Nigel Bankes@NdbYyc1305:
Valuable report but not this statement. “During severe shortages, the government negotiates water sharing agreements with senior licence holders to ensure equitable reductions in usage.” [5]
Not true.
The GoA does NOT negotiate these agmts and these agmts are NOT enforceable.
Tim Goos@goos_tim:
Seems the AG would not make this up …. The GoA must have told them this in interviews I think.
It doesn’t matter what the govt says or does about water or the extreme shortage of it. AER controls it and industry controls AER, so industry controls Alberta’s water, above and below ground. This graph from AER’s 2023-2024 Annual Report is hideous and terrifying:

3225 Temporary water diversion licences granted to corporations (most foreign owned)
313 Water Act term licences issued (likely permanent until the water is gone)
When We Have No Water 1:00:33 Min by The Gravity Well, Aug 3, 2024
What happens if we run out of water? A fascinating discussion with an expert in this field. J. Bruce Smedley, featured in Episode 18 with Shannon Stunden Bower or NiCHE Canada, has 50 years of international experience in public and private industry, government, and banking environmental projects. His wealth of knowledge is a welcome experience we have the honour of sharing with you. Sit back, listen, learn, and enjoy!

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