2012 12: The trucks above were dumping Encana’s drilling waste in the same field within the same week two months after Encana lawyers refused (in a case management call) to drive to Drumheller court – so Chief Justice Wittmann moved the case to Calgary. Rigs, waste and water trucks can drive in rural Alberta but not lawyers in cars?
2012 12: Photos of Encana’s waste dumped (called land spreading to make it sound palatable), facing east, towards Rosebud:
Facing the 05-14 gas well where Encana injected 18 million litres of frac fluid into Rosebud’s drinking water aquifers in 2004. Encana still hasn’t disclosed the chemicals injected into the community’s drinking water supply, not even in document exchange for the ernst vs encana lawsuit (court ordered deadline for Encana was Dec 19, 2014):
2011 10: Encana drilling waste dumped in the same field at Rosebud the previous year:
The waste strips in photo below face towards where Encana illegally fractured Rosebud’s drinking water aquifers in 2004 and injected 18 million litres of frac fluid under high pressure directly into them. Encana’s data on the six Rosebud drinking water zones frac’d is filed on Alberta’s water well database.
The waste dumped in 2011 came from this 02-13 Encana well drilled under Ernst’s already dangerously contaminated property (waste hauling/dumping trucks are to the left; water hauling to the right). “World Class” Alberta Energy Regulator granted Encana’s licence in one day:
Ernst’s methane & ethane & mystery chemical contaminated water well is in this barn.