The Future of Fracking: The “Recovery Factor” by Keith Schaefer, April 5, 2011, Oil and Gas Investments
Most wells only recover 5%-20% of the Original Oil in Place (OOIP). “We don’t believe the sledgehammer approach to fracturing is the way of the future,” says Themig.
The size of individual fracking operations has increased 10 times in the last decade, as the industry has grown and learned how to more effectively apply the technology.
“The number of fracks are now far more than we ever thought it was going to be. In 2001 we thought 5-6 fracks be enough to frack a well. Then the industry moved to 12-15 per well now to over 30. Some customers want 40-60 fracks – consider how long it would take to do 60 fracks that are 4 hours each. The future looks like 60-100 stages in a lot of wells, depending on geologic needs.” [Emphasis added]
The Future of Fracking: The “Recovery Factor”
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