How Petro Giants and Regulators Fend Off Lawsuits: The Nightmare of Alberta Landowner Ann Craft: Fracked, then Poisoned, then Legal Advice

Part 1: The Nightmare of Ann Craft: Fracked, then Poisoned, Albertan says drilling buckled her property. Then the real misery started by Andrew Nikiforuk, December 4, 2014,

Translation of Part 1: Le cauchemar d’Ann Craft: fracturée, puis empoisonnée by Amie du Richelieu, December 5, 2014

Part 2: Ann Craft’s Fracking Nightmare: A Top Lawyer’s Startling Counsel, Albertan’s son, seeking legal help, records an insider’s blunt advice on how petro giants and regulators fend off lawsuits by Andrew Nikiforuk, December 5, 2014,

Translation of Part 2: Ce qu’un avocat indiscret peut nous apprendre sur les magouilles autour de la fracturation hydraulique by Amie du Richelieu, December 6, 2014

WATCH (4:44 Min) Legal Advice by Alberta Lawyer Glenn Solomon
(He represents the ERCB – now AER – in Ernst vs ERCB)

[Refer also to:

A lawyer should avoid indiscreet conversations and other communications, even with the lawyer’s spouse or family, about a client’s affairs and should shun any gossip about such things even though the client is not named or otherwise identified. Similarly, a lawyer should not repeat any gossip or information about the client’s business or affairs that is overheard or recounted to the lawyer. Apart altogether from ethical considerations or questions of good taste, indiscreet shoptalk among lawyers, if overheard by third parties able to identify the matter being discussed, could result in prejudice to the client. Moreover, the respect of the listener for lawyers and the legal profession will probably be lessened.

Encouraging Respect for the Administration of Justice

4.06 (1) A lawyer must encourage public respect for and try to improve the
administration of justice.

Admission to and continuance in the practice of law implies, on the part of a lawyer, a basic commitment to the concept of equal justice for all within an open, ordered and impartial system. However, judicial institutions will not function effectively unless they command the respect of the public, and, because of changes in human affairs and imperfections in human institutions, constant efforts must be made to improve the administration of justice and thereby maintain public respect for it. [Emphasis added]

Above from:

2014 11 Law Society of Alberta, Code of Conduct

2014 11 The Law Society of Alberta, Serving the Public Interest

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