BC Tap Water Alliance No Longer a Signatory for Public Inquiry of Fracking in BC Press Release by Will Koop, November 29, 2017, BC Tap Water Alliance
When the B.C. Tap Water Alliance (BCTWA) signed on alongside others in early November 2017 for a Public Inquiry into fracking in British Columbia we were keen to be included.
After all, the BCTWA called for a frack ban in 2010 and organized the first call for a Public Inquiry in April 2011, which the BC Liberal government ignored. At that time, we understood it was necessary for government to investigate the cumulative life-cycle activities of fracking because authorities had failed to conduct inquiries on the many related public controversies. Of importance, the BCTWA has steadfastly called for a ban on fracking and continues to do so. (See attached Backgrounder)
Upon closer scrutiny of the November 2017 stated call for a Public Inquiry, the BCTWA realized two fundamental problems for supporting it:
• The objective stated is for government to regulate the fracking industry in BC, an objective which contradicts our consistent call for a ban. (How is it even possible for a government to implement regulations when numerous federal and provincial legislations have been intentionally de-regulated to enable the many negative impacts caused by fracking?) A Public Inquiry, from the lengthy time needed from start to end, will merely allow fracking to continue unabated for years.
• Since 2011, a growing and increasingly large body of scientific literature has been published that rejects the merits of fracking on numerous themes, ranging from pollution of air, soils and water harming humans, wildlife, livestock, pets and fish, to damage of geological formations, public infrastructure, well integrity, and bad economics. The professional literature speaks for itself.
“We now realize that it is too late for a BC Public Inquiry. And, as many of the signatory groups are national organizations, it is more appropriate for them to call for a national investigation. Canadians have been suffering law violations and harms caused by the brute force fracking experiments for years,” notes BCTWA Coordinator Will Koop.
“We therefore remove the BCTWA as a signatory (an email was sent requesting this), because we still do not believe that fracking, a vile and horrible practice, can ever be safely regulated. As attested to by affected citizens around the world, many of whom have been silenced by company confidentiality agreements, fracking has no legitimate place in Canada, or anywhere else!”
– 30-
(Backgrounder: 10 pages) [Includes excellent frac impact photos]
[Refer also to:
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) is leading this charge pushing for frac regulations under the guise of asking for public inquiry (surely the Centre knows the BC NDP-Green Govt & oil and gas industry will never allow a public inquiry or real review?).
Who is CCPA:
Role of the Members’ Council
The CCPA Members’ Council is made up of representatives of trade unions, social justice and other allied organizations, individuals elected by our supporters at large, plus researchers and academics appointed because of their specialized skills and knowledge. The Council’s role is to set broad strategic objectives and organizational direction. The implementation of those objectives, and the production of reports and publications, is the role of staff under the direction of the National and Provincial Office Directors. The Centre prides itself on the high quality of its research, and the ongoing integrity of this work is ensured by peer review overseen by the National and Provincial Office Directors.
The Members’ Council is ultimately responsible for ensuring that the National Executive Director maintains the required standards of quality in all publications of the Centre, directly with respect to national publications and through the Provincial Directors for provincial office publications.
The Members’ Council has a dual role–to ensure that the overall entity called the CCPA operates within the mandate, statement of purpose, principles and general level of organizational integrity established by the Centre, and then also to set policies and priorities for the National Office.
Provincial offices have governing bodies responsible for the strategic objectives and organizational direction of the Provincial offices. All the Centre’s governing bodies have a responsibility to ensure that the research integrity and social justice mission of the CCPA that gives it such strength and legitimacy is protected, while growing the Centre’s ability to influence the policy debate in Canada.
National Board of Directors (7)
The President and Vice-President/Treasurer are officers of the National Board. They and the National Board of Directors are elected by the Members’ Council.
The National Board of Directors gives direction to and oversees the National Office, through the National Executive Director, based on the mandate and strategic direction established by the Members’ Council. The Board of Directors also has general responsibility for carrying out the decisions of the Council with respect to mandate, and strategic direction throughout CCPA.
Larry Brown, President
Eve-Lyne Couturier, Vice-President/Treasurer
Jim Turk, Research Associates Chair
Chris Roberts
Nora Loreto
Julie Guard
Shelley Gordon
Council Members (25)
Pat Armstrong, York University
Larry Brown, National Union of Public and General Employees
Eve-Lyne Couturier, IRIS
Paul Elliott, Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation
George Floresco, Canadian Union of Postal Workers
Bernie Froese-Germain, Canadian Teachers’ Federation
Grace-Edward Galabuzi, Ryerson University
Meg Gingrich, United Steelworkers Union
Julie Guard, University of Manitoba, CCPA-MB
Judy Haiven, St. Mary’s University, CCPA-NS
Mark Hennessy, United Food and Commercial Workers Union
Nora Loreto, Independent Consultant
Paula Mallea, Independent Consultant
Toby Sanger/Shelley Gordon, Canadian Union of Public Employees
James McCormack, Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario
Jessica McCormick, Canadian Federation of Students
Keith Reynolds, Canadian Union of Public Employees British Columbia, CCPA-BC
Chris Roberts, Canadian Labour Congress
Rick Sawa, CCPA-SK
Priscilla Settee, University of Saskatchewan
Jim Silver, University of Winnipeg, CCPA-MB
Jim Stanford, Unifor
Steve Staples, Independent Consultant
Jim Turk, Ryerson University
Elizabeth Woods, Public Service Alliance of Canada
Research Associates, National (48)
The CCPA’s National Office works with a team of research associates who have expertise in a range of public policy areas. Our research associates make regular contributions to the Centre’s work and/or in developing our research agenda.
To arrange an interview, please contact Alyssa O’Dell, Media and Public Relations Officer, at 613-563-1341 ext 307, or send an email to alyssa[at]policyalternatives[dot]ca
Chair: Jim Turk (PhD), Executive Director, Ryerson University
Pat Armstrong (PhD), Professor, Department of Sociology, York University
Isabella Bakker (PhD), Professor, Department of Political Science, York University
Jordan Brennan (PhD), Economist, Unifor
Neil Brooks (LLB), Professor, Osgoode Hall Law School, Director of Graduate Program in Taxation
Paul Leduc Browne (D.Phil.) Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Université du Québec en Outaouais
Michael Byers (PhD), Canada Research Chair, Global Politics and International Law University of British Columbia
Duncan Cameron (PhD), Visiting Professor, Canadian Studies, Simon Fraser University
Robert Chernomas (PhD), Professor, Department of Economics, University of Manitoba
Tony Clarke (PhD), President, Polaris Institute
Mary Cornish, Cavalluzzo Shilton McIntyre Cornish
Denise Doherty-Delorme, Researcher, Professional Institute of the Public Service
Martha Friendly, Founder and Executive Director of the Childcare Resource and Research Unit
Sean Geobey, PhD candidate, Management Science, University of Waterloo
Diana Gibson (MA) President, PolicyLink Research and Consulting
Ellen Gould, Independent Researcher, International trade and Investment
Marjorie Griffin Cohen (PhD), Professor, Department of Political Science and Women’s Studies, Simon Fraser University
Jim Grieshaber-Otto (PhD), Consultant, International Trade and Investment
Ricardo Grinspun (PhD), Professor, Department of Economics, York University
Brendan Haley, PhD candidate, Carleton University, School of Public Policy
Teresa Healy (PhD), Senior Researcher, Social and Economic Policy, Canadian Labour Congress
John Jacobs, PhD candidate, Carleton University, School of Public Policy
Kari Levitt, Professor (Emeritus), Department of Economics, McGill University
Joel Lexchin (MD), Emergency Room Physician and Associate Professor, School of Health Policy and Management, York University
Nora Loreto, Independent Researcher and Editor with the Canadian Association of Labour Media
John Loxley (PhD), Professor, Department of Economics, University of Manitoba
Angella MacEwan, Senior Economist, Canadian Labour Congress
Hugh Mackenzie, Economic Policy Consultant
Greg Marchildon (PhD), Canada Research Chair in Public Policy and Economic History, Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Regina
Marita Moll, Education Consultant
Michael Rachlis (MD), Doctor of Family Medicine, Author and Health Policy Consultant
Leslie Regan Shade (PhD), Associate Professor, Department of Communications Studies, Concordia University
Satu Repo, Editor emeritus, Our Schools/Our Selves
David Robinson, Associate Director, Canadian Association of University Teachers
Heather-jane Robertson, Education Consultant
Ellen Russell (PhD), Assistant Professor of Economics, School of Journalism, Wilfred Laurier University
Toby Sanger, Senior Economist, Canadian Union of Public Employees
Arthur Schafer, Professor, Director, Centre for Professional and Applied Ethics, University of Manitoba
Mario Seccareccia (PhD), Professor, Department of Economics, University of Ottawa
Stephen Shrybman (LLB), Trade and Environmental Lawyer, Sack, Goldblatt, Mitchell
Charles C. Smith, Consultant on Equity and Human Rights, Lecturer, University of Toronto
Jim Stanford (PhD), Senior Economist, Unifor
Steven Staples, Independent Consultant
Monica Townson, Economic and Social Policy Consultant
Mel Watkins, (PhD) Professor (Emeritus), Department of Economics, University of Toronto
Stewart Webb (MA), Research Fellow, Rideau Institute
Julie White, Researcher, Unifor
Dan Wilson, Researcher, Assembly of First Nations
Peter Bleyer, Executive Director
Melanie Allison, Accounting Officer
Kerri-Anne Finn, Director of Communications (on leave)
Anskia Gingras, Development and Database Officer
Trish Hennessy, Founding Director, Growing Gap Project
Katie Loftus, Development Officer
David Macdonald, Senior Economist
Kate McInturff, Director, Making Women Count
Hadrian Mertins-Kirkwood, Researcher
Jason Moores, Development and Administrative Sevices
Alyssa O’Dell, Media and Public Relations Officer
Tim Scarth, Senior Graphic Designer
Erika Shaker, Director of Education and Outreach
Scott Sinclair, Director, Trade and Investment Research Project
Letisha Toop, Database and Administrative Services
Emily Turk, Director of Communications and Development
Stuart Trew, Editor, The Monitor
Liz Blackwood
Bill Carroll
Mary Childs
Emet Davis
Aaron Ekman
Sophie Fung
Lily Grewal
Diana Guenther
Chris Kinkaid
Larry Kuehn
Gavin McGarrigle
Geoff Mann
Ian Mass
Lobat Sandrehashemi
Miriam Sobrino
The CCPA-BC works with a network of academic, community-based and freelance researchers. Many are available to give talks or provide media commentary. For more information, or to arrange media interviews or speaking engagements, contact Jean Kavanagh, 604-801-5121 x250 or jean[at]policyalternatives[dot]ca.
Bruce Alexander, Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Psychology, SFU
Drug policy; addiction; psychological effects of globalization
Lynell Anderson, Researcher
Child care policy and financing; child and family services
Leonora C. Angeles, Associate Professor, Community and Regional Planning and Women’s and Gender Studies, UBC, Public engagement and social integration of immigrants in Canada; Filipino-Canadian social, economic, health and political issues; Canadian development assistance to Southeast Asian countries, especially the Philippines
Liz Blackwood, Researcher, CUPE
Post-secondary and K-12 education; international trade and investment agreements; FDI and extractive industries; privatization; precarious work; public services; globalization; inequality and poverty
Paul Bowles, Professor, Dept. of Economics, UNBC
International economic relations; globalization; East Asian development; Northern BC economy; currency union; casual workers; post-secondary funding
Vanessa Brcic, Family physician, UBC researcher, executive board member with Canadian Doctors for Medicare, Health inequities; health determinants in primary care; primary health care reform; public vs private health care reform
Gwen Brodsky, Lawyer; Co-Director, Poverty and Human Rights Project, Economic inequality and poverty as a human rights issue; Canada’s international human rights obligations; social program restructuring and its impact on women and other politically marginalized groups
Shauna Butterwick, Associate Professor, Dept. of Educational Studies, UBC
Women and labour market training; life skills training; adult education; feminist policy analysis; welfare policy; community-based and action-oriented research
Michael Byers, Professor, Dept. of Political Science, UBC, International politics; international law and human rights law; Canadian foreign policy; Canada-US relations; Canada’s north and climate change
John Calvert, Associate Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, SFU, Electricity policy; labour policy; Crown corporations; health policy and international trade
Duncan Cameron, Former CCPA National President; Professor of Political Science, SFU
Canadian dollar and monetary policy; fiscal policy; economic policy; Canada-US relations; IMF; G8
Maxwell Cameron, Professor, Dept. of Political Science, UBC, Canadian foreign policy; democracy and civil rights in Latin America; NAFTA
William Carroll, Professor, Dept. of Sociology, UVic, Corporate power and concentration; progressive social movements and social justice; globalization and social justice
Alan Cassels, Researcher
Prescription drug policy; BC Pharmacare; BC Reference Drug Program; pharmaceutical issues relating to media and consumers
Jonathan Chapnick, Senior Advisor, Workplace Mental Health, UBC, Workplace law and policy related to mental health and substance use issues; discrimination law (statutory human rights schemes); privacy and medical information
Rita Chudnovsky, BC Child Care Advocacy Forum
Child care policy; children and youth policy
Marcy Cohen, Researcher, Health care policy; home and long term care; P3s; privatization and contracting out; pay equity; democratic governance
Marjorie Griffin Cohen, Professor of Political Science and Women’s Studies, SFU
BC Hydro and energy policy; deregulation; trade liberalization; globalization and its impacts on minorities and women; Canadian economy and labour force; banking and financial regulation; provincial budgets
Karen Cooling, Researcher
Forestry, just transition for resource workers, labour and environmental issues
Shelagh Day, Human Rights Consultant; Co-Director, Poverty and Human Rights Project
Human rights; BC Human Rights Code; women’s equality; constitutional equality rights; women and economic policy; impact of social spending cuts on women; welfare and poverty law; international human rights
Murray Dobbin, Researcher/Writer
Globalization and WTO; transnational corporations; BC tax and spending cuts; citizenship and democracy; commercialization of education; P3s
David Fairey, Director, Trade Union Research Bureau, Economic policy; privatization and contracting out; BC labour code; employment standards; public pensions; industrial/labour relations; municipal finance
Donna Feir, Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Victoria
Long-term impacts of Aboriginal residential schools; economics of Aboriginal education; labour economics; income inequality; Aboriginal income and wage inequality
Colleen Fuller, Researcher
Health care and pharmaceutical policy; privatization; public and private health insurance; trade/globalization and health care; health industry investors
Maya Gislason, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, SFU, Social and health inequities; climate and health impacts; public and community impacts of resource development
Michael Goldberg, Researcher, Provincial and federal budgets, taxes and social programs; income security policy; child poverty; minimum wage; youth unemployment; welfare policy
Ellen Gould, Researcher, International trade agreements; WTO; General Agreement on Trade and Services (GATS); trade agreements and municipalities
David Green, Professor, Dept. of Economics, UBC, Labour market policy; minimum wage; unemployment insurance; earnings and income inequality
Jim Grieshaber-Otto, Researcher, International trade and investment; impact of NAFTA, WTO, GATS on water, public services, public education, alcohol and agriculture; TILMA
Shane Gunster, Associate Professor, School of Communication, SFU, Environmental communication, with a particular focus upon news coverage and advocacy communication about the politics of climate change and energy.
Penny Gurstein, Director and Professor, School of Community and Regional Planning, UBC, Social policy for low-income communities; Downtown Eastside housing and community development; making communities safe and inclusive for children and youth; social implications of telework
Bob Hackett, Professor, School of Communication, SFU,Media coverage analysis; media ownership and concentration
Herb Hammond, Forest ecologist and ecosystem planner, Forest land use; ecologically sustainable forestry; community economics, planning and sustainability; eco-system planning with Aboriginal communities
Kevin Harding, Director of Co-op Development, BC Cooperative Association
Cooperative economics; community economic development; co-ops and community social services; co-op housing; worker co-ops and economic democracy
Kathryn Harrison, Professor of Political Science, UBC, Environmental and climate change policy; carbon pricing/taxes; Canadian federalism; LNG and coal exports; politics of pipelines
David Hughes, Earth Scientist, Geological Survey of Canada (retired), principal of Global Sustainability Research,Energy sustainability, unconventional oil and gas, coal, renewables, climate change, geopolitical issues related to energy
Iglika Ivanova (Staff), Public Interest Researcher, CCPA-BC, Health care; education; public services; P3s; income inequality; minimum wage; child care; immigrants in the labour market
Cecilia Kalaw, Researcher
Multiculturalism; human rights; traditional schools; anti-racism
Seth Klein (Staff), Director, CCPA–BC, Provincial and federal budgets; Alternative Federal Budget; taxes; welfare policy and cuts; BC tax and spending cuts; BC economy; employment standards; poverty and inequality; living wage
Larry Kuehn, Director of Research, BC Teachers’ Federation, Education policy; technology and education; globalization, FTAA and education; performance requirements
Marc Lee (Staff), Senior Economist, CCPA–BC,BC economy; BC tax and spending cuts; federal and provincial budgets; inequality and poverty; industrial policy; globalization; trade and investment agreements; climate change and social justice; municipal housing policy
Andrew Longhurst, Research and Policy Analyst, Health Sciences Association of BC
Health care policy; privatization; labour market change and temp work; housing policy; gentrification; sub/urban homelessness, poverty and drug policy
Fiona MacPhail, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Economics, UNBC, Income inequality; EI reform and its impact on women and youth; socio-economic determinants of health; minimum wage
Geoff Mann, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Geography, SFU, Labour (and race/gender issues in labour markets); macroeconomic policy; monetary policy; natural resources; resource-dependent communities
Arlene McLaren, Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology, SFU
Educational policy (school choice); feminist policy analysis; immigration and women; mandatory retirement and women; farmworkers’ working conditions; home support workers
Kendra Milne, Senior Director of Policy, Planning & Government Relations, Canadian Mental Health Association, BC Division, Poverty law: housing, income assistance, disability benefits
Janet Newbury, Assistant Professor, School of Child and Youth Care, UVic
Child and family policy; community development; diversity and intercultural relations; human change processes; intergenerational civic engagement; qualitative research methods; social justice
Gerardo Otero, Professor of Sociology and Latin American Studies, SFU
Migrant and immigrant farmworkers’ labour rights and work conditions; neoliberal globalization and biotechnology in Latin America; NAFTA and agriculture and labour policy
Karen Palmer, Health policy researcher; Lecturer/Practicum Coordinator, Faculty of Health Sciences, SFU, Public/universal health care; comparative Canadian-US health policy; international health
John Price, Assistant Professor, Dept. of History, UVic, Comparative industrial relations; work reorganization; Asia Pacific history; changing workplace
Peter Prontzos, Faculty Emeritus, Political Science, Langara College, International relations; peace and conflict studies; globalization and trade; democratic governance and proportional representation; poverty and inequality
Jane Pulkingham, Dean, Faculty of Arts, SFU
Employment and income security policy; impacts of social and economic policy on women
Jim Quail, Lawyer
Labour and employment law; energy law and policy; BC Hydro; privacy and access to information
Blair Redlin, Researcher, Transportation policy; P3s; infrastructure; municipal affairs and policy; labour policy and employment standards; job creation strategies; trade
Keith Reynolds, Researcher
Privatization; P3s; municipal government and finance
Heather-jane Robertson, Education researcher and writer, Public education in a democracy; current policy debates in education; technology and education; education privatization; teacher autonomy; student assessment; quality of children’s lives
Robin Roff, Researcher, UBC Faculty Association, Privatization and contracting out; P3s; food and water policy; biotechnology; localization and small scale food production; global agri-business
Kathleen Ruff, Researcher, Human rights; international human rights conventions; trade in hazardous materials; food sovereignty
Patrick Smith, Professor and Director, Institute of Governance Studies, SFU
Public policy and administration; local and metropolitan governance; global cities; electoral reform; local democracy; federalism and constitutional reform
Suzanne Smythe, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, SFUEducation solutions; tracing privatization policies in education and implications for a living wage, equitable social spending and democratic governance
Marylee Stephenson, Researcher
Labour market trends; homelessness; women’s issues; eco-tourism/parks
Kendra Strauss, Assistant Professor of Labour Studies, SFU, Labour market changes; pensions; precarious work; temporary foreign workers; migration; unfree and forced labour
Mark Thompson, Professor Emeritus, Sauder School of Business, UBC
Changing roles for labour and management in public services; treatment of safety and health issues in arbitration; impact of NAFTA labour accords and the management of industrial relations; regionalism in Canadian industrial relations
Hannah Wittman, Associate Professor, Faculty of Land and Food Systems, UBC
Food sovereignty, agriculture and climate change, local food systems, agrarian citizenship
Margot Young, Associate Professor of Law, UBC, Equality rights; economic inequality and poverty as a human rights law issue; Canada’s international human rights obligations; women and the law; constitutional law; social welfare law
Habiba Zaman, Professor, Dept. of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies, SFU
Recent immigrants and employment standards; immigrant settlement; Asian immigrants to Canada and their work experience
Mike Zlotnik, Education Policy Consultant, Privatization of education; education, quality indicators and democratic values; child poverty; peace education
Leo Yu, Development and Engagement Specialist
Thi Vu, Project Manager and Academic Liaison
Terra Poirier, Visual Communication Specialist
Ben Parfitt, Resource Policy Analyst
Dianne Novlan, Member Services & Administration
Marc Lee, Senior Economist
Seth Klein, Director
Jean Kavanagh, Manager, Media and Publications
Mariwan Jaaf, Director of Operations and Finance
Iglika Ivanova, Senior Economist and Public Interest Researcher
Iglika Ivanova headshot 2015
Alex Hemingway, Public Finance Policy Analyst
Shannon Daub, Associate Director
Lindsey Bertrand, Communication Specialist
Steering Committee, Manitoba (14)
Wayne Antony is a publisher at Fernwood Publishing.
Garry Bergeron is legal council for UFCW Local 832.
Mary Chalmers is our Manitoba Teachers Society represenative on the board.
Robert Chernomas is a professor of Economics at the University of Manitoba
Mark Hudson is the Manitoba Federation of Labour representative from the University of Manitoba Faculty Association.
Brianne Goertzen, Canadian Federation of Students Manitoba
Julie Guard is the Coordinator of the Labour Studies Program at the University of Manitoba.
Wendy Land is a retired teacher and a former Executive Member of the boards of the Retired Teachers’ Association of Manitoba, the Manitoba Teachers’ Society and the Winnipeg Teachers’ Association. She remains active in the community and on community boards.
Keith Lowe is a recently retired civil servant, with policy experience in education, employment and social services, and academic and community board background in health and mental health policies.
Matt McLean is a Research Representative with the Canadian Union of Public Employees.
Paul Moist is the past President of CUPE National.
Janet Morrill, Associate Professor, University of Manitoba
Andy Regier is a Research Officer with Manitoba Government Employees’ Union.
Laura Rempel is a masters student in City Planning.
Jim Silver teaches political science at the University of Winnipeg.
Research Associates, Manitoba (25)
The Manitoba Office works with a team of research associates, listed below. To request media interviews or find out about public speakers, please contact Karen Schlichting at the CCPA-Manitoba office: 204-927-3200 or ccpamb[at]policyalternatives.ca.
David Alper
Professor, School of Social Work, Universite de St. Boniface Housing, health and social policy
Fletcher Baragar
Associate Professor, Economics, University of Manitoba, Manitoba Economy
Kirsten Bernas
Policy and Research Manager, Canadian Community Economic Development Network
Poverty, Housing
Marleny M. Bonnycastle
Assistant Professor, University of Manitoba, Northern Social Work Program
Refugee women, Homelessness, FASD, Northern Issues, Community-Based Research
Jerry Buckland
Faculty Member, International Development Studies, University of Winnipeg
Rural development
Robert Chernomas
Professor, Economics, University of Manitoba, Health Economics, Post Secondary Education
Elizabeth Comack
Professor, Sociology, University of Manitoba Gender, Social Justice
Lawrence Deane
Associate Professor, Inner City Social Work, University of Manitoba Housing
Julie Guard
Associate Professor, Labour Studies, University of Manitoba Labour
Ian Hudson
Associate Professor, Economics, University of Manitoba Provincial Budget, Taxation
Pete Hudson
Professor (retired), Social Work, University of Manitoba Health Care, Social Policy
Jessica Klassen
Manitoba Research Alliance Administrator Public Housing
Peter Kulchyski
Professor, Native Studies, University of Manitoba Community Economic Development
John Loxley
Professor, Economics, University of Manitoba Community Economic Development
Shauna MacKinnon Assistant Professor, Urban and Inner City Studies, University of Winnipeg Adult Education, Poverty Reduction
Kathy Mallett
Consultant Early Learning, Aboriginal Education, Inner-City
Susan Prentice
Professor, Sociology, University of Manitoba Family, Child Care Policy
Tim Sale
Federal Housing Policy
Zoë St. Aubin
Research Consultant Newcomer and Northern Issues
Maureen Simpkins
Associate Professor, University College of the North, Aboriginal and Northern Studies
City planning, participatory research, northern issues, homelessness, gender
Ian Skelton
Professor, City Planning, University of Manitoba City Planning
Jim Silver
Chair, Urban & Inner City Studies, University of Winnipeg Inner City, Indigenous Issues
Ray Silvius
Assistant Professor, Political Science, University of Winnipeg Political Economy
Andrew Woolford
Associate Professor, Sociology, University of Manitoba Crime, Aboriginal issues
Molly McCracken, Director
Karen Schlichting, Office Manager
Lynne Fernandez, Research Associate and Project Coordinator
Jess Klassen, Administrator, Manitoba Research Alliance
Christine Saulnier, Director
Alex Himelfarb (Chair)
Pat Armstrong, York University
Pedro Barata, United Way, Toronto and York Region
Steven Barrett, Goldblatt Partners LLP
Mike Belmore, The Society of Energy Professionals
Dave Bulmer, AMAPCEO
John Cartwright, Toronto & York Region Labour Council
Dan Crow, CUPE Ontario
Igor Delov, Provincial Building and Construction Trades Council of Ontario
Bryan Evans, Ryerson University
Lori Foote, Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation (OSSTF/FEESO)
Naureen Rizvi, Unifor
Franz Hartmann, Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA)
Victoria Hunt, Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association (OECTA)
Karen Brown Campbell, Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO/FEEO)
Laurie Kent, Koskie Minsky LLP
Laurell Ritchie, Good Jobs For All Coalition
Mark Rosenfeld, Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations
Alastair Woods, Canadian Federation of Students-Ontario
Hugh Mackenzie, Researcher / Spokesperson
Armine Yalnizyan, Senior Economist
Trish Hennessy, Director
Sheila Block, Senior Economist
Board of Directors, Saskatchewan (8)
Tracy Zambory – President – Saskatchewan Union of Nurses
Rick Sawa – Retired Educator – Prince Albert Grand Council
Cheryl Stadnichuk – Research Representative for CUPE Saskatchewan
Abe Mejia – Information Officer – Unifor
Andrew Stevens – Assistant Professor – Business Administration – University of Regina
Kim Wilson – President – COPE 397
Colleen Bell – Assistant Professor – Political Studies – University of Saskatchewan
Charles Smith – Associate Professor – Political Science – St. Thomas More College, University of Saskatchewan
Research Associates, Saskatchewan (18)
The Saskatchewan Office works with a team of research associates. To find out more about becoming a research associate and publishing with CCPA-SK, read our short booklet.
To request media interviews or find out about public speakers, please contact:
Simon Enoch, Director Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Saskatchewan Office
Telephone: 306-924-3372 | Email:[email protected]
Brian Banks Retired Educator, Former CCPA Saskatchewan Director, Research Interests: Income inequality, Poverty, Environmental sustainability.
David Campanella Research Analyst, University of Toronto Faculty Association, Research Interests: Political Economy, Privatization.
Jason Demers, PhD (University of Toronto) Researcher, Research Interests: Prison policy; Race and incarceration; Incarceration and human rights; Prison privatization; Prison writing; Cultural representations of incarceration; Literature and social justice.
Taylor Bendig Research Officer, Saskatchewan Government and General Employees’ Union (SGEU)
Research Interests: Privatization, Contracting out, Privacy and freedom of information
Mark Bigland-Pritchard, PhD (University of Sheffield) Independent energy consultant/researcher, architectural physicist. Research Interests: Energy and climate policy, Nuclear policy, Environmental assessment
Emily Eaton, PhD (University of Toronto) Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Regina, Research Interests: Resource development policy and impacts, Saskatchewan’s oil industry, Farmers and ranchers living amid oil, Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration, Carbon Capture at Boundary Dam, the corporate power of the carbon extractive industries in SK
Paul Gingrich Professor Emeritus, Sociology and Social Studies, University of Regina, Research Interests: Income inequality, Poverty, Post-secondary education, Immigration and integration
Joyce Green, PhD (University of Alberta) Professor, Political Science, University of Regina, Research Interests: Canadian politics, Electoral reform, Colonialism and decolonization matters in Canada
Cathy Holtslander,Director of Research and Policy, National Farmers Union, Research Interests: Agricultural policy, with expertise in seed issues, Trade agreements, GMOs, Organic agriculture, Supply management, Climate change, Biodiversity, Agroecology.
Clare Polster, PhD (York University) Associate Professor, Sociology and Social StudiesUniversity of Regina. Research Interests: Higher education policy, University corporatization, The privatization of public knowledge; Strategies to revitalize public serving universities.
Rick Sawa, PhD (University of Saskatchewan)
Retired Educator, Research Interests: Education, Trade, Water.
Priscilla Settee, PhD (University of Manitoba), Associate Professor, Department of Indigenous Studies, Women and Gender Studies Program, Research Interests: Indigenous Foods, Food Sovereignty, Indigenous Women’s Rights, Impact of Globalization on Indigenous Peoples, Protection of Biodiversity, Indigenous Knowledge Systems, Social Economies in Indigenous Communities
Charles Smith, PhD (York University), Associate Professor, Political Science, St. Thomas More College, University of Saskatchewan, Research Interests: Organized Labour and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Law, Politics and Collective Bargaining in Canada, Canadian Provincial Politics
Marc Spooner, PhD (University of Ottawa), Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Regina, Research Interests: Standardized testing and assessment, Post-secondary education and audit culture, Poverty and homelessness.
Cheryl Stadnichuk, Research Officer, CUPE Saskatchewan, Research Interests: Public health, Privatization, Public-Private Partnerships (P3).
Andrew Stevens, PhD (Queen’s University), Assistant Professor, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Regina, Research Interests: Sociology of work, Labour studies, and Industrial relations
Michelle Stewart, PhD (University of California, Davis), Associate Professor, Justice Studies, University of Regina, Research Interests: Political and legal anthropology, Contemporary policing practices, Medical anthropology, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
Staff, Saskatchewan (1)
Simon Enoch, Director
Is the CCPA’s fracking synergy push because of its union (jobs) influence? Drive for donations? Oil patch funded and controlled academia?
To quash the voices of non First Nations harmed by frac’ing in Canada?
All of the above?
ERCB name changed to AER with public interest removed from the regulator’s mandate after Ernst lawsuit went public
Slides from Ernst presentations