Beverly Hills City Council Set to Approve Ordinance to Ban Fracking by Victoria Talbot, April 19, 2014, bhcourier
The Beverly Hills City Council will hear an ordinance to ban “fracking” Tuesday, making it unlawful to use hydraulic fracturing, acidizing or any other stimulation technique from any surface area in the City. The ordinance also prohibits these activities from any site outside the city limits that would drill and extract oil and gas underneath the City.
The practice of well stimulation treatments have created increased scrutiny over the past several years and many local jurisdictions have become increasingly vigilant.
Locally, the cities of Santa Monica, Culver City, and the City of Los Angeles have taken steps to ban the practices. In addition, State Bill SB 4 was signed by California Governor Jerry Brown to regulate fracking by requiring any oil company that wants to utilize hydraulic tracking and/0r acidulation to test and monitor groundwater, notify neighbors of tracking activities and disclose the acids used in oil extraction processes. The bill also requires the State Department of Natural Resources to conduct an independent, peer reviewed assessment of fracking. Other bills are in the pipeline to further restrict the practices. [Emphasis added]