Study: Fracking Could Be Killing Farm Animals, Pets

Study: Fracking Could Be Killing Farm Animals, Pets by Sandy Smith, March 12, 2012, EHSToday
A new study suggests that dozens of cases of illness and death among farm animals such as horses and cows, fish and pets such as dogs and cats could have resulted from exposure to hydrofracking. Often, the owners of the animals also were exposed to the chemicals used in the hydrofracking process, and often experienced health effects. The study, Impacts of Gas Drilling on Human and Animal Health, is available as a preview of the upcoming issue of New Solutions: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy…. “Communities living near hydrocarbon gas drilling operations have become de facto laboratories for the study of environmental toxicology,” wrote Oswald and Bamberger. “The close proximity of these operations to small communities has created a variety of potential hazards to humans, companion animals, livestock and wildlife.”

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