April 28, 2017, Vancouver Public Library, 7 – 9 pm: The Health Effects of LNG and Fracking, Event Organized by Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment BC

The Health Effects of LNG and Fracking Event organized by Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment BC on April 28, 2017, eventbrite

Fracking may have very significant effects on our health, from air and water pollution to climate change. Jurisdictions across the world are banning or putting a moratorium on fracking for health reasons, and we want to share evidence with the public that pursuing an LNG agenda opens up BC to harm by fracking. We need the citizens, as well as the current and future governments of BC to understand the potential health consequences for fracking.


Judi Krzyzanowski, environmental scientist, has studied health effects of people in north-eastern BC who live in proximity to oil and gas industries

Caleb Behn, lawyer by training and Dene environmental activist, star of the documentary film, “Fractured Land”, will discuss how LNG effects people in the north

Dr Courtney Howard, a Canadian emergency room physician and climate change leader will give an overview of the latest research on health risks and LNG

Dr. Warren Bell, founder of CAPE and long time environmental activist will moderate

In September, CAPE published an open letter urging the government to do full health and environmental assessments for these projects, which was endorsed by approximately 180 health professionals and the Public Health Association of BC [1].

Many British Columbians have heard of fracking but are unaware that the majority of methane gas for LNG comes from this practice. Similarly many people have heard about the potential dangers of fracking, but do not know what the known consequences are. CAPE would like to share the potential consequences of fracking with the citizens of BC and make this issue part of the dialog before the future direction of BC’s health is decided on May 9th.

Fracking projects in BC directly affect northern populations, particularly First Nations Peoples. Caleb Behn, a First Nations campaigner and former attorney, and head of Keepers of the Water, an indigenous organisation dedicated to protecting the Arctic Ocean Basin from dam development will be sharing his experiences: “People are getting sick, developing long-latency illnesses that won’t fully manifest for twenty, maybe thirty years. In a way that’s more terrifying: if someone drops dead today that gets investigated. But if, in a population of 20,000 people, 400 develop a rare form of cancer that doesn’t show up for twenty years – that’s much harder to trace.” [Emphasis added]

CAPE’s statement on fracking can be found at https://cape.ca/capes-position-statement-on-fracking/

[1] http://www.nationalobserver.com/2016/09/18/opinion/doctors-urge-feds-assess-health-impact-pacific-northwest-lng-project


Fri, April 28, 2017

7:00 PM – 9:00 PM PDT

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