B.C. gas-well health study called into question by CBC News, November 8, 2012
An environmental group says they are concerned a company hired by the B.C. government to study oil and gas health risks in the Peace Region may be biased because of its previous work for the industry. The group, the Peace Environment and Safety Trustees Society, says Calgary-based Intrinsik Environmental Sciences Inc. has previous involvement with the oil and gas industry. Society spokesman Tim Ewert said Intrinsik was hired by EnCana Corporation after a sour gas leak in 2009 and spoke with residents about how sour gas was affecting their health. “We felt during their presentation that they down-played the dangers of [sour gas] extremely well,” Ewert said. Ewert worries the study will downplay residents’ concerns once again.
Intrinsik spokesman Bart Koppe insists that won’t happen. You know, our work is strictly dictated by science and our interpretation of science cannot and never be influenced by our client,” Koppe said. Koppe said an advisory panel made up of health professionals, industry and government will ensure that the study is balanced. [Emphasis added]
LISTEN: Government, company say no conflict in gas-well study by Day Break North, November 8 2012, CBC News
The Peace Environment and Safety Trustees Society environmental group says they are concerned a company hired by the B.C. government to study oil and gas health risks in the Peace Region may be biased because of its previous work for the industry. But both the government and the company say the report will be based solely on science.
[Refer also to:
Source: Last Slide 2005 Presentation to PTAC by EnCana entitled Recycling Frac Fluid Pilot Investigation into Water Based Frac Fluid Use in Driling Fluids Associated with Shallow Gas Wells on the Suffield Block [removed off the Internet]
Source: Cover & Slide 5 from A Screening-Level Assessment Tool for Classifying Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids, A presentation to the PTAC 2012 Spring Water Forum by Donald B. Davies, Ph.D., DABT, Intrinsik Environmental Sciences Inc., May 28, 2012 [ALSO removed off the Internet]
September 21-22, 2011 Calgary Convention Centre: Examining strategies for reducing water usage in Canadian shale gas production & cost-effective water transportation & storage options
Examining The Health & Environmental Issues Of Shale Gas Development: A Toxicologist’s Perspective
• Understanding the issues surrounding shale gas development from
a toxicologist’s perspective, with specific reference to the potential
health and environmental impacts
• Considering the challenges with assessing these impacts
specifically looking at the need to obtain information respecting the
composition of the drilling and frac’ing fluids
• Highlights of a recent initiative launched by Encana, aimed at identifying, understanding and managing the potential health and environmental risks presented by these fluids will be shared by Steven Skarstol Lead – Environment Stewardship, Encana and Dr. Donald Davies, SVP, Intrinsik Environmental Science Inc. [Emphasis added]
An exploratory study of air quality near natural gas operations by Theo Colborn, K. Schultz, L. Herrick and C. Kwiatkowski peer-reviewed and accepted for publication by Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, November 9, 2012. Health Effects References
This exploratory study was designed to assess air quality in a rural western Colorado area where residences and gas wells co-exist. Sampling was conducted before, during, and after drilling and hydraulic fracturing of a new natural gas well pad. Weekly air sampling for 1 year revealed that the number of non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) and their concentrations were highest during the initial drilling phase and did not increase during hydraulic fracturing in this closed-loop system. Methylene chloride, a toxic solvent not reported in products used in drilling or hydraulic fracturing, was detected 73% of the time; several times in high concentrations. A literature search of the health effects of the NMHCs revealed that many had multiple health effects, including 30 that affect the endocrine system, which is susceptible to chemical impacts at very low concentrations, far less than government safety standards. Selected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were at concentrations greater than those at which prenatally exposed children in urban studies had lower developmental and IQ scores. The human and environmental health impacts of the NMHCs, which are ozone precursors, should be examined further given that the natural gas industry is now operating in close proximity to human residences and public lands. [Emphasis added]
Impacts of Gas Drilling on Human and Animal Health (Bamberger, Oswald) New Solutions, 2012
The findings illustrate which aspects of the drilling process may lead to health problems and suggest modifications that would lessen but not eliminate impacts. Complete evidence regarding health impacts of gas drilling cannot be obtained due to incomplete testing and disclosure of chemicals, and nondisclosure agreements. Without rigorous scientific studies, the gas drilling boom sweeping the world will remain an uncontrolled health experiment on an enormous scale. [Emphasis added]
New research links health problems with oil and natural gas development
Fracking Poisoning Families at Alarming Rate: Report
Doctors fight “gag orders” over fracking chemicals
Fracking Moratorium Urged By U.S. Doctors Until Health Studies Conducted
Silently gassing North Americans for profit
Warning over social downsides of fracking
Natural Gas Operations from a Public Health Perspective by Theo Colborn, Carol Kwiatkowski, Kim Schultz, and Mary Bachran, accepted for publication in the International Journal of Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, September 4, 2010.
For many years, drillers have insisted that they do not use toxic chemicals to drill for gas, only guar gum, mud, and sand. While much attention is being given to chemicals used during fracking, our findings indicate that drilling chemicals can be equally, if not more dangerous.
Failure Investigation Report: Failure of Piping at EnCana Swan Wellsite A5-7-77-14 L W6M by the BC Oil and Gas Commission, February 4, 2010.
The 22 November 2009 failure…was caused by internal erosion of the wall resulting from flowing fracture sand suspended in the gas stream. Leak detection and emergency isolation at the site did not achieve timely detection of the leak or control of the escaping gas. EnCana’s integrity management program did not effectively mitigate the hazard of internal erosion.
EnCana Corporation facing criminal charges
$250000 in community safety projects following Encana deadly sour gas leak
Identifying Health Concerns relating to oil & gas development in northeastern BC, human health risk assessment – phase 1 compendium of submissions, A report of the Fraser Basin Council to the BC Ministry of Health Submitted March 30, 2012