Water Buffalo Battle Comes to an End by Jon Meyer, December 16, 2013,
FRANKLIN FORKS — A battle between a natural gas drilling company and homeowners over water buffalos has come to an end in Susquehanna County.
WPX Energy now says two homes in Franklin Forks can keep the water tanks. They were first delivered by the company after accusations that WPX contaminated water wells two years ago. DEP cleared WPX of any wrongdoing but the homeowners still say the fight isn’t over. A big bow and a merry Christmas sign now hang on the unit that holds all the water for the Manning home in Franklin Forks. The Mannings said it was a gift after hearing WPX Energy’s decision to leave the water buffalos there. WPX first installed equipment two years ago after three families accused the company’s nearby fracking for contaminating their water. WPX vented their water wells and supplied drinking water. WPX and the state DEP launched an investigation that determined the company was not to blame for the water problems. Manning feared WPX was coming this week to retrieve the water buffalo, just before Christmas, leaving them with no water. … The company said it tried to help the families and worked out this deal with their lawyers. There have been recent calls for the DEP to reopen the contamination investigation, but the DEP told Newswatch 16 that isn’t happening. [Emphasis added]
Water Buffalo Battle Comes to an end for two homes in Franklin Forks, Pa, with methane contaminated water after fracturing by WPX Energy
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