What Lies Beneath: An Investigation into Hydraulic Fracturing: Alberta landowners fracking fumes damages to health 4:56 Min. by Jessica Stone, October 11, 2013, CCTV America
CCTV Insight presents What Lies Beneath (21 clips), a week long series where we investigate the Natural Gas revolution in the United States spearheaded by a highly controversial technology known as “Hydraulic Fracturing.”
Dr. Gary Tressider, landowner Cochrane Alberta (center)
Nielle Hawkwood, Alberta rancher: “I started losing hair. This is a wig that I wear, where ever I go.”
Howard Hawkwood, Alberta rancher, lost 10% of his cows last year: “The autopsy report came out from these cows. Their electrolytes are all out of balance. The veterinarians didn’t know how to treat it or how to deal with it.”
Dan Thomas, oil industry engineer with 30 years global experience, landowner at Cochrane Alberta: “I’m just deeply ashamed with how the Alberta industry actually operates in this case.”
David Brown, American Toxicologist: “It’s probably not a good idea to go around drinking these things that nobody’s looked for.”
Alberta Health Services: “…the existing available data for this area has not identified elevated exposures.”
CCTV: The study did not attempt to link the symptoms to the chemicals the energy companies use in the process.
[Refer also to:
Impacts of Gas Drilling on Human and Animal Health
Fracking’s Toll on Pets, Livestock Chills Farmers
Special report: Livestock falling ill in fracking regions, raising concerns about food
Risk and Responsibility: Farming, Food and Unconventional Gas Drilling
Researchers: Gas industry secrecy obstructs public health
Slide above by Larysa Dyrszka MD, September 2013
Above 2012 Email from Alberta Health Services to Jessica Ernst, in response to her questions and concerns about peer-reviewed studies in the US indicating significant negative health impacts from oil and gas drilling and hydraulic fracturing.