The U.S./Canada Flathead Energy/Water Dispute by Allan Ingelson, Lincoln Mitchell and Sean Assie, May 20, 2009, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
- The Flathead River flows from B.C. into Montana
- Proposed coal and coalbed methane development along the Flathead River in B.C.
- Downstream – wilderness areas and Glacier National Park, Montana
- “The last uninhabited major watershed in Canada with unsurpassed water quality..the ESA listed bull trout is doing better in the Flathead than anywhere else in the region…crucial spawning grounds”
- First B.C. CBM production in 2009 Canadian CBM production from “dry coals”
- Significant uncertainty and risk to fisheries
- … No one knows what the long term impacts will be
- What are Canada’s legal obligations to the downstream state?
- Under emerging international environmental law Canada is obligated to avoid degradation of the river from coal mining and CBM operations
- “A State owes at all times a duty to protect other States against injurious acts by individuals from within its jurisdiction.” Responsibility of States in International Law, 1928, p.80
- 2. Which EIA process should be used to evaluate the mineral development impacts?
- 3. In Canada how do the federal and provincial EIA regimes interact?
- … In light of the uncertain transboundary impacts from coal mining and CBM development and a national park downstream– cumulative impacts need to be considered carefully [Emphasis added]
[Refer also to: Money secured to protect B.C. wilderness area and B.C. gets $10 million windfall to protect Flathead River Valley ]