NL at Risk of Lawsuits Should Province Proceed with Fracking by VOCM, May 26 2015
Newfoundland and Labrador is at risk of lawsuits under NAFTA, and the looming trade agreement with CETA, should the province proceed with fracking, according to Marilyn Reid with Citizens Against CETA.
She spoke at a coalition meeting yesterday involving 14 groups fighting for balanced, democratic fracking consultations throughout the province.
Reid says noted the $250-million NAFTA damage suit being pursued as a result of Quebec’s moratorium on fracking. She says the same thing could easily happen to Newfoundland and Labrador. Though the federal government has paid for such suits in the past, she says that may not be the case in the future.
She says there are other financial considerations, including the early and high failure rate of wells. She says fracking companies constantly have to drill new wells, and take on debt loads to do so. She says the risk of bankruptcy is very high. [Emphasis added]
SMART NEWFOUNDLANDERS! Groups jointly oppose review panel and approach: Too little, not too late, say N.L. concerned citizens by Ashley Fitzpatrick, May 25, 2015, The Telegram
Disband the Newfoundland and Labrador fracking review panel and reject the idea of hydraulic fracturing, representatives of 12 environmental and social justice groups said Monday at a joint news conference in St. John’s.
Barring that end, they said, the panel’s work needs to be expanded to include public consultation sessions throughout the province.
“Just one stop would look rather silly, so they made it two stops,” said Greg Malone, who pulled no punches at the gathering in laying out his personal objections to fracking, adding he believes the appointed panel members have already made up their minds on next steps.
The five-man panel has planned for one public meeting in Corner Brook and one in Stephenville, with the option for additional teleconferencing if required.
Presentations at the meetings are being scheduled, with the panel having noted its work — as per the government-issued terms of reference — is focused on whether or not hydraulic fracturing should be permitted in western Newfoundland, as opposed to the province as a whole.
That’s not good enough, said the representatives who gathered at Memorial University of Newfoundland’s St. John’s campus to state their disapproval.
“The actions of the people of the west coast of the island are the reason we’re here today,” said Paula Graham, with Social Justice Co-op N.L., explaining the panel exists as a result of vocal opponents and public rallies on the west coast, tied to specific project proposals.
The province now has a ban on fracking onshore and near shore, while the review is ongoing.
But regardless of where work is proposed, the panel’s work will be relevant to the province as a whole, Graham said.
As one example, she suggested the topic be looked at in terms of climate change, calling approval for fracking in that sense “a slap in the face to humanity.”
The Council of Canadians’ Ken Kavanagh, meanwhile, said the province’s review pales in comparison to reviews in other jurisdictions.
“If you just look to the Wheeler Report and that process in Nova Scotia, not that it was perfect, but it was a damn lot better than this process here,” Kavanagh said. “They had a comprehensive set of terms of reference … they had an 11-member panel that had a fairly broad set of expertise and experience across the panel, they made sure that there was aboriginal representation for instance, they had provincewide consultations — I think they had 11 across the entire province. We want a process something like that and this is far from that.”
Yet fear of long-lasting environmental considerations in areas where fracking has been used was the touchstone for many of the speakers.
Penny Allderdice, with the Research Exchange Group at MUN, said more baseline environmental and health information is needed before fracking should be considered.
“There’s no data available that tells you how many people have headaches, how many people have asthma, how many people have this. And this is to the advantage of the industry because they can say, ‘Well, we had nothing to do with that. That’s just normal. That’s just natural,’” she said, calling for baseline studies.
Objections or no, the panel has until Oct. 10 to file a final report.
There is a website ( where written submissions to the review are being posted. The deadline for making a submission is June 1.
Opposing N.L. fracking review process:
Citizens against CETA
Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides and Toxic Substances
Divest MUN
East Coast Fracking Awareness Group
NL Fracking Awareness Network
Port au Port Bay Fishery Committee
Port au Port/Bay St. George Fracking Awareness Group
Research Exchange Group at MUN
Sandy Pond Alliance
Save Our Seas and Shores Coalition
Sierra Club Atlantic
Social Justice Co-op NL
Council of Canadians, St. John’s chapter
Whaleback Nordic for a Clean and Health Environment
(Source: Statement issued at joint press conference, May 25, 2015.)
Review panel stacked with pro-frackers, says Greg Malone by CBC News, May 26, 2015 COMMENTS WORTH A LOOK
Some environmental and citizen groups are now voicing concerns that none of the five panelists selected by government are women, or represent First Nations or people from the west coast of the province.
Calls for more female representation
Paula Graham, with the social action group Council of Canadians, is worried the panelists won’t look at the long-term health consequences or the ethics of fracking. She refers to such panels as “manels,” because the group is entirely comprised of men. “White, male, university educated, land-owning — that’s more or less who makes all of our public decisions and that’s just weird. Why are we only drawing from such a small percentage of our population?” she asked. [Because that small percentage can be counted on to recommend the same thing, over and over, frac panel after panel: secretly deregulate to enable a frac frenzy; publicly claim fracing can be made safe with “go slow” guinea pig approach and “regulations” or better yet with UNENFORCEABLE, VOLUNTARY, INDUSTRY-CREATED AND CONTROLLED, DUST COLLECTING (IGNORED IN THE FIELD) “Best Practices”]
Actor Greg Malone is with a coalition of environmental groups calling for the review to be scrapped unless it examines the broader implications of fracking.
“[The panel is] composed of industry people who’ve already said they support fracking, there’s no medical people on the panel, and yet the whole thing is about the health effects of fracking. There’s no medical science in here — it’s a farce,” Malone said.
The panelists have backgrounds in bio-chemistry, economics and engineering — and one holds several fracking patents. [More frac patent details below]
“We are now going to send out a pretend panel with its mind already made up to pretend to examine the very real dangers involved in hydraulic fracturing,” said Malone.
Comparisons with Nova Scotia
Maurice Dusseault, a professor at the University of Waterloo, insists the fracking review will be objective. [If the panel were objective, would Dussault need to shout it so?]
Still, compared to the panel he sat on in Nova Scotia, he concedes the review in Newfoundland is “narrower in focus.”
[Reality check:
Nova Scotia still creating frac rules (to regulate with “No Duty of Care?”) and recreating frac definition (to allow “blanket approval” like in Alberta’s Fox Creek World Record Frac Quake Pilot Project?)
Did the people of Newfoundland and Labrador set themselves up to be frac’d by asking for an “independent” review of fracing? Will they get what citizens of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Canada got: recommendations to be used as lab rats?
“Who wants to be a lab rat?” More Guinea Pig recommendations by Canadian frac “experts,” Potential Socioeconomic Effects of Unconventional Oil and Gas in Nova Scotia Communities
Divine intervention or diversion? Nova Scotia slams door shut on high volume horizontal fracing, but opens it wide for other known invasive, contaminating experiments
The Road to Hell: Nova Scotia’s “proposed law also includes an exemption that would allow fracking for testing and research purposes”
The Road to Hell Part 2: As expected, Nova Scotia Frac ban bill follows “Alberta Model,” Is badly flawed, filled with loopholes to enable fracing free-for-all
Nova Scotia Frac Patent Panel: Dr. David Wheeler learned bunches about frac’ing: Isn’t it like the blind leading the already educated?
MUST READ: Dr. Maurice Dusseault, Public Advisor on Council Canadian Academies Frac Panel, Nova Scotia Frac Panel, New Brunswick Energy Institute (that promotes fracing) Filed Frac Patent in 2011; Frac Patent Issued in 2013
Whycocomagh MUST WATCH “Trust Us” Patronizing Propaganda; Nova Scotia Frac Panel Chair Dr. David Wheeler and member Dr. Maurice Dusseault: “Ordained” Conflicts of Interest? Who’s Next? Newfoundland and Labrador!
COMMENTS TO THIS ARTICLE WELL WORTH READING: University Handling Public Fracking Review Owns Firm Training LNG Workers, Questions about conflict of interest in Nova Scotia
A Maritime university charged with conducting an independent and public review of hydraulic fracturing in Nova Scotia owns a company that trains oil and gas workers for Exxon Mobil, a key promoter of hydraulic fracturing and one of the world’s largest energy companies.
Why are Nova Scotians not demanding that frac patent holder Dr. Maurice Dusseault be removed from the frac panel, his paper where he pushes the Alberta Regulator as model be struck, and a formal apology issued to the public?
Dr. David Wheeler’s Expert Panel has inflated gas volume estimates for Nova Scotia, retired geologist Duncan Keppie says; Report on fracking ‘complete rubbish’
Nova Scotia NOFRAC coalition worried about fracking review by Dr. David Wheeler, Too much secrecy, not enough consultation, and scope too narrow
Nova Scotia: Dr. Wheeler’s Frac Patent Frac Panel’s Questionable Public Consultations
Dr. Wheeler’s Nova Scotia fracking review will done in secret, behind closed doors
Calgary’s Forent Energy in fracking ‘grey zone’ in Nova Scotia, wants regulations so the company can get investors and start fracing
Nova Scotia government commissions David Wheeler to conduct independent review of fracking, Forent Energy ‘interested’ in participating
Cape Breton University president Dr Wheeler defends his approach to frac review; claims first part is already underway, to define fracking even though industry & regulators defined it decades ago ]
A similar fracking review in Nova Scotia was chaired by panelists who were nominated by a variety of groups with a stake — from industry to First Nations.
However, in the Newfoundland and Labrador legislature on Monday, Natural Resources Minister Derrick Dalley defended his government’s approach. “As minister, I’m not going to intervene with the work of the panel, and the decision on fracking has not been made.” he said. “This government hasn’t decided we’re going to frack or not frack.” [Emphasis added]
Frac Talk by R.P. Stastny, February 17, 2015, Oilweek Canada’s Oil & Gas Authority
What it will take to change public opinion on fracking in eastern Canada
At a time when global oil producers are battling for market share, the debate over fracking in Canada’s eastern provinces has slipped from back burner to cold storage. Quebec may have just come out of a fracking moratorium, but it’s no closer to resource play development than New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, all of which are holding “No Fracking” signs.
[Refer also to:
Jack Shawn Eyles, 28, from Kelowna, dies fracking in NE BC for Calfrac (Nitrogen Pumping Division) on Progress Energy Canada Ltd. Site: “Not an explosion as we we usually think, but an explosive or sudden release of extremely high pressure”
Alberta workplace fatalities close to record numbers in 2013, led by a near doubling of fatalities caused by occupational disease
Kaiser kills Calgary Royal Oak drill and frac for oil 400 metres from homes, Residents in Calgary community celebrate after Kaiser Energy scrapped urban frac plans but worry 2,300 metres is not far enough
A proposed oil well to be fracked inside the City of Calgary puts residents and the industry on a collision course
Frac protest in Big Oil Calgary Alberta! If Big Oil Calgarians trusted Alberta regulators would they say NO to fracing for oil in their community?
How low will the con go? Questerre Energy CEO Michael Binnion pitches fracking in Quebec
Thermogenic methane contaminating Gaspé drinking water near Petrolia’s methane leaking oil well; Citizens ask municipal representatives to take back Petrolia’s Permits
Officials from Quebec to visit Alberta again for more frac lies: “Alberta is a model to follow when it comes to develop hydrocarbons”
Lone Pine Resources, a Canadian frac company in serious financial trouble with $300 million in aggregate debt sues Canada for $250 million to lift Quebec frac ban
Germany EPA Frac Report Released: Risks Associated with Fracing are Too High; “So far, no company has been able to present a sustainable waste management concept”
Alberta Government, regulators, health agency and company silent for years as groundwater contamination spreads and families poisoned
WHO TRUSTS MAURICE DUSSEAULT ET AL FRAC PANEL EXPERTS’ ALBERTA MODEL? Alberta Landowner Rights, How Big Oil Trumps Private and Public Good; “Some of us will be unlucky enough to be in the way…and will be called on to sacrifice”
Encana well blowout after fracking leaves oily mess of spewing natural gas, propane, butane, benzene and toluene, forces 2 dozen families from their homes in Karnes County, Evacuees anxious to see the damage to their homes
EnCana’s Gerard Protti will be Chair of Alberta’s AER, the new energy regulator that swallows up Alberta Environment, Alberta’s Water and the ERCB
Another frac mess! 200 Evacuated, Nearly 70 homes damaged in Marinza, Albania; Canadian firm Bankers Petroleum Ltd (has steam injection pilot project there), was at 500 metres depth when “volcanos” of gas, mud (chemicals?) and water erupted
Coming soon to an Alberta rural home near you: Double property taxes? Triple? Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP) not happy with being able to freely destroy roads and other tax payer funded infrastructure, massive deregulation, regulators looking the other way while abusing harmed citizens, now asking municipalities for more
Calmar Alberta families asked to leave homes again in effort to fix Imperial Oil’s methane leak, Ordered fix made the leak worse
Big oil, big fracing, big problems? The Hawkwoods frac’d in the Lochend in Alberta: health problems, dead cattle and earthquakes causing property damage
AER Master Deregulator promises regulation while bamboozling media and the public. UK frac quake “red light” is 0.5M, in Alberta, it’s 4.0M
Fracing’s long reach: New Study says Fracking Wells Could Pollute The Air Hundreds Of Miles Away
Air Pollution and Cancer Spikes linked in Alberta; Alberta’s Oil Legacy: Bad Air and Rare Cancers, Sickening carcinogens now saturate Industrial Heartland, study finds
British Columbia’s Ministry Health withholding data, report of scientific research on how oil and gas operations are affecting human health in northeast communities; Refusing to release even under FOIP: “could be harmful to the financial interest of a public body”
BC OGC orders closure, drainage and remediation of Talisman’s leaking toxic frac waste water pit, Talisman says tests show soil and groundwater contaminated with chemicals
MUST READ! Special Issue of Journal Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering: Facing the Challenges – Research on Shale Gas Extraction
California authorizes oilfield waste dumping into drinking water aquifers
What took so long for this to be reported? Oil companies – inclulding Encana – fracking into drinking water sources, new research shows
Governments across Canada failing to protect drinking water; Government betrays Ristigouche and 70 other Quebec municipalities that put bylaws into place to protect drinking water; Gastem attacks Ristigouche with $1.5 Million Lawsuit
Alberta Health Services Warning: Drinking water contamination in Kneehill County: Toxic Selenium and Uranium found in private water wells; Metals testing not mandatory before fracing, waste dumping and injection, not even when companies frac into drinking water aquifers
OOOPS! Fracking Study on Water Contamination Under Ethics Review, Chesapeake Energy paid undisclosed fees to lead author, study based on questionably collected samples (ensure no methane?) provided by Chesapeake
Drip Drip Drip: New study reports frac chemical 2BE (2-n-Butoxyethanol) found in Bradford County Drinking Water; Results raise questions about conventional analytical techniques
Why Did New York State Ban Fracking? Massive study finds health, safety and environmental uncertainties regarding fracking’s dangers have ‘grown worse over time’
New York State to ban fracking because of red flags to public health. Health Commissioner Howard Zucker: “Would I let my child play in a school field nearby? After looking at the plethora of reports, my answer would be no.”
“Who wants to be a lab rat?” More Guinea Pig recommendations by Canadian frac “experts,”
Nikiforuk: What’s Missing from Canada’s Academic Fracking Debate? “The Gritty Truth.” Qu’est-ce qui manque dans le débat sur la fracturation hydraulique au Canada?
Fracking Beyond the Law: Despite Industry Denials, Investigation Reveals Continued Use of Diesel in Hydraulic Fracturing
Unifor, Canada’s largest energy union, calls for Canada-wide moratorium on all new oil and gas fracking; the ignorant keep blindly pushing forward, harming families, communities, environment, infrastructure and existing businesses
BC residents worried about harm from fracking: Post Fracing “Baseline” Water-quality study underway in Hudson’s Hope to provide data on effects of fracking
Drilling and fracing cast shadow on home mortgages; underwriters concerned with the “unique risks associated with the fracing process”
“It looks like fracking has unearthed an unbargained for and serious cancer risk in peoples’ homes.” John Hopkins study links radon levels in Pennsylvania homes to fracking
More than 700 citizens attend Lethbridge City Council urban drilling panel
School board in Lethbridge ALBERTA wants stakeholder status; School district opposes proposed oil-drilling and frac’ing project in west Lethbridge
Do Albertans trust their regulators?
CHILDREN PLAYED IN THE FRAC SAND! Go Back in Time with Alberta Health: Officials Issue Advisory More than one Month after 580 Tonnes of Frac Sand Spilled in Bashaw
Karla Labrecque’s Alberta doctor refused to do a blood test until he consults with a local politician; Mike Labrecque gets sick working for Baytex, Baytex lets him go: “You’re done.”
WARNING! Synergy and blanket approval to give industry free-for all fracking in Alberta! Watch out Fox Creek and the rest of Canada, Synergy is brainwashing controlled by industry, incredibly evil and works well Oilweek synergy anyone?
Too Late: Federal Report Details Chemicals Used At Statoil Frac Site after the toxic and radiological chemicals including Cesium-137 “went up in a giant inferno” and families breathed them in
Aggressive Tactic on the Fracking Front, A Pennsylvania gas company offers residents cash to buy protection from any claims of harm
EPA Investigation report details toxic chemicals at Statoil Frac Site Explosion; Chemicals spilled into Opossum Creek – 70,000 fish killed; Ohio Regulator says safe to drink the water
Whycocomagh MUST WATCH “Trust Us” Patronizing Propaganda; Nova Scotia Frac Panel Chair Dr. David Wheeler and member Dr. Maurice Dusseault: “Ordained” Conflicts of Interest? Who’s Next?
Why are Nova Scotians not demanding that frac patent holder Dr. Maurice Dusseault be removed from the frac panel, his paper where he pushes the Alberta Regulator as model be struck, and a formal apology issued to the public?
New Brunswick: Craig Leonard defends shale gas advisory board appointment, Maurice Dusseault holds patents on fracking
Did the people of Newfoundland and Labrador set themselves up to be frac’d by asking for an “independent” review of fracing? Will they get what citizens of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Canada got: recommendations to be used as lab rats?
Nova Scotia: Dr. Wheeler’s Frac Patent Frac Panel’s Questionable Public Consultations
Why Did New York State Ban Fracking? Massive study finds health, safety and environmental uncertainties regarding fracking’s dangers have ‘grown worse over time’
Ontario Minister Natural Resources/Forestry Bill Mauro says “there are currently no applications before the Ministry requesting approval to…use high-volume hydraulic fracturing” but the Ministry hasn’t defined “high volume” so how would he know?
Chiefs of Ontario say no to fracking anywhere in the province
Fracing Rerun in New Brunswick Government. Why? Did Jason Kenny and Senior Alberta Government Advisor, frac patent holder Dr. Maurice Dusseault complain that citizens aren’t brainwashed yet like they are in Alberta?
Ontario Liberal government mumbles nothings like the Council of Canadian Academies Frac Panel, Rejects NDP private member’s bill to ban fracing in Ontario
Another Frac Panel? When will the many peer-reviewed studies and reports showing frac harm, bad economics and deadly jobs be enough? Former Chief Justice of Court of Queen’s Bench NB, Professor Engineering & President Emeritus University NB, former board chair of NB Community College appointed to study fracing
B.C. horse breeder recounts fracking sour gas leak scare caused by Encana
ANOTHER FRAC MORATORIUM IN CANADA? After months of public consultations throughout the territory and a trip to Alberta, Yukon Legislature’s Frac Committee could not come to consensus on whether fracing should be allowed!~
Yukon government pushing fracking, Documents from Energy, Mines and Resources recommend working on ‘regulatory readiness’
N.W.T. elders parliament votes for a freeze on fracking
Frack Canada Report by Council of Canadian Academies a Preview of the Frack Yukon Report?
Cumulative frac harms: Who’s looking? Canada Water Network? Synergy group extraordinaire with Alberta Government Bev Yee on the Board who helped cover-up Encana fracing Rosebud’s drinking water aquifers?
Our governments (and frac panel “experts”) addicted to ‘frack’
Nova Scotia still creating frac rules (to regulate with “No Duty of Care?”) and recreating frac definition (to allow “blanket approval” like in Alberta’s Fox Creek World Record Frac Quake Pilot Project?)
Trouble Beneath Our Feet: Leaking Energy Wells a Burning Issue; Big problem, Expensive to Fix, Impossible to Completely Stop
Federally commissioned report, California Council on Science and Technology: Fracking is at shallower depths than previously realized, “It turns out that they’re fracking right around the water table”
Nova Scotia Frac Patent Panel: Dr. David Wheeler learned bunches about frac’ing: Isn’t it like the blind leading the already educated?
Nova Scotia: Mi’kmaq unanimous in opposition to fracking
Nova Scotia regulator gives OK for seven year old frac wastewater to be trucked from Debert to Brookfield and used in Lafarge Canada’s cement plant
Nova Scotia: American Peter Hill, CEO of Triangle Petroleum, Still Hasn’t Cleaned up His Company’s Toxic Frac Waste from Years Ago, But Wants to Make More
Florida jury slams tobacco company with $23.6B in punitive damages in widow’s lawsuit; We can say no to smoking near loved ones, can’t say no to being poisoned by fracing or dishonest frac promotion by regulators, companies, CAPP, CSUR, Council Canadian Academies, AER and frac patent holder, Dr. Maurice Dusseault
The Big Lie Continues – in Parliament, Even after release of frac report by Council of Canadian Academies: Intervention concernant les risques de l’exploitation de gaz de schiste
Council of Canadian Academies Expert Frac Report: Provides more questions than answers, Science to be determined after the fracs
Fracking through the back door? Will “The Facts About Fracking, An Engineering Perspective” present facts or industry propaganda?
Un bizarre et dangereux monsieur: Dr. Maurice Dusseault, Public Advisor on Fracing, filed Fracing Patent
MUST READ: Dr. Maurice Dusseault, Public Advisor on Council Canadian Academies Frac Panel, Nova Scotia Frac Panel, New Brunswick Energy Institute (that promotes fracing) Filed Frac Patent in 2011; Frac Patent Issued in 2013
Order of Canada winner, head of NB Energy Institute and promoter of frac’ing, Louis LaPierre, lied about Ph.D and M.Sc.
Is this Canada? “Up all night with a license to kill” Miles Howe reports on the trial of Germaine ‘Junior’ Breau and Aaron Francis, Mi’kmaq Warriors
SMART CANADIANS! New group wants ban on fracking in Prince Edward Island
Why are Troy Media and Atlantic Institute for Market Studies Promoting Alberta and BC Regulator Falsehoods?
Did Harper and the oil and gas industry order RCMP/CSIS/Snipers to attack innocent mothers and grandmothers, and set aflame stripped police cars in New Brunswick to discredit all Canadians concerned about frac harms and lay a red carpet for Harper’s Bill C-51?
Debriefing Elsipogtog, The Anatomy of a Struggle by Miles Howe, May 2015
How about those “Model” Alberta Confessions?
Legal Advice by Alberta Energy Regulator’s outside counsel Glenn Solomon:
CAPP’s Alex Ferguson on contaminated flammable water after fracing (at Rosebud, Encana frac’d directly and intentionally into the community’s drinking water aquifers):