumen producing Husky has by far the most pipeline failures in Saskatchewan- while nowhere near the biggest volume producer??
However this latest major bitumen slurry release into the moving water of the North Saskatchewan River is proving Husky as a very unfriendly type of operator!! Appearances are they hold no respect for the Provincial laws set out to guide their operations, or the cities and towns their operations directly adversely effect??
Prince Albert city folk had to read about the horrid spill heading their way –to take preventive actions for a supply of safe water unaffected by Husky??? I have never witnessed a spill that has caught the attention of the public where there is no updates at least daily, from the responsible operator to the public media !
With fish derbies ongoing in Nipawin, how are the participants to know where the head of this monster is?? Although this pipeline appears to come under Saskatchewan jurisdictions—I thought I would provide into rules the NEB have in place in a common question and answer format!!
I am indeed very surprized that Federal authorities like Fisheries Minister Dominic Leblanc and Catherine McKenna Minister of Environment for Canada have not responded to what’s taking place all across Northern Saskatchewan! The Canadian army could have played a roll in a runway bitumen spill-that the operator couldn’t or wouldn’t catch!! I’m getting responses that Husky is hiding in Brad Wall cool basement!!
Stewart Shields
3.6 Is oil sands crude (diluted bitumen) more corrosive than conventional crude oil?
Significant independent scientific research has been done on this subject, and the results show that bitumen-derived crude is no more corrosive in transmission pipelines than other crudes.
ASTM International – an internationally recognized agency that develops standards tests – published a guide (Guide G205) for measuring the corrosivity of crude oil under pipeline conditions, based on research conducted by several organizations, including the Canmet Laboratories of Natural Resources Canada. The guide describes test methods that enable a direct comparison of various crude oils, including bitumen.
Corrosivity in transmission pipelines comes from two sources – water content and erosive constituents, such as mud and sand. Those substances are removed before crude oil enters pipelines for transmission. Moreover, for transport in transmission pipelines, the sand and water content of oil is strictly controlled and the combined basic sediment and water content must be less than 0.5 per cent by volume.
In addition, crude oils, including bitumen-derived crudes, contain little or no carbon dioxide (CO2) or hydrogen sulphide (H2S).
Finally, pipelines carrying bitumen-derived crude oil operate at the same pressure levels as pipelines carrying other types of crude oil.
3.7 Who is liable for cleaning up a pipeline spill?
If the operator is at fault, the pipeline company is completely liable for all costs to clean up a pipeline spill. In Canada, there is no limit on the amount a company may be required to pay to clean up a spill. In addition to being financially responsible for clean up, the company may also be fined or be subjected to other enforcement actions such as Board Orders and Directives or prosecution. [Will the NEB and Saskatchewan regulators “investigate” the disaster for years, then blame heavy rains so that Husky need not pay in full? Will Brad Wall demand of Trudeau that Canadians pay for Husky’s failures to prevent the leak, and terrible failure to contain the toxic mess from traveling so far and harming so many communities? ]
If an incident occurs, the NEB holds the company responsible and accountable for clean-up and site remediation. The Pipeline Safety Act sets out absolute liability of $1 billion for companies operating major oil pipelines (classes and limits for other pipelines will be established in regulations). This means that companies will be automatically responsible for up to $1 billion in damages regardless of whom or what caused the incident. It is important to note that where the pipeline company is at fault or negligent, liability will remain unlimited. This extends to damages to the environment beyond the costs of clean-up and other losses. All companies operating a pipeline will be required to hold a minimum level of financial resources to ensure they can respond quickly in the event of an incident. If the operator is unwilling or unable to shoulder its responsibilities, the Government of Canada will provide the NEB with the resources to take control of spill response, cleanup and remediation, and the NEB will be authorized to recover any costs incurred from industry. [How, if the company is unable? Via Canadian taxpayers?]
4. Regulation of Pipel
3.6 Is oil sands crude (diluted bitumen) more corrosive than conventional crude oil?
Significant independent scientific research has been done on this subject, and the results show that bitumen-derived crude is no more corrosive in transmission pipelines than other crudes.
ASTM International – an internationally recognized agency that develops standards tests – published a guide (Guide G205) for measuring the corrosivity of crude oil under pipeline conditions, based on research conducted by several organizations, including the Canmet Laboratories of Natural Resources Canada. The guide describes test methods that enable a direct comparison of various crude oils, including bitumen.
Corrosivity in transmission pipelines comes from two sources – water content and erosive constituents, such as mud and sand. Those substances are removed before crude oil enters pipelines for transmission. Moreover, for transport in transmission pipelines, the sand and water content of oil is strictly controlled and the combined basic sediment and water content must be less than 0.5 per cent by volume.
In addition, crude oils, including bitumen-derived crudes, contain little or no carbon dioxide (CO2) or hydrogen sulphide (H2S).
Finally, pipelines carrying bitumen-derived crude oil operate at the same pressure levels as pipelines carrying other types of crude oil. [Emphasis added]
I Hopr They Have A Ton Of Money!! email by Stewart Shields to federal and provincial authorities and politicians, July 30, 2016
Using solely E-mails to correspond with the public they brought great harm to, surely is no way to act for the party guilty of a world record spill!! Is their another spill in the world that has traveled over 500 Km. in length and still going??
The discomfort brought to the folks of Prince Alberta by Husky, and solved totally without Husky’s help or apparent care, should have those who did react in a timely fashion very well rewarded for a job well done!! Brad Wall should have asked Dominic Leblanc for the Canadian armies help to supply a source of water not contaminated by Husky, for those cut-off from their water supplies and to try to prevent the spill from getting past Prince Albert!!
Both Wall and Husky are so dam guilty they have lost their voices!!
This is a perfect example of having a head office outside the province of operations, the complete show of disrespect is unlikely to have placard’s appearing at the operators front door?? I have often stated that Brad Wall is the greatest thing to happen to Calgary!! Husky’s very bad behaviour when trouble finally arrived, will do nothing for the NEB hearings ready to start on August 8th, 2016 , in St John on the Energy East pipeline!! Indeed this hearing should properly be delayed until a full investigation into what took place to allow a 1500 bbl. spill to pollute over 500 Km. of a major fish bearing river in Saskatchewan!! The federal government will have to examine if indeed their is another solution for recovering bitumen slurry from moving water? Should only upgraded bitumen be allowed in pipelines that come close or under moving waters??
These are indeed troubling questions that should have been answered before former Prime Minister Harper anointed “Gwyn Morgan’s EnCana” the right to export raw sour bitumen slurry!! Turning things around to prevent another Kalamazoo or North Saskatchewan disaster can’t wait an eternity to be solved.
If we are at all interested in Canada’s environment we are fortunate that sour raw bitumen need not be exported, but bitumen can be upgraded to a crude oil status at source before being pipelined?? The Folks in Saskatchewan have to inform both Brad Wall and Husky “who the owner of the bitumen resource really is”
Stewart Shields
Husky Energy emails are ineffective in wake of oil spill, says expert, ‘Email is the lowest form of building trust and caring’: Barry McLoughlin CBC News, July 28, 2016
Husky Energy has said they will only communicate with the media by e-mail in regards to the 250,000-litre oil spill.
On Thursday, Barry McLoughlin, a crisis communications expert told CBC News that the strategy is ineffective.
First and foremost, people want to know if the company cares about the community and the environment following an oil spill, McLoughlin said.
“You can’t get a test of somebody caring if they default down into emails, and so email is the lowest form of building trust and caring.”
Husky admits crews missed leak night of Saskatchewan oil spill
Husky oil spill began when pumping resumed through pipeline expansion project
Additionally, people need to see senior officials at the head of the disaster, he said, adding physical interaction allows observers to measure things like vocal tone and body language.
“They have to be present because if you’re not there you don’t care,” said McLoughlin.
Company was off to a good start
A company needs to take full responsibility following a crisis and Husky seemed to do that, he said.
They also participated in the daily media conference calls used to update the public.
However, after joining in for two days they stopped and haven’t participated in another. [Makes Husky look too guilty perhaps?]
Then Husky announced they would not conduct any interviews and would only answer questions by email. [Legal advice? So that Husky and government lawyers can “edit” what is “promised” and how?]
McLoughlin said companies often resort to emails or lawyers when “things heat up.”
In the end, emails are ineffective and the silence distracts from their participation in the clean up, McLoughlin said.
“You end up in a situation where it seems like you’re hiding behind a wall.” [Or in a closet, like Steve Harper hid?]
In his experience, when a company resorts to emails it is because they feel frustrated they aren’t getting their desired message across.
McLouglin said that probably stems from the growing controversy over the timeline of the spill.
However, he said communication can’t end regardless of the issues.
“You have to have somebody out there, not only explaining it, but taking questions directly on it.”
Currently, they are relying on a media and issues manager as their sole spokesperson. The ‘many brains to one mouth’ tactic is common, he said.
McLoughlin said a public relations person doesn’t chalk up to a senior employee demonstrating accountability after a crisis.
“It’s a very different level of authority. It is not going to be the voice of authority,” he said.
Turning things around
“If I was the advisor I would say get out there tomorrow and hold a news conference,” he said.
“It’s never too late to do the right thing.”
A senior official should utilize technology if they can’t be on the ground, McLoughlin said, noting they should issue a video statement to the affected communities.
Husky oil spill: Pipelines close to rivers a bad idea, scientist says
“People want to know: do you care about us and what actions are you taking to demonstrate that?”
Husky is accountable to the affected public and must rebuild trust in order to rebuild their image, he said. [Emphasis added]
He Got His Make Work Project For The Petro Industry!!! email by Stewart Shields to federal and provincial authorities and politicians, July 30, 2016
The bitumen slurry cares less if indeed you are a major pipeline operator or a major producer, it is not going to be controlled in the same manner as crude oil!! I don’t like it suggested that major pipeline interests could have handled this spill after the Enbridge effort over 6 years at Kalamazoo??
This husky spill simply verifies that Kalamazoo was no fluke—booms cannot be trusted to gather bitumen product on moving water!! Was Husky informed to allow the spill to be herder downstream to lakes for easier pick-up, to keep the facts hidden that a similar spill on the Kalamazoo River in Michigan had the same problem with bitumen below the water surface? I know of no spill contaminating over 500 Km. of river shoreline and still on the move!!
Brad Wall should be uncomfortable about this mess across the total of Northern Saskatchewan! As the biggest “Petro-Puppet”since Harper got the boot-he very probably realizes he should have asked for help to get clean water, unaffected by Husky-for his citizens, and got in front of the spill to stop it’s eastern progress toward lakes?? However, Wall wanted a make work project for the industry, and he managed a home-run here!! This is indeed cleaning-up an industry mess, and better yet for the people of Saskatchewan it’s on the industry dollar, not their tax dollars, as Wall would have had it!! Again the Energy East hearings that start in St John on August 8th, should be postponed until industry can prove they can recover bitumen below the surface of a moving stream!! As it stands now only bitumen upgraded into crude oil status, should be allowed in pipelines!!!!
Stewart Shields
Another spill, another setback for Canada’s pipeline cause by Chris Varcoe, July 30, 2016, Calgary Herald
They’re two chief executives running two competing companies, but Enbridge’s Al Monaco and TransCanada’s Russ Girling share a common view.
The recent Husky Energy’s pipeline spill in Saskatchewan is unfortunate — and it’s bad for the sector. [Isn’t it grand that the horrific truth about the industry is being exposed so well for the world to see? Drinking water contaminating incident after incident after incident]
Monaco, chief executive of Enbridge, said Friday that any incident is a “concern, not just to the general public, but to the entire industry.”
Girling, CEO of TransCanada Corp., said Thursday the Saskatchewan release will “cause people concern, and rightfully so.”
It’s been a tough week for those who believe in the need for Canada to build more oil and gas pipelines, including Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall and Rachel Notley in Alberta.
Opponents have yet another problem to highlight safety concerns surrounding the sector.
More importantly, it’s impacted the water supply for 62,000 people who live in affected communities in west and central parts of Saskatchewan.
Although this spill came from a line operated by a petroleum producer, not one of the large transmission pipeline companies, the entire sector is painted with the same brush.
It comes at a critical time as Enbridge is hoping its stalled Northern Gateway project can eventually move ahead, while TransCanada’s Energy East development is now in the regulatory process.
However, each problem, each misstep, each poorly communicated response to an emergency, comes with a price. It intensifies the public spotlight on a sector already facing heightened levels of scrutiny. [And shows the world more and more how callous, dishonest, greedy, corrupt, unscrupulous and cruel it is, especially when it poisons people and drinking water]
“In this environment, there’s no doubt that the scrutiny on the industry is very high. But, you know, it should be,” Monaco said Friday in a conference call.
“The fact of the matter is that the additional scrutiny and attention — although perhaps uncomfortable — is leading the entire industry, I think, to get better.” [Were all the endless “perfectly safe” and “best in the world” promises lies?]
There’s little doubt the Saskatchewan spill is making some people uncomfortable, [Try living without water for a decade or more – in Canada no less, land of water supposedly plenty for all] including that province’s premier.
Initial reports have shifted in recent days, but Husky says on the evening of July 20, its monitoring system detected pressure anomalies as several segments of its heavy oil pipeline network were being returned to service.
The pipeline, east of the border community of Lloydminster, was shut the next morning around 6 a.m. “as a further precaution.”
An oily sheen later appeared on the North Saskatchewan River, which supplies water to the nearby cities of North Battleford and Prince Albert. It’s estimated about 1,500 barrels of oil and diluent ended up in the river.
Since then, both communities have been forced to close their water supply intake from the river.
“We’re deeply sorry,” said an email from Husky spokesman Mel Duvall. “All of our employees are focused on making it right.”
[Unbelievable. Husky apologizes? What ugly secrets yet to come out is Husky trying to deflect? When’s the AER, Encana and Quicksilver et al, Notley government, Peter Watson (now Chair of the NEB) and Alberta Environment going to apologize to the people of Alberta for poisoning them and their water by fracing?]
But criticism of the company’s response, and the entire pipeline sector’s performance, has been mounting.
“This pipeline spill is endemic of the safety problems that continue to plague the pipeline industry,” said Mike Hudema of Greenpeace Canada.
While the investigation is ongoing, large pipeline operators such as Enbridge and TransCanada are left to defend the sector and its record.
Monaco said the industry has been investing in recent years to improve its ability to assess the integrity of pipelines and identify anomalies. Pipeline operators are also co-operating more, sharing information. [BUT NOT WITH THE CANADIANS THEY HARM? CITIZENS DO NOT KNOW THE TOXIC CHEMICALS MOVING UNDER AND IN THEIR COMMUNITIES VIA PIPELINES. HAS HUSKY COMPLETELY DISCLOSED TO THE PUBLIC ALL CHEMICALS USED TO EXTRACT THE PETROLEUM RESOURCES IN PIPELINES AND THE ADDITIVES NEEDED TO MAKE BITUMEN MOVE?]
“Perhaps years ago in our industry, we would have said, ‘You know, things happen.’ And, of course, they do when you run industrial assets,” he said.
While critics contend no pipelines are foolproof, industry proponents and premiers point out that such projects are still the safest and most efficient way to move oil and gas around the country.
Across Canada, the number of reportable incidents involving federally regulated pipelines and facilities — incidents such as the release of liquids or events causing an “adverse effect on the environment” — tripled over five years to 155 cases in 2012, according to National Energy Board data.
It hit 90 cases last year; in the first half of this year, the number dropped to 43.
In Alberta, the number of provincially regulated pipeline incidents has declined in the past two years, from 693 in 2014, to just above 500 last year; through the first half of this year, 230 incidents were reported, according to the Alberta Energy Regulator. [HOW MANY INCIDENTS WERE UNREPORTED, LIKE ENCANA ILLEGALLY FRAC’ING ROSEBUD’S DRINKING WATER AQUIFERS?]
But the AER also pointed out this month that in 23 pipeline leaks it’s investigated — it appears all in producer-operated lines — improper leak detection was a significant contributing factor in eight cases. [INDUSTRY IS “STRIVING TO DO BETTER?” IT APPEARS ALL THAT INDUSTRY IS STRIVING TO DO IS TAKE MORE AND MORE BILLIONS IN SUBSIDIES FROM THE PUBLIC, CLEAN-UP LESS AND LESS, AND BECOME 100 PERCENT SELF-REGULATING AND LEGALLY IMMUNE]
Chris Bloomer, president of the Canadian Energy Pipeline Association, points out there are different kinds of lines in the industry, from gathering and feeder pipes to larger transmission lines.
He thinks all the various operators of pipelines, including petroleum producers, need to sit down and find ways to share best practices, performance standards and critical information.
‘We do need to try and come together to deal with this, because it’s affecting the pipelines, but the pipelines affect the industry.”
The latest leak has caused grief for everyone involved, particularly the people in Prince Albert, North Battleford and other Saskatchewan communities.
Rural Sask. residents seek answers as Husky oil-induced water crisis continues, Sarah Anderson wants to know who will pay for her new water storage system by Alicia Bridges, CBC News, July 29, 2016
With her water supply cut off due to the Husky oil spill, Sarah Anderson is preparing to buy a second water storage system worth between $800 and $1,200.
As a resident of the Rural Municipality of Prince Albert, Anderson’s water supply has been halted indefinitely and her existing tank is almost dry, so water is an immediate concern.
Although finding water to fill the tanks is a problem she has not solved yet, the Rural Municipality of Prince Albert’s water utility has been delivering water to some rural residents. [Ernst was abandoned by the Alberta government, two years after its legislature-made promise to permanently provide safe alternate water because of Encana’s illegal fracing. She has bought and paid for a tank and hauling equipment (including a truck) herself, and has hauled water for more than eight years now with no help in sight.]
Who will pay?
Another question looming over Anderson’s family of four is whether the cost of buying the tank will be covered.
“I approached our RM, they have stated that everything will be 100 per cent covered by Husky, then I phoned Husky and they were actually very good to talk to, but they are saying that nothing is guaranteed,” she said. [There’s an awful lot of “talking” going on, and zero action by Husky to prove it will pay. All it takes is a billion dollar bond put in place with the province of Saskatchewan. Why is Buddy Brad Wall not demanding such a bond? That way, no harmed citizens or communities would be stressed worrying they’ll be left paying for Husky’s toxic disaster.]
On Tuesday, the RM’s rural water utility was encouraging its residents to keep all receipts for bottled water and other purchases in the hope that Husky Energy, whose oil pipeline spilled into the community’s primary drinking water source, may provide compensation.
Husky has set up a toll-free phone number to Braemar, a third-party insurance agent, for private citizen and business claims.
The company said each claim was unique and would be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. [aka, Husky will fight each and every claim, as nastily as possible years, so that most harmed people will 1) not bother filing claims or 2) quickly give up if they do?]
The rural water utility usually purchases and supplies water from the City of Prince Albert, but the city has cut off its supply to the RM to prioritize its own residents.
Water restrictions are being enforced in the city after it shut off its water intake system following the upstream oil spill into the North Saskatchewan River.
Husky oil spill began when pumping resumed through pipeline expansion project
Rural areas thirsting for water after Prince Albert plant shut down due to Husky oil spill
A 30-kilometre, temporary water line to pump water from the South Saskatchewan River to the city is expected to be completed on Friday.
City of Prince Albert manager Jim Toye told reporters on Thursday it would not restart the pumps to rural communities until it knew how much the new water line would produce.
“What we do not want to do is provide them service for two days and have to stop again,” said Toye.
Finding a way
In the meantime, Anderson said she and her neighbours were finding resourceful ways to store and recycle water.
She knows of one rural resident who is redirecting water from their swimming pool to their holding tank to be used for showering and flushing toilets.
Anderson is worried it could be weeks before her taps are running normally again.
“The thing that is frustrating about this is that there’s really no answers for us, as rural people … that there’s no answer as to when our water will come back on,” she said. [AND THAT IS WHY RELIABLE GOOD UNCONTAMINATED GROUNDWATER SUPPLIES ARE SO VITAL, AND WHY IT IS SO DAMN WRONG THAT REGULATORS AND POLITICIANS ARE ALLOWING COMPANIES TO FRAC AND CONTAMINATE THEM OR MAKE THEM RUN DRY]
The City of Prince Albert is asking residents or businesses with insurance questions to call Braemar at 1-844-461-7991 and fill out a claim over the phone or request a physical claim form; or fill out their claim through email at email hidden; JavaScript is required. [Emphasis added]
First Nations in Manitoba keep wary eye on Saskatchewan oil spill, Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs calls for boycott of Husky Energy by CBC News, July 29, 2016
First Nations in Manitoba are keeping a nervous eye on a massive slick that’s slowly spreading eastward on the North Saskatchewan River, after a pipeline owned by Husky Energy leaked more than 200,000 litres of oil on July 21.
That spill, which originated near Maidstone, Sask. has already passed through several First Nation communities, including the Muskoday First Nation, which declared a state of emergency after being shut off from its normal water supply for four days.
“The waters of the North Saskatchewan River eventually flow into the Saskatchewan River, which flows into Manitoba near the Opaskwayak Cree Nation and into Lake Winnipeg at Grand Rapids near the Chemawawin and Misipawistik Cree Nations,” stated Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak Grand Chief Sheila North Wilson in a press release.
The organization, which represents 30 First Nations in northern Manitoba, is joining their Saskatchewan counterparts in demanding to be part of monitoring teams that are tracking the spill’s flow.
MKO is also calling on the provinces of Saskatchewan and Manitoba to establish “permanent interprovincial First Nation-government co-ordination units to monitor water quality, contaminants and spills to ensure safety for our People, waters and territory.”
On Friday, the head of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs also criticized the way in which the spill has been handled by both the province of Saskatchewan and Husky Energy, accusing the company of keeping silent about the dangers to communities downstream.
The group, which represents the province’s 63 First Nations communities, called for an immediate boycott – including divestment – of Husky Energy.
“To poison this source of life for a great number of people, animals and plant life is a tragedy and we must hold the company to account for this,” Grand Chief Derek Nepinak wrote in a press release.
No immediate threat
Earlier this week, officials from the Province of Manitoba said that because of the slow rate of oil slick’s spread, there was no immediate threat to this province.
But while booms have been deployed at various places along the river, high water and debris have hampered the clean-up effort. And MKO’s North Wilson said the longer the oil is in the water, the more likely it will break up and the harder it will be to capture.
“This means that booms will be increasingly less effective as the oil moves downstream from the spill,” she said.
The MKO release also said that on August 3, a group of women from the Opaskewyak Cree Nation will be holding a ceremony to pray for the Saskatchewan River.
AMC Calls for Boycott & Divestment following Husky Energy Inc. oil spill on the North Saskatchewan River Media Release by Treaty 1 Territory, July 29, 2016,
Very few facts have been shared publicly with respect to the amount of damage and potential damage to freshwater further downstream from the spill site. In light of this ongoing tragedy and uncertainty of the safety of freshwater for tens of thousands of people who rely on the river for life downstream, Grand Chief Derek Nepinak is calling for support of an immediate boycott & divestment of Husky Energy Inc. products and services.
“Our elders have told us that at its source, this water system, is one of the purest arteries of freshwater anywhere in the world and that it must be protected in order to sustain life in the northern plains and the boreal forest. Cultures & languages have been built on this watershed over tens of thousands of years and in less than a few decades of ‘development’, the very life of the river is at risk. To poison this source of life for a great number of people, animals and plant life is a tragedy and we must hold the company to account for this. As a community of people from all over the world, whose children and grandchildren will inherit our decisions in this critical time we must be willing to protect the health of our families & communities. It is community action that will have to hold the company accountable as neither industry nor governments appear willing to demonstrate leadership on this matter” stated Grand Chief Nepinak.
Grand Chief Nepinak is calling on this boycott & divestment until such time that Husky Energy Inc. can demonstrate that its actions in mitigating damages were timely and reasonable and that it will commit to all measures necessary to eliminate any possibility of a future spill of toxic substances that can destroy life. The North Saskatchewan River connects many communities across the northern plains before eventually passing through the Opaskwayak Cree Nation and joining other waters before Lake Winnipeg.
“This tragedy highlights the inherent risks undertaken by companies like Husky Energy Inc. that threatens our freshwater and ultimately the health of our ecosystems. Moving forward it is important to create space and empower young people like the Divest UWinnipeg student group who are actively lobbying the University of Winnipeg to divest itself from investments in Husky Energy Inc. and other fossil fuel companies. It is the young people who must bare the long term risks of these ongoing tragedies. It is also the young people with the solutions that are going to protect the North Saskatchewan River and other fresh water systems for future generations,” concluded Grand Chief Nepinak.
For more information, please contact:
Kayla Frank, Policy Analyst
204.230.8166 or email hidden; JavaScript is required
Premier Wall celebrated Husky expansion in oil spill area on election eve – Saskatchewan – CBC News email by Stewart Shields to federal and provincial authorities and politicians, July 29, 2016
I don’t think there is any doubt that Brad Wall is Canada’s most celebrated Petro-Puppet since Harper’s departure!! Going to Ottawa is a palms-up position to “Land Federal Funding” for the Oil industry members to clean-up their messes, told more than it had to about Wall’s character! Indeed I have said many times—Brad Wall is the best thing that has happened to Calgary!! Wall also is continuing with the royalty free production on new wells and was doing so when oil was selling at $60 dollar per bbl. more than it is today, Is it any wonder he is popular in Calgary, and loved by the oil industry!! As one of his Conservatives friends said—he’s leaving his mark on Saskatchewan with the horrid bitumen slurry spill on the North Saskatchewan River!! We Realize that Enbridge paid $ 177 million for a bitumen slurry spill that covered over 35 miles on the Kalamazoo River, after almost a billion on the clean-up!! What type of fine will Wall suggest for Husky who’s spill covered well over 10 times that distance and is still on the move??? Those that wouldn’t control the development of bitumen production when former Premier Lougheed suggested, did Canada a huge disservice!! Allowing petroleum industry member to regulate themselves as we are now witnessing with the management of this massive bitumen spill had indeed cost the Saskatchewan public that own the resource far more than they ever realize!!
Stewart Shields
Premier Wall celebrated Husky expansion in oil spill area on election eve, Province approved 4 Husky projects in the area without environmental impact assessments by CBC News, July 29, 2106
Less than one week before the start of the 2016 election campaign, Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall attended an event celebrating the opening of Husky Energy’s new heavy oil thermal project.
The project, known as Edam East, is located near where the Husky spill occurred last week, in which more than 200,000 litres of oil poured onto the shore of the North Saskatchewan River, much of it ending up in the water.
Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall calls Husky oil spill ‘terrible situation’
According to the company, that spill was triggered during the startup of a pipeline connected to Husky’s Saskatchewan Gathering System — the company’s heavy oil pipeline network in west central Saskatchewan.
Wall at Husky event
Premier Brad Wall celebrated the opening of a new Husky Energy facility just days before the call of the 2016 provincial election campaign.
However, the pipeline that ruptured was installed in 1997 and is not part of the new construction.
Edam East, which feeds up to 10,000 barrels of oil a day into the Saskatchewan Gathering System, was officially opened by Wall on March 1 of this year.
“Despite low oil prices, our province’s energy sector continues to attract billions of dollars in new investment,” Wall said.
“Edam East is another example of the quick ramp ups that we’ve come to expect from these developments which have operating costs amongst the lowest in the industry,” said the company’s CEO Asim Ghosh.
Husky oil spill began when pumping resumed through pipeline expansion project
Husky oil spill: pipeline project in area didn’t trigger review, Environment Minister says
Wall made the announcement the same day that Quebec announced it would take legal action to stop the proposed Energy East pipeline, which Wall advocates.
“If there’s a prima facie case for Energy East why slap an injunction against it except if it’s about environmental politics” Wall said. “It probably is going to be a bit divisive unfortunately.”
4 projects — 1,000s of barrels of oil — no environmental impact assessments
Edam East is one of at least four Husky projects in the Rural Municipalities of Turtle River, Paynton or Eldon that have been reviewed by Saskatchewan’s Ministry of Environment over the past three years.
In each case, ministry officials concluded that an environmental impact assessment was not required, and therefore not conducted.
Husky oil at Edam
In March 2016 Husky announced the opening of its Edam East project in West Central Saskatchewan.
In August 2013, the Ministry of Environment reviewed the Edam East project. Ministry documents say “the purpose of the project is to product up to 10,000 barrels of oil/day.”
Husky oil spill: more than 2,000 pipelines in Saskatchewan database
The project includes a central processing facility, an oil pipeline, 13 water wells and a raw water pipeline.
The ministry says “the expansion will increase water allocation and pumping capacity to 18,000 m3/day” and it says the Water Security Agency believes that allocation “could be granted without negatively impacting groundwater resources. No impacts on shallow groundwater quantity or quality are expected.”> And so it found “the project will not have a significant environmental impact.”
The ministry came to similar conclusions with three other Husky projects in the same area,
July 2014 the Ministry of Environment conducted a review of Husky’s Edam West Gravity Drainage Project which “is expected to produce 3,500 barrels of oil per day.” This project includes a central oil processing facility, a raw water supply wellfield, including 5 observation wells, 20 water source well sites, 16km of raw water supply pipelines and 2.9km oil pipeline. The project is expected to come online within days.
December 2014 the ministry reviewed the Saskatchewan Gathering System Pipeline Expansion Project which involved the construction of 23 kilometres of pipeline. The pipeline was deemed necessary because “the existing pipelines are not capable of handling an anticipated increase in volumes of oil.” Despite the fact that the pipelines will be run under the North Saskatchewan River, Birling Creek and wetlands, an environmental review was deemed to be unnecessary. The ministry found the pipeline ran along existing pipeline routes primarily on cultivated land, and avoided wetlands and watercourses. “Unique or sensitive habitat types were avoided where possible during route selection.” The project is expected to be complete within months.
December 2015 ministry staff reviewed Husky’s Rush Lake Commercial project. It’s proposed to be a steam assisted gravity drainage thermal oil recovery project. It’s expected to produce 10,000 barrels of oil a day. The project includes a central processing facility and water and oil pipelines. The project has been approved but construction hasn’t yet begun.
In each case ministry staff concluded an environmental impact assessment was unnecessary.
They also noted the projects are “subject to all other regulatory requirements.”
Why no environmental impact assessments?
The ministry explained that environmental impact assessments were unnecessary for each of these projects because none of them were considered to be “developments” as defined by the Act, and only “developments” warrant an environmental impact review.
The Act says in order for a project to be a development it must be likely to:
Have an effect on any unique, rare or endangered feature of the environment
Substantially utilize any provincial resource and in so doing preempt the use, or potential use, of that resource for any other purpose
Cause the emission of any pollutants or create by-products, residual or waste products which require handling and disposal in a manner that is not regulated by any other Act or regulation
Cause widespread public concern because of potential environmental changes
Involve a new technology that is concerned with resource utilization and that may induce significant environmental change
Have a significant impact on the environment or necessitate a further development which is likely to have a significant impact on the environment
Ministry staff concluded that none of Husky’s four projects met any of these criteria. [How convenient for Husky and Brad Wall!]
Bitumen Slurry Should Never Have Been Pipelined !
email by Stewart Shields to federal and provincial authorities and politicians, July 29, 2016
The only hope for expansion in the bitumen sands is for several companies to form units to construct upgraders to value add their bitumen to a light synthetic crude oil by forming operating units, like what is done with gas plants!! The rush to gain royalty free production in the bitumen business led to foreign and domestic companies pushing to strip, rip, and ship raw sour bitumen without the customary upgrading done under Peter Lougheed!! The rush sanctioned by Steven Harper for Gwyn Morgan and his EnCana gang is what has gained us the biggest bitumen mess in the world on the North Saskatchewan River!! The two bitumen slurry spills on moving water—on the Kalamazoo River in Michigan, and the North Saskatchewan tragedy, has simply proven—bitumen should have never been pipelined unless upgraded to a light crude oil!!
All the PR in the world will not erase the fact that Kalamazoo was no fluke!! Bitumen is not and never will be crude oil without upgrading, and spilled bitumen on a moving stream cannot and never will be cleaned up using the same methods as crude oil!! The rush of both foreign and domestic developers to cash in on the Alberta public picking up the tab for the capital costs of getting in on the bitumen business, must lay at the feet of the Conservative Party in Alberta!! And the Strip,Rip, and Ship method of production must lay at the feet of the Conservative Party in Ottawa!! Canada will become a slop pail unless something major is done to address the Conservative stupidity of turning bitumen into a slurry then exporting this horrid muck to foreign markets!! The time have more than arrived where Canada should become known for a clean oil product!!
Stewart Shields
Yedlin: The era of oilsands megaprojects is over by Deborah Yedlin, July 29, 2016, Calgary Herald
Notes of caution dominated the conversations surrounding the release of second-quarter results by oilsands players on Wednesday and Thursday.
What was clear from the messaging coming from each of the three companies on the earnings calendar — Suncor, Cenovus and MEG — is that costs are coming down and the era of oilsands megaprojects is definitely over.
“The biggest takeaway is the success companies have had in bringing down their costs,” said Mike Dunn, director, institutional research with FirstEnergy Capital Corp. pointing to Cenovus and MEG.
The drop in costs — from changes in operating practises — is allowing companies to put the dollars saved towards modest growth opportunities, with Dunn expecting as much as two-thirds of what has been reduced should remain in place when prices do start to recover.
Supporting the perspective the time of megaprojects is over is the fact it is more attractive from a valuation perspective to buy oilsands assets because they are cheap. Other reasons for not turning on the spending taps include low prices, uncertainty over the impact of federal climate change legislation and the lack of progress on achieving access to tidewater; progress on pipelines remains a critical factor to companies making investment decisions — even in a low price environment.
And that’s despite the fact the capital markets, for the most part, have been open for the “good” names in the oilpatch and allowed for more than $15 billion to be raised in both the debt and equity markets since the beginning of the year. Not only that, there are signs overseas and transborder investors — even with the concerns that may exist over environmental issues — are starting to buy up shares in oilsands companies. The reason behind the renewed interest in the sector seems to be stemming from a sentiment that shares have bottomed, the supply response looms and investors with longer time horizons are looking to position themselves for big gains over the next 12-18 months.
Look no further than a company like MEG, which, for better and worse, is highly levered to oil prices and trading below $6 per share. A sustained jump in crude prices could see their shares respond in short order — especially if prices can stick in the US$60 per barrel range. If they do reach that threshold, MEG will be in a position to fund its expansion plans from internal cash flow; if prices remain closer to the $50 mark, analysts are speculating MEG will be going to the market to raise equity, but this could be deferred if it sells its interest in the Access Pipeline. Devon sold its stake to Wolf Midstream earlier this month for $1.4 billion.
The good news from MEG, though it wasn’t the “knock your socks off” variety, was that it is expecting to spend $30 million of the $170-million capital budget on growth opportunities; previously, the entire amount was to have been allocated to sustaining capital. Also interesting was that Bill McCaffrey, the founder and chief executive officer, is no longer chairman of the company. He has been replaced in the chairman’s role by Jeff McCaig. While this brings MEG into the modern age of corporate governance, it also sends a signal that the distance created by this move points to a greater possibility of a sale being considered if an offer comes forward.
Cenovus also had news of modest reinvestment plans, with the company in a position to capture the impact of achieving lower operating costs, and putting Phase G of Christina Lake back on the table after being shelved last year. The company is currently rebidding the project and between that and the operating efficiencies it says it has captured, Cenovus chief executive Brian Ferguson was clearly preparing the market that the company is looking to add to production.
But slowly.
Given the continued uncertainty in the markets — whether in terms of prices, access to tidewater or climate change policy — the comments made by Suncor CEO Steve Williams should not have been a big surprise.
Williams said the company is in discussions with the Alberta government to shut-in production in certain areas, which would result in the stranding of some assets in its portfolio.
Let’s chew on that for a bit.
The company said they would do this if the economics don’t work because prices are too low, or if the production at these sites would add to Suncor’s carbon emissions footprint.
It wouldn’t be the first time a company has shut-in production — though the fact it is in discussions with the province suggests it is a permanent move, because companies are granted permission to produce the entirety of reserves on Crown lands.
In other words, it’s a tad unusual on the part of the company. What usually happens is the shut-in reserves are brought back on-stream when commodity prices strengthen.
The fact it goes against current government policy also makes it a departure from the norm. One has to wonder whether the carbon footprint factoring into the equation is a thinly disguised ploy to get the government to agree to Suncor’s request, because of the government’s focus on reducing carbon emissions.
That said, it would be incorrect to think Suncor would be shutting in its marquee producing assets. Rather, the move would pertain to older wells, whose productivity has fallen but still require the same amount of steam to extract the bitumen; that’s not exactly efficient, cost-effective, or carbon friendly. Nor does it result in maximum utilization of its oil treatment facility.
There are valid economic reasons for a company to go down this route, especially in this capital-constrained world. However, the fact the carbon emissions argument could function as the deciding factor that convinces the government to go against existing policy could see more companies follow suit. However, industry and government choose to address this issue, it must be done thoughtfully and carefully because it would constitute a dramatic shift in policy direction; the last thing the industry needs is more uncertainty nor does the government want to be dealing with anything resembling unintended consequences.
Husky admits crews missed leak night of Saskatchewan oil spill, Company revises statement to government, now says leak was found 14 hours later than initially stated by CBC News, July 28, 2016
Husky Energy says it sent crews out to see if there was a problem the night before a 250,000-litre oil spill was discovered near Maidstone, Sask., but they missed the leak.
That’s part of the company’s recent clarification on what happened on July 20-21, on the west side of the province.
The spill allowed oil and chemicals to flow downstream toward North Battleford, Prince Albert and other communities, affecting water supplies and prompting local states of emergency to be declared in several areas.
In its initial incident report to the Saskatchewan government, Husky said the “pipeline release” was discovered around 8 p.m. CST Wednesday, July 20.
The company has since filed a revised incident report, saying the spill was spotted Thursday, July 21, at 10 a.m. — 14 hours later.
In an email to CBC News, a Husky spokesman said “pressure anomalies” in its pipeline system were detected the night before the leak was spotted and that prompted the company to take various measures.
“As a precaution, crews were dispatched along the gathering system and did not identify a leak,” the spokesman said.
“As a further precaution, aerial surveillance was also organized overnight to fly the length of the pipeline at the first available daytime opportunity. As our analysis continued through the night, we decided as a further precaution to start safe shutdown procedures at about 6 a.m.”
There’s no word yet, from either the company or the government, on the exact time the leak actually started.
Oil travelled 500 km
North Saskatchewan River husky oil spill
Meanwhile, at a briefing today with provincial officials, reporters were told that the oil spill has now travelled downstream about 500 kilometres.
Four communities, the largest being the city of Prince Albert, have now declared local states of emergency. [Emphasis added]
Province notified 14 hours after Husky discovered oil spill, incident report shows, Temporary piping for new water source to Prince Albert, Sask., meets delays by Francois Biber, Danny Kerslake, July 26, ,2016, CBC News
Husky Energy issued a news release on Tuesday afternoon as a clarification of the timeline surrounding the leak of 200 to 250 cubic metres of oil into the North Saskatchewan River.
Earlier in the day, the provincial government released a report on the incident that Husky had filed with the Ministry of Economy. The report said the company discovered a pipeline leak on the edge of the river last Wednesday night. That was about 14 hours before it notified the government and shut off the flow.
The incident report said that on July 20 at 8 p.m. CST a pipeline release was discovered on the south shore of the North Saskatchewan River.
However, the company now says that report was incorrect and that Husky didn’t know at the time there had definitely been a “pipeline release.”
In an email, Husky communications official Mel Duval told CBC News that the report submitted to government was incorrect.
Husky now says that “at approximately 8 p.m. the pipeline monitoring system indicated pressure anomalies as several segments of the pipeline system were being returned to service. This is common during startup operations.”
It said that as a result of those anomalies the company analyzed the data and sent a crew to look at the area, but it “did not identify a leak.” In addition, the company said that early Thursday morning it conducted an aerial surveillance of the area.
Earlier Tuesday, Al Pate, who’s heading up Husky’s response to the spill, initially told media the pipeline wasn’t shut off until Thursday morning around 10 a.m.
“The crews were on site shutting in the pipeline Thursday morning,” said Pate. That’s also when Husky notified the provincial government of the spill.
However Husky is updating that information as well. It now says, “We decided as a further precaution to start safe shutdown procedures at about 6 a.m.”
Husky knew about Sask. oil spill 14 hours before pipeline was shut down
New waterline not complete
Prince Albert Mayor Greg Dionne said yesterday the work to complete a new line to supply a clean, oil-free source of water to the city would be complete today. But the latest update from Prince Albert officials is that the waterline won’t be operational until at least Friday, owing to unforeseen circumstances on the ground.
“It’s not progressing as we expected. The total lay-down of the pipe has been done, but all the work to get the pumps into place and do the testing won’t be up tomorrow, it will be late Friday by the time we can do that,” said city manager Jim Toye.
He added that water from a detention pond in the city has been tested and is being fed into the water treatment plant. It’s expected to supply the city with four to five more days of water.
‘It has really affected our lives.’
– Prince Albert Mayor Greg Dionne
The city is under a local state of emergency as an oil slick from Thursday’s Husky Energy spill upstream on the North Saskatchewan River makes its way through Prince Albert, forcing officials to close the water-treatment plant’s intake.
That means strict water restrictions in the city will remain in place. Businesses like laundromats and car washes are shut down and anyone caught wasting water could face a $1,000 fine.
Prince Albert, Sask., declares state of emergency over oil spill
Precautionary water advisory for Melfort, Sask. region to be activated Tuesday
Dionne understands that rationing water is creating difficulties.
“Lots of our population can’t afford to go to a cabin at the lake or water-skiing, so our water slides and our pools and everything, our water complex, is their summer holidays.
“Lots of seniors have huge gardens, they rely on those gardens for a food source and now they can’t water those gardens, so it has really affected our lives.”
Once the temporary waterline from the South Saskatchewan River is connected to Prince Albert’s water plant, Dionne said, things will return to normal.
Carol Soles is outraged the city shut off its rural water distribution without notifying rural customers ahead of time. (Submitted by Richard Soles)
Rural residents furious over water shutdown
Residents living in the rural municipality of Prince Albert are shocked no notice was given before the city shut off the taps to about 1,200 customers on Sunday.
In light of the slick moving downstream, Prince Albert officials shut down the water treatment plant intake to protect its water system from any contaminants in the river.
The city shut off water to its rural customers, and some customers are furious with the decision.
“To be cut off with no notice is insane,” said Carol Soles, who lives about four kilometres outside of Prince Albert. “There’s no water to flush toilets, no water to brush your teeth, no water to shower, and no notice.”
Dionne said he understands the frustration, but that rural residents were notified.
“We started warning residents on Friday to fill your bathtubs, five-gallon pails, conserve water, that the slick is coming and Husky can’t stop it, and that we are going to have to close our intake.”
Carol Soles, Prince Albert rural customer
Soles is depending on a 379-litre holding tank in her basement to supply the water to flush toilets, wash dishes and brush her teeth. (Submitted by Richard Soles)
All the information Soles and her husband received was an email from Prince Albert Rural Water Utility at 4 p.m. CT on Sunday informing her the water to her home had been shut off earlier in the morning.
“A little bit of notice might have helped so that we could stockpile some water. But it just irritates me that we were treated like non-essential people. They put us in the same class as the car wash,” Soles said on CBC Radio’s Saskatoon Morning.
Luckily, they anticipated something like this coming so they purchased two large water jugs and a couple of cases of bottled water.
Living on a rural property, the couple also have a 379-litre holding tank they use to shower and flush toilets. But once that supply runs out, Soles isn’t sure what she’ll do, adding they may have to hire someone to haul water out to them.
Toye told reporters on Tuesday that rural customers are now being connected with a provincial agency committed to delivering about 95 litres of potable water a day to each rural home.
Stockpiling water
In the city of Prince Albert, water is flowing freely. But it’s not stopping one woman from stockpiling a supply of clean drinking water in case the city’s plans for an alternative water supply fails.
“I have containers all over my house and in my basement, in the kitchen, every pickle jar and water container is filled with water,” said Shelley Essaunce on CBC’s News Network. “Up until today, we’ve been able to use our tap water to stockpile water and that’s been fine. I’ve been filling jugs and containers and even a flower vase to stockpile as much as I can.”
Shelley Essaunce, Prince Albert rural customer
Shelley Essaunce has filled every container, pickle jar, jug and cup with tap water in case the water is turned off in Prince Albert. (Submitted by Shelley Essaunce)
With every container filled, she figures her inventory is upward of 300 litres and she expects the supply to last at least 15 days.
But others have been flocking to the stores for their water supply. Essaunce said she’s heard stories of people spending around $500 on bottled water.
“I have experience living in an area where the well went dry every year, so I have experience being really frugal with water. But I don’t think that’s the normal person’s experience,” she said.
Stock piling the bath tub with jugs of drinking water, just like Ernst has done now for years
Meanwhile, as Husky Energy concentrates on the long process of trying to clean up the North Saskatchewan River, they’ve instructed Dionne to keep track of all the city’s bills, including the money that businesses are losing because of the water rationing.
Dionne is confident Husky Energy will pay up. [Ouch. Painful lessons ahead for Dionne?]
“Husky has assured us that they will pay all our costs and all of our expenses.” [Has Husky put up a billion dollar bond yet with Buddy Brad Wall? Why not? Husky ought to have done so on day one.]
A previous version of this story stated that Soles received an email from the city. In fact, Soles received an email from the Prince Albert Rural Water Utility.
Jul 26, 2016 9:41 AM CT
A few of the comments:
Dave Lane
Beware of the dilbit traffickers. This is what they will do to your water. Brad? Are you there? Where are you Brad?
James Smith
@Dave Lane Dont bother bradley, he is with his handlers at Husky planning how best to spin this disaster.
Ron Scott
@Dave Lane Brad Wall is busy stocking up on bottled water!
John Morrison
@George Herman Ruth – Well, 1 liter of water contaminates 1,000,000 liters of fresh water….@ +50000 liters of oil….they say ….that reached receiving water…ie the river…, you can do the math…..your 1200 bbls of oil contaminates 1.2 billion bbls of water, or 50trillion liters… yes it is disastrous my friend…don’t down play the extent of the contamination involve…. Then on average, clean up crews only recoup 10% of the spill, so 90% will remain within the eco-system…..
Ron Scott
@George Herman Ruth
Why does the industry pretend to clean up oil spills?
Dale Sullivan
@Dave Lane 14 hours to notify the province. Why?
Ron Scott
@Dale Sullivan Hang tight, Husky’s spin department is working on an answer at this very moment!
John Morrison
@George Herman Ruth – The Exxon Valdez oil spill occurred in Prince William Sound, Alaska, on Good Friday, March 24, 1989, They are still cleaning up… Recouping 10% of the spill is doing well…their ecosystem will be suffering long after they can drink the water….FYI, I am a member of an oil spill response team (training was in a salt water environment), Port Tupper NS was where the training took place….30 years on the job 20+ yrs on spill response team.
John Morrison
@George Herman Ruth – Fresh water river systems are potentially worse than tidal waters, as the natural flow of the river can increase the contaminated area, due to it’s flow. I would not be surprised that 10 years from now people will be trying to figure out why they have oil/bitumen all over them….You see bunker C , #6 fuel oil…or whatever you wish to call it, has this habit of finding hidey holes. I’ve seen what less than 10 liters of heavy oil can do to a fresh water brook….50000 liters can cause alot of heart ache, not to mention the obvious ecological damage.
John Oaktree
@Dave Lane I’m starting to think we need to call the RCMP to report Brad Wall missing.
I mean, the Premier of Saskatchewan wouldn’t just sit idle while there’s an environmental disaster happening…
Ron Scott
@Dave Lane So much for ‘state of the art’ pipeline monitoring systems.
This sounds reminiscent of the Kalamazoo disaster where Enbridge continued to pump over 3 million liters into the river before someone on the ground alerted them to the spill!
Dave Lane
Now watch apologists for the oil industry post nonsense about how it’s not so bad, and well, hey, that’s the cost of doing business and how this is just doing your patriotic duty. They will call people out of water ‘complainers’ perhaps. Yeah. We know how you think. Any misinformation, deflection or denial will do to protect the cartel.
Ron Scott
@Jon Thorton The new pipelines are worse. They use substandard pipe!
Ron Martin
This appears to be a case of misplaced anger. Possibly rural Saskatchewan should begin to consider supporting parties that are more concerned with the environment.
Ron Scott
@mo bennett On the other hand politicians like Brad Wall expect Canadian taxpayers to foot the bill to clean up Saskatchewan’s abandoned oil and gas wells!
Dave Lane
I wonder how the used pipe sales business is going…… Brad? are you there? Ahh… you’re busy.
Ron Scott
@Dave Lane
We do know that TransCanada & Enbridge are fans of substandard pipe. Maybe Husky is the same?
Woody Dewar
@Ron Scott Do you mean, imported from overseas?
Ron Scott
@Woody Dewar I’m not sure, but in Enbridge’s case it was the same substandard steel being used in the US & the same crap TransCanada was using as well…
Igor Nordham
@Dave Lane Brad has re-located to a high security closet until the danger passes.
Laine Vos
To put this into perspective, now it’s being said that the drinking water quality for 5 million people will be negatively affected, possibly for months.
The trouble with tarsands crude spilling into rivers is that it sinks and probably becomes unrecoverable while still emitting toxins into the water. One only needs to do some research on the Kalamazoo River fiasco to get an idea of how serious this really is.
There should be ‘screaming headlines’ on this.
Perhaps the question could be: How long will grassroots folks be willing to put up with these pipeline spills and rail car derailments with their explosions, fires and loss of life? And, how many folks will ingest toxins and acquire illnesses like cancer from toxin exposure in the long term?
There is an unfortunate tendency to pass these things off as being minor.
Garry Cyr @Laine Vos
Lo Cheng from the department Environment and Climate Change Canada has already said that some of the bitumen has sunk to the bottom of the river, complicating the cleanup job.
Big Oil always under reports the volume of oil spills at first. They usually revise their numbers well upwards after several days.
Malcolm Alexander
Time to put a complete ban on dilbit. It is far too poisonous and much to difficult to clean up when even a spill this small gets into one of the few local sources of drinking water. It was seen as a simple low cost way to transport bitumen instead of building upgraders to produce synthetic crude. I wonder at how the population really thinks about the way accountants see it?
Husky Energy took 14 hours to report and respond to pipeline leak by The Canadian Press, July 26th 2016, National Observer
It appears Husky Energy knew something was amiss with one of its oil pipelines about 14 hours before the Saskatchewan government was notified.
An incident report says Husky discovered a pipeline leak on the south shore of the North Saskatchewan River around 8 p.m. last Wednesday.
The provincial government was notified of the spill near Maidstone around 10:30 a.m. the next day.
Husky vice-president Al Pate says pipeline monitoring detected some irregularities Wednesday evening and crews were on site the next morning.
He says there will be an investigation into why it took so long, but the focus now is on cleanup.
Communities affected by an oil spill in the North Saskatchewan River can expect precautionary drinking water measures to be in place for weeks or even months, says a Saskatchewan government official.
“It’s not going to be a short−term event,” Sam Ferris with Saskatchewan’s Water Security Agency said Monday.
“It could go on for some time.”
… Residents in the area are being urged to conserve water and not use that part of the river for recreation.
Hospitals are looking at alternative water supplies.
Ferris estimates the water supplies of close to 70,000 people have been affected so far and that the slick has travelled about 370 kilometres.
… Lo Cheng with the federal department Environment and Climate Change Canada, said it’s investigating whether Husky broke any laws.
She also confirmed that some oil sunk below the surface of the river, complicating the cleanup job.
About 70,000 litres of an oil−soil mixture have been cleaned up around the source of the leak and another 118,000 litres of oily water has been skimmed from the river, but officials don’t know how much oil has been recovered.
Five booms have been placed on the river with “varied levels of success,” said Wes Kotyk with Saskatchewan’s Environment Ministry. He added that four birds, one frog and one fish have died as a result of the spill so far.
Calgary−based Husky, which is controlled by Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka−Shing, has apologized.
“We realize this has been a very challenging time for everybody, with the spill impacting people, the environment and local businesses,” said Pate, who is overseeing the response.
“We’re deeply sorry this has happened. We accept full responsibility for the event and for the cleanup and we will make things right.”
Pate said the breached pipeline was built in 1997 and was subject to a “rigorous” corrosion monitoring program. [Like look the other way, every other year or so?]
The Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations is demanding representation at the command centre handling the spill. Chief Bobby Cameron said the Sweetgrass First Nation, Battleford Tribal Council and the Prince Albert Grand Council were preparing for the oil slick as it approached their communities.
The pipeline that leaked last Thursday runs from Husky’s heavy oil operations to its facilities in Lloydminster and carries oil mixed with a lighter hydrocarbon, called a diluent, that’s added to ease the flow.
Prince Albert’s city manager Jim Toye said its reservoirs had a two−day supply of water and the city could get permission from the province to tap its storm retention pond for treatment and distribution to add another four to five days’ worth of water.
Work was already underway to build a temporary pipeline stretching 30 kilometres to draw water from the South Saskatchewan River, should the water emergency continue for a longer period.
Prince Albert city council held a special meeting Monday and declared a local state of emergency, meaning city officials can issue $1,400 fines to businesses and residents using potable water unnecessarily.
The city also ordered there to be no outdoor irrigation, except if using reclaimed water; no washing of sidewalks, driveways, tennis courts, patios or other paved areas; and restaurants have been told to serve water only if customers request it.
“We need a deterrent,” he said. “We don’t want anyone thinking this doesn’t apply to them.”
— Editor’s Note: This article has undergone a correction. A previous version stated that Chinese billionaire Li Ka-Shing, who controls Husky Energy, apologized for the oil spill. The apology was in fact made by Husky’s vice-president, Al Pate. [Emphasis added]
Water measures in place because of Saskatchewan oil spill could last months: official by The Canadian Press, July 25, 2016, Toronto Star
PRINCE ALBERT, SASK.—Communities affected by an oil spill in the North Saskatchewan River can expect precautionary drinking water measures to be in place for weeks or even months, says a Saskatchewan government official.
“It’s not going to be a short-term event,” Sam Ferris with Saskatchewan’s Water Security Agency said Monday.
“It could go on for some time.”
… Lo Cheng with the federal department Environment and Climate Change Canada, said it’s investigating whether Husky broke any laws.
She also confirmed that some oil sunk below the surface of the river, complicating the cleanup job.
… — with files from MBC, CJWW
Where The Hell Is Husky Hiding????? email by Stewart Shields to federal and provincial authorities and politicians, July 30, 2016
The public pipeline hearing slated for August 8th, should of course be cancelled!! Why begin hearings on a pipeline containing bitumen slurry when we have the example of the Kalamazoo River spill, and we have no investigation of what transpired on the Saskatchewan disaster?? The recovery on both these bitumen slurry spills on moving water was quite impossible!! If this pipeline is to proceed it should do so without the presents of any bitumen among it’s contents!! Western Canada can very easily supply one million bbl.. of crude oil to Eastern Canada without a drop of bitumen in the mix!! The same would also be possible for a pipeline to the Pacific!! Those wanting to export bitumen would soon find a way to upgrade to a crude oil to comply with pipeline standards!! Harper made a horrid mistake in allowing his friend Gwyn Morgan’s EnCana to export raw sour bitumen slurry to American locations by pipeline!! Canadians appear to have learnt absolutely nothing from the bitumen slurry spill on the Kalamazoo river in Michigan, where clean-up has covered years and Enbridge has agreed to a fine of $177 million!!! This spill proved beyond a doubt that bitumen slurry cannot be properly cleaned-up using the same equipment deployed for oil spills!!! But where is Husky and why are we not getting a daily update on progress each morning like most energy spill operators provide to the press??
Stewart Shields
Energy East pipeline review to include ‘enhanced’ public input, NEB says, Pipeline proposed by Calgary-based TransCanada would carry 1.1M barrels of oil to Eastern Canada by CBC News, June 16, 2016
NEB director Jean-Denis Charlebois says the enhanced public input sessions in the Energy East review process will make it unlike any in Canada’s history.
The National Energy Board’s hearings into the proposed Energy East pipeline will be “innovative,” including many opportunities for the public to participate, officials said at a news conference in Calgary as they kicked of the formal process Thursday morning.
In addition to the regular hearings conducted by three members of the federal board, the review of TransCanada’s proposed 4,500-kilometre pipeline will see other board members visit communities along the route to hear directly from members of the public, the NEB announced. The first public session will be in Saint John on August 8.
“This review will not be like any other in Canadian history,” said NEB director Jean-Denis Charlebois.
The public comments and input gathered in the public sessions will be included in a report to be submitted as evidence in the formal hearing.
“The NEB is deeply committed to engaging with Canadians,” Charlebois said.
The beginning of the review process represents an important milestone after three years of scientific analysis and engagement with thousands of Canadians along the route, said TransCanada’s Energy East president John Soini in a release.
“We look forward to participating this fall in the panel sessions to be held by the NEB along the proposed pipeline route, while continuing to actively listen and respond to input,” he said.
The Energy East review will also include a separate assessment of its possible upstream greenhouse gas emissions in addition to the direct environmental impact of the pipeline, Charlebois said.
21-month review
A list of participants for the formal hearing process will be released soon, along with a schedule, Charlebois said.
The NEB has been given 21 months to carry out its review. Its final report is due no later than March 16, 2018.
The Liberals have said a decision on the pipeline application isn’t expected for at least another two years.
If approved, Energy East would carry 1.1 million barrels of crude oil per day from Alberta and Saskatchewan to refineries in Eastern Canada.
Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall will be in Montreal on Thursday to meet Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard as part of his cross-country tour to advocate for building the $15.7-billion pipeline.
The Assembly of First Nations of Quebec and Labrador formally declared its opposition to Energy East on Wednesday, adopting a resolution at a conference in Quebec City requesting that Ghislain Picard — the AFN chief for the region — lead opposition to pipeline, both inside and outside Quebec.
“I encourage Canadians to take part in the NEB’s review as this will help inform our decision on Energy East.” Minister of Natural Resources Jim Carr said in a release.
The hearing panel will also review TransCanada’s Eastern Mainline Project at the same time.
“Given the connections between the two projects, the board determined that the two applications were most effectively assessed within a single hearing,” the NEB said in a release.
[More on Husky’s toxic disaster in Saskatchewan:
- Join the Frac Club! Deregulation budget-cut style? “It’s a real nuisance. And for some it could become a real health issue. … Can’t drink, can’t shower, can’t wash your clothes.” Prince Albert declares state of emergency; constructs 30 km long drinking water pipeline as Husky’s massive toxic bitumen & diluent slick invades. Who pays for the damages? Saskatchewan averages two oil spills a day, just like Alberta!
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