USGS: No Fracking Fluid Found in Arkansas Water Wells by Claims Journal, October 14, 2011
The U.S. Geological Survey says no fracking fluid has been found in domestic water wells in the Fayetteville Shale area of Van Buren County, Arkansas. The fluid is a byproduct of hydraulic fracturing – or fracking. It’s a process of injecting fluid into the ground to break apart the shale in order to extract natural gas. U.S.G.S. assistant director Jaysson Funkhouser told the Log Cabin Democrat that about 70 wells were tested. Funkhouser said testing of wells in Faulkner County will start later this month. The U.S.G.S. says some of the water samples were also tested for methane gas and none was found. [Emphasis added]
USGS: No Fracking Fluid Found in Arkansas Water Wells
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