Water concerns a long, hard struggle, says family by Diana Daunheimer, February 25, 2014, Mountain View Gazette
It is truly stunning the gravity of how powerless a landowner is in the face of water contamination from the oil and gas industry in our province.

[Refer also to:
Front Page: Politely spurn fracking, mom Diana Dauheimer urges Yukoners
Canadian Diana Daunheimer awaits February 7 Statement of Defence on fracking nightmare by Angle Energy recently purchased by Bellatrix
Health scare over backyard fracking in Canada; Locals sue fracking companies in Alberta
Hydraulic Fracking Challenged
Oil and Gas Industry Synergy Group “SPOG” says fracking protests not expected to hit Mountain View County, but in reality, many have protested and suffered serious frac impacts
Alberta family, the Daunheimers near Didsbury, suing Angle Energy for $13 million for causing harm to health, property, financial status, personal safety and water ]