Wyoming official’s remarks prove baseline testing is needed by Richard Garrett, June 8, 2012, WyoFile
It’s not common to read stories that describe a breach of the public trust by Wyoming’s public servants. This week, however, was different — with news from Vancouver that Tom Doll, the supervisor of the Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, in a speech to an interstate group of regulators, accused people in the Pavillion area of being driven by “greed” as they have voiced concerns about groundwater pollution that, EPA scientists say, is the likely result of gas drilling. Like all state officials, Mr. Doll should honor the state constitution, which says that private property shall not be taken or damaged for public or private use without justification, and also says that the state must guard water equally for the benefit of all. … We believe the practice of testing water before oil and gas development takes place makes sense because it would protect residents and oil and gas companies alike. It would also arm citizens, regulators, and oil and gas companies with the information necessary to determine if water contamination existed prior to any drilling.
Wyoming official’s remarks prove baseline testing is needed
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