Canada’s social murderer, liar extraordinaire, and experimenter on kids (without parental consent or even notifying parents), Dr. Bonnie Henry, admits – years too late for many – SARSCoV2 is airborne in 296 page report released Dec. 2024. Did you see it in any media? I did not.

Lars Bars@BradLars24 Dec 24, 2024:

What disgusting, lying POS! The damage she inflicted on everyone and especially kids is unimaginable & impossible to calculate! #bcpoli Thanks @bcndp for not firing her when she spewed her first of many Covid lies!

2021 cartoon of BC’s Dr. Bonnie Henry with Grim Repear saying to her, “You frighten me.”

2022 cartoon with Dr. Bonnie Henry celebrating with NDP gov’t for their social murdering success via COVID to keep the rich getting richer while many innocent citizens get/got Long COVID or die(d), and how many left with permanently damaged hearts, brains, etc.?


wanderlust@Notatmypicnic Dec 23, 2024:

I FOI’d this report which had not been posted and was part of her job contract. They asked for an extension. Interesting that it’s now been published

wanderlust@Notatmypicnic Dec 24:

They gave me budget reports and I clarified to say that was not what I was looking for, I was specifically looking for her report in the health of the population which as of December 5 was not on the website for previous years as well which seem to have been lumped into one.

And they responded that I would be receiving a letter which to my knowledge never came.

Societal Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic: PHOs Annual Report (2024) signed by Dr. Bonnie Henry, released Dec 2024

Copied from Page 2:

COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Dr. Lyne Filiatrault@DrFiliatrault Dec 23, 2024:

Talk about releasing this quietly.

The Yeti of Kananaskis @kananaskinyeti Dec 24, 2024:

“I know Covid is bad for kids, but we have to destroy their health to demonstrate our fealty to our capitalist overlords. The future of my children is a small price to pay to keep the rich happy and believing everything is normal. We don’t want the elites to be upset right?”

Outbreak Updates @outbreakupdates Dec 23, 2024:


36 wild birds across multiple species, including snow geese, bald eagles, and great blue herons, confirmed dead from H5N1.

Our health authorities and Putin/Trump’s Fucker Truckers hate it when we protect ourselves and the vulnerable in our communities by masking with quality N95s (which can be reused often) because the rich make more money if the masses believe the lies that the pandemic is over (it’s not) and go party, eat out, shop, shop, shop, etc. maskless. N95 masks also protect us against other coronaviruses, flu, etc. if we use them correctly.

I love wearing masks! I have not been sick since I started wearing an N95 indoors in public. I walk outdoors with one in my pocket in case I meet people or wildlife (to protect them and me).

I keep masks at the door, in case someone drops by. If they do, I grab my mask, offer the visitor one, and chat outside. I do not invite them in – no vampires coming into my home!

Or, if a mask is not handy when outside, I stand up wind to chat. If you can smell people, they are close enough to give you COVID. Trouble is though, many people that had COVID no longer have any sense of smell (or taste) because of the brain damage done by the virus.

One thing I find really annoying about humans is that when I walk back a few steps to create a safe space, most humans walk closer and crowd me. I’ve hated this behaviour since the rapes when I was a kid. Putting a hand up, sometimes stops the behaviour.

Washington State Department of Agriculture @WSDAgov Dec 24, 2024:

Pet Food Recall Alert
Morasch Meats recalls Northwest Naturals 2lb Feline Turkey Recipe Raw & Frozen due to H5N1 bird flu contamination linked to an indoor cat’s death in Oregon. Products with use by dates 05/21/26 B10 & 06/23/26 B1 distributed nationwide.

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