Swann to discuss dangers or urban drilling Monday by Caroline Zentner, January 25, 2014, Lethbridge Herald
Dr. David Swann, Liberal MLA for Calgary-Mountain View, will be in Lethbridge Monday evening to talk about the dangers of urban drilling at a public event.
The proposed drilling of three exploratory wells in west Lethbridge is being opposed by the City of Lethbridge, two school boards and thousands of residents. Their concerns include the possibility of hydrogen sulfide emissions, the possibility that future residential and commercial development will be limited by the presence of oil wells, the transportation of dangerous goods and declining property values. Swann will talk about some of these issues, including the dangers of hydrogen sulfide, a gas found in oil and natural gas.
What are the dangers associated with drilling for oil and gas, particularly in urban settings and around schools? Presentation by Dr. David Swann in Lethbridge, January 27, 2014, Greensence.ca
Report on Alberta doctors and oilpatch raises concerns among opposition critics by The Canadian Press, January 20, 2014, Lethbridge Herald
Opposition politicians are raising concerns over a report for Alberta’s energy regulator that suggests doctors are reluctant to draw links between health problems and the province’s energy industry. The report says that even though most health professionals believe petrochemical emissions affect health, doctors are unwilling to point to specific cases. It says that’s because research on the links is lacking and because those in the health-care system fear consequences of speaking out against Alberta’s most important industry. New Democrat critic Rachel Notley says the provincial government has avoided the kind of research that could settle questions about the long-term effects of petrochemical emissions. Liberal member of the legislature David Swann says he experienced consequences himself when he lost his job as a public health doctor for speaking up about climate change when Ralph Klein was premier.
Opposition politicians are raising concerns over a report for Alberta’s energy regulator that suggests doctors are reluctant to draw links between health problems and the province’s energy industry. The report says that even though most health professionals believe petrochemical emissions affect health, doctors are unwilling to point to specific cases. It says that’s because research on the links is lacking and because those in the health-care system fear consequences of speaking out against Alberta’s most important industry. New Democrat critic Rachel Notley says the provincial government has avoided the kind of research that could settle questions about the long-term effects of petrochemical emissions. Liberal member of the legislature David Swann says he experienced consequences himself when he lost his job as a public health doctor for speaking up about climate change when Ralph Klein was premier.
[Refer also to:
Pennsylvania Supreme Court Says It’s Unconstitutional For Gas Companies To Frack Wherever They Want
“By any responsible account,” Chief Justice Castille wrote, “the exploitation of the Marcellus Shale Formation will produce a detrimental effect on the environment, on the people, their children, and the future generations, and potentially on the public purse, perhaps rivaling the environmental effects of coal extraction.”
Groundwater testing remains a concern in Alberta, protects industry more than it does groundwater
Lawsuit filed by Rick Bilozer accuses Imperial Oil of contaminating family’s farm between Devon and Calmar Alberta Environment sent letters to the company in 2005, 2006 and 2009 directing it to reclaim the damage land under a provision of the Environment Protection and Enhancement Act, but it has not occurred. Environment officials say they will not intervene as long as Imperial is making attempts to resolve the situation. [Emphasis added]
Hydraulic fracturing letter by Robert Griebel, Alberta MD: Reckless pollution of our environment [numerous health study links cross-referenced in this post]
Front Page: Leitrim County Coucillors, Republic of Ireland, vote to ban fracking
Alberta to complete review on urban oil drilling, Planned well in Calgary suburb sparks controversy
$250000 in community safety projects following Encana deadly sour gas leak