WV-DEP Issues Consent Order: M3-Gathering Fined $38K For Five (5) Drilling Mud Incidents by Duane Nichols, February 8, 2013, frackcheckwv
The WV Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) and M3 Appalachian have proposed a settlement of Administrative Consent Order No. 7746 which resolves violation(s) of the WV Water Pollution Control Act which occurred in Harrison, Marion and Monongalia County, WV. In accordance with the proposed Consent Order, 7746 has agreed to pay administrative penalties and to comply with the Act. Final settlement is subject to comments received during the thirty (30) day period ending March 10, 2013. … Jim Roberts, Momentum vice president, said everything was corrected before a November meeting at the WV-DEP’s Charleston office. Everything is now stabilized and they are monitoring it to make sure everything is back to normal. Roberts said that in some instances, a contractor’s failure to follow procedures led to the incident. Momentum doesn’t like it when these accidents happen….
[Refer also to: Youngstown residents react with rage to dumped frack waste, Criminal probe under way
Ohio revokes permits of two firms tied to illegal Youngstown dumping ]