America’s first public act of Resistance to Adolf Orange and the Nazis. Steve Blair: “Trump’s furious because as a Bishop, Budde can move as far as she wants diagonally, but as a Russian pawn he can only move one square at a time.” Best alt text ever: “A bunch of fascists stand behind a woman who has just quoted scripture and, calling for mercy, as Christ did. They are angry, confused, and despicable because they are all weak little piss babies.”

In my view, republicans are spoiled, abusive, gun worshipping, bigoted, cowardly, ignorant persons, intent on being cruel to others, notably those not male, white, heterosexual and addicted to sex over-producing more of their cruel kind.

Imagine a deacon, publicly saying empathy is a sin,

Imagine a politician calling for deporation of a bishop calling for human decency.

Humans are fast on the way out; too stupid to survive our greed and pollution. Unforgivably, we are taking many other species with us, and destroying this planet’s marvelous ability to sustain life.

“We used to cancel ppl giving Nazi salutes. Now we cancel ppl condemning Nazi salutes.”

Because we’ve been in WW3 for years, but most humans are too lazy, stupid, and selfish to realize it, just like in WW2.

Joel Sati @realesttheorist:

The sin of empathy?!

Ben Garrett @tompawnbadil (Christian husband and father. Deacon at Refuge Church in Ogden, UT):

Do not commit the sin of empathy.

This snake is God’s enemy and yours too. She hates God and His people. You need to properly hate in response.

She is not merely deceived but is a deceiver. Your eye shall not pity.

I can’t help but wonder if cruel anti-empathy deacon Ben rapes kids. Just another vile piece of Trump shit. FFS, evangelical christians are terrifying.

Karl Bode:

I really enjoyed watching somebody force the sociobath to sit there and listen to somebody telling him to simply be kind.

such a terrible fucking person and such a befuddled, ignorant, and boadly propagandized electorate.

Brains full of lead, mercury, other metals, glyphosate, PFAS chemicals, frac chemicals, plastics and hatred fed to them via Nazi Musk, Zuckerberg and the rest of the greedy tech bros and their orange idiot. In Canada too.

I really really enjoyed watching somebody force the sociopath to sit there and listen to somebody telling him to simply be kindsuch a terrible fucking person and such a befuddled, ignorant, and broadly propagandized electorate

Karl Bode ( 2025-01-22T15:17:39.565Z

@Anne Lamott:

This was the first public act of the Resistance.


Wow. Bisho Mariann Edgar Budde fearlessly calls out Trump and Vance to their faces. This is heroic. And stunningly intelligent and well spoken, not at all like most American religious leaders feeding hate and pablum to their cult members.

A bunch of fascists stand behind a woman who has just quoted scripture and, calling for mercy, as Christ did. They are angry, confused, and despicable because they are all weak little piss babies. The caption reads "Trump's furious because as a Bishop, Budde can move as far as she wants diagnoally, but as a Russian pawn he can only move one square at a time." The awards for this caption are not present, but clearly implied.
Alt: A bunch of fascists stand behind a woman who has just quoted scripture and, calling for mercy, as Christ did. They are angry, confused, and despicable because they are all weak little piss babies.

The caption reads “Trump’s furious because as a Bishop, Budde can move as far as she wants diagonally, but as a Russian pawn he can only move one square at a time.” The awards for this caption are not present, but clearly implied.

Susana Meza‬ ‪‬:

That alt text is flawless.

‪‬ ‪‬:

If someone suggesting you have mercy offends you, then you’re the bad guy.

‪Brad Williams‬ ‪‬

Wow. He really does have small hands.

‪Diana‬ ‪‬:

She’s playing chess, and he hasn’t even figured out tic tac toe yet.

‪Jane Roe Has Hope – Pro-choice Adoptee‬ ‪‬:

The alt-text

‪Joe Bacon‬ ‪‬:

And don’t forget gang that a pawn can be promoted to any piece except…a King!

‪Debra M‬ ‪‬:

Maybe not with Russian pawns—I think they can only fall outta windows.

‪‬ ‪‬:

Yes! I’ve seen several memes about this referencing a bishop and a king, but calling him out as a pawn is spot on!


Oh gods I laughed so loud at that one. How dare you!

‪Karell Man‬ ‪‬:

I hope he see this. He wont get it.

‪Ontological Sock ‪‬:

I snortled my coffee up my nose.

‪Joel Levi‬ ‪‬:

Glad you are here. I’m phasing off meta.Excellent. Everyone ought to have left and banned meta/Facebook/Instagram years ago and now the Nazi program, Twitter/X.

‪nooc‬ ‪‬:

Pure gold

‪‪‪Barbara‬ ‪‬:


‪‪PeaceSeeker‬ ‪‬:

And pawns are for sacrificing.

‪‬ ‪‬:


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