BC Environment Minister’s statement on Cobble Hill Holdings permit by Ministry of Environment, February 23, 2017
Minister of Environment Mary Polak has issued the following statement in regard to the waste discharge permit held by Cobble Hill Holdings Ltd. for its facility near Shawnigan Lake:
“Effective immediately, I am cancelling the waste discharge permit for Cobble Hill Holdings because the company has failed to meet the requirements outlined in my Jan. 27 letter.
“The company was given 15 business days to provide three required documents and submitted only two prior to the deadline given. Specifically, the company failed to provide the Province with adjusted financial security in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit.
“Cobble Hill Holdings has been provided multiple opportunities to respond to outstanding non-compliances and has repeatedly missed deadlines with respect to its permit requirements.
“Ministry staff are taking actions to ensure material on the property is managed in a way that does not present a risk to human health or the environment.
“My decision to cancel the waste discharge permit is based on information and advice from staff who are technical experts in their field.”
The minister’s letter of cancellation and reasons for decision can be found at: http://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/environment/air-land-water/site-permitting-compliance/sia
C2017 02 23; Contaminated soil site in Shawnigan Lake shut down
“Four years later, fighting my own government for clean water … we’re ecstatic. We can’t believe it.”
“You can’t put a price on clean water.”
2017 02 23: B.C. cancels Cobble Hill waste-discharge permit near Shawnigan Lake
One of the comments:
joey dog
Congrats to the people who have fought a very worthy fight. I can’t believe the BC government continued to turn a blind eye to these folks who I think showed lots of evidence that this was wrong and harmful to their community. Justice has been served. I hope the Liberal government will learn from this.
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