Blackpool rocked: how fracking triggers quakes by Ben Cubby, August 7, 2012, The Sydney Morning Herald
But the new study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, found at least 59 minor quakes in the Barnett shale region in Texas, ranging from 1.4 to 2.5 in magnitude, that had not been reported to the US National Earthquake Information Centre. … An Australian drilling engineering and seismology expert, Mark Tingay from the University of Adelaide, said the findings added to what is already known about injecting fluid underground – whether during fracking for gas or drilling to release geothermal energy. … Hydraulic fracturing did cause many minor tremors, but almost all would not be felt by humans on the surface, he said. … “It’s wrong to say we don’t cause earthquakes with oil and gas, because we know we do,”
Blackpool rocked: how fracking triggers quakes
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