Ben Mulroney, son of “bags of cash” Lyin’ Brian, just another genocidaire, says *on Global News Radio* Israel is not committing genocide and Canadians have no right to protest. Liar liar pants on fire like his dad and retired supreme court judge Rosalie Abella. Fuckers.

Must listen, 1:17 Min.


Has he been fired yet?

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East @CJPME:

Shameful genocide denial on Canadian radio. Amnesty, Human Rights Watch, UN experts + more conclude that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza, but @am640 host @BenMulroney compares it to flat earth theory and shouts down anyone who mentions it. Denial is complicity.


Idiot father, idiot son. Loathsome father, loathsome son.

Finch of Fury @NonsenseTracker:

Glad to see this genocide denial was already logged with @archivegenocide.
What an RWNJ @BenMulroney has become!


On @am640, owned by @globalnews, host @BenMulroney shouted down a caller who said that Canadians have a right to protest Israel’s genocide. Mulroney argued there is no right to protest and compared accusation of genocide to flat earth theory.


People in the media should be careful. They can be held accountable for inciting or denying genocide and there is no statute of limitations. Remember Radio Rawanda? But I’m sure he feels he knows more than the Lemkin Institute with his credibility as a nepo baby

Dimitri Lascaris@dimitrilascaris:

Like @PierrePoilievre, @BenMulroney is a yapping Zionist chihuahua. History will not judge these chihuahuas kindly.

Auntie_Semite @hamascomplaints:

Harper and his israeli firm are running this ship

Marcie @marciemyson:

Lmao! What a moron. Fuck Ben.


Ben is a complete fucking moron.
He has the comprehension of a gnat.

No wonder he only attracts right-wingers and the deranged to his show.


!israhell IS conducting a f ing GENOCIDE. You despicable racist, islamophobe demon. @BenMulroney.

Broken Arrow@AceVent01:

What’s his defense of his dad’s safe and the bribe $$$$$$? Unequal application of the law?


Mulroney is an idiot like his dad.

R. Marshall Smith @peacepumpkinpic:

You’re a goddam idiot and genocide denier, Ben, and you need to fuck right off because for the past 15 months I’ve watched children being shredded by US made bombs, dropped from US made fighter jets in Gaza—all at the blood-soaked hands of psychopath Netanyahu who is a wanted war criminal. Just because you’re the idiot son of Brian Mulroney doesn’t make you special. Kiss my goyim ass Zionist freak.















































Wow, what a fucking sociopath!Like father, like son.


This is absolutely unhinged. He’s literally foaming at the mouth… deranged psycho.


@BenMulroney has awful insight and he is an awful genocide apologist.


Ben is a fascist Zionist pig. How else would he react?


Nothing this Zionist c*nt and Airbus baby (look up his dad’s signature scandal) enjoys more than scores of dead Palestinians while also denying their existence.

Zionism is evil, a parasitic disease that feasts on and destroys democracy and civil rights, so Ben is on board.


Corus radio? what a bloody nerve. We don’t have a right to protest? We bloody well do. His father would be distressed to hear this horrifying nonsense.Lyin’ Brian was also a Zionist

Rojan Seth Ⓥ – @trelayne:

Incredible. What the hell is Global doing allowing this genocide defender on the air?Bags of cash?

Refer also to:

The Sword of Zionism and Canada’s Pierre Picklehead: “Yapping Zionist chihuahua,” illegal Fucker Trucker lover, idiotic liar who refuses to get security clearance, vows to slay wokism and freedom of expression copying boss Herr Harper, serving genocidal Israel.

Bibi Netanyahu and the Sword of Zionism attacking Canada’s charter in the war against our right to Freedom of Expression by charter-hating Steve Harper, his puppet Pierre Poilievre, lawyer and past AG Irwin Cotler, retired supreme court of Canada judge Rosalie Abella to serve Israel’s genocide of Palestinians and theft of Palestine, oil, gas, olive groves, water, farms and more. Cartoon of Bibi was published by La Presse in March of 2024.

Brian Mulroney: Cruel to Indigenous, cruel to women, cruel to workers, cruel to ordinary Canadians, cruel to Canada.

The Beaverton: In honour of Mulroney, national funeral to be privatized

Lyin’ Brian Bags-o-Cash Mulroney: Racist genocide-enabler divisive cruel crooked lawyer bribe-taking white man abuser of Indigenous Peoples and civil rights, sold Canadians out serving USA and the rich via NAFTA, dead at 84.

How many additional bags of cash were delivered to Brian and family from genocidal Zionists?

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