Texas Judge Steps Aside in Gas Case He Used in Campaign by Mark Drajem, June 07, 2012, Bloomberg News
A Texas judge agreed to step aside in a gas-drilling case involving Range Resources Corp. (RRC) (RRC) after a landowner suing the company complained the judge showed bias in the matter in his campaign materials. Judge Trey Loftin sent fliers to voters saying he forced the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to back down and cited news stories and comments by radio host Rush Limbaugh on the case between Range Resources and landowner Steven Lipsky. Lipsky says Range’s drilling resulted in contamination of his water well with methane and benzene. … Loftin lost the May 29 Republican primary for the 43rd District Court in Parker County to keep his state judgeship. He remains on the bench until January. The campaign mailers “reveal a personal bias or prejudice against the Lipskys,” according to a May 31 filing by Lipsky’s lawyers.