Erie Colorado to become ground zero of national movement against hydro-fracking by Gateway News Adams County’s News Source, May 29, 2012
As opposition to hydraulic fracturing (fracking) escalates nation-wide, Erie Rising, a group of concerned parents in Erie, Colorado will convene on June 2 to protest the oil and gas behemoth Encana’s plans to frack for natural gas near three local schools and a childcare center, and the state of Colorado’s inadequate protection of its residents from the dangers of fracking. Americans from coast to coast, in rural, suburban and urban communities alike are increasingly affected by, and concerned about the effects of fracking on their health and vital resources. On June 2, the event in Erie will give voice to those immediately affected by fracking there, and to all Americans marred by the process, becoming ground zero for the national movement to expose the dangers associated with fracking. … Representatives from Erie Rising will read aloud a letter they sent to Encana asking them not to frack near these institutions. Why: An increasingly controversial form of energy extraction that often uses a cocktail of toxic chemicals, fracking has been linked to asthma, neurological problems and blackouts. Areas near fracking wells have also experienced water contamination and increased airborne pollution. A recent study by the University of Colorado’s School of Public Health found that people living within half a mile of fracked wells have a 66 percent greater chance of developing cancer.
Erie Colorado to become ground zero of national movement against hydro-fracking
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