Why is Alberta’s oilpatch referee so reviled? by Darcy Henton, July 28, 2007, The Edmonton Journal
“The people of this province are getting steamrolled by the energy industry and they don’t have anyone to stand up for them.” … Environmentalist Martha Kostuch says that while the EUB has had successes, it doesn’t represent the public interest. “One of its failures is it’s supposed to look after the public interest but only people who have a private interest have any rights before the EUB,” she said. … Severson-Baker says there’s a leadership vacuum in the oilpatch because the elected government won’t address issues like cumulative impacts of projects and the board claims that is not its responsibility. … Shaun Fluker, a University of Calgary associate law professor, says the board may deny it has the mandate to look into cumulative effects of development, but Alberta’s Court of Appeal has never ruled on it. He says it’s time it did. … “There are good people on the EUB … but there are others who couldn’t give a damn. It’s sad to have to tell you this. They are supposed to be independent, but they’re absolutely not.” … Ted Gladysz of the Independent Oil and Gas Association of Canada says there should be a public inquiry into the “unethical abuse of power” by the board. “There’s so much abuse of power there. They don’t give in to anybody. They just push everybody around. It’s absolutely wrong.” … “They have too much power. They’re just walking around with a big stick and if they don’t like you, they beat on you.” [Emphasis added]